This graphic in today's
Kleine Zeitung (Kärnten edition, page 5) shows the time period until a government was formed (average 59 days):
Haider was driven drunken (1.8‰). And now it seems to start similar to Lady Di's accident .... e.g. speculations that Mossad had been involved.
On Saturday, it's speculated in the media, the veterans of the "Waffen-SS-Kameradschaft IV" will form a line of honour and the Neo-Nazi crowd from all over Europe might gather ...
@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:
Haider was driven drunken (1.8‰).
Quote:“I only had him. Now I am all alone. I would spend nights with him and his family and that was important for me because I often was afraid to be alone in the dark,” he added.
Seriously. You can't make this **** up if you tried. (The guy, Stefan Petzner, aged 27, has been dismissed as party leader now.)
Far-right Austrian leader sacked for revealing gay affair with Jörg Haider