Quote: 2- Agree, but there ARE certain classes of people who should not have guns,
so there should be a method in place to disallow the mentally ill, the violent felon
(who will get guns anyway) etc. to ability to buy guns.
Most respectfully, I must disagree (for the most part).
I woud not put a loaded revolver into the hands of an excited chimpanzee.
Similarly, I 'd not put that gun into the hands of a frenzied psychotic,
but what of someone who has lived his life
peacefully, but believes that he is the reincarnation of Napoleon ?
I can t find it in my heart to tell him:
" since u have strange beliefs, u must just take your chances
of getting mugged and killed on your way to the corner
to get a container of milk." I think that offends decency.
Qua "violent felons": how about a woman who has been released
from prison after she successfully defended herself from a brutally
abusive husband or boyfriend, resulting in homicide ?
Is it morally right or decent that
SHE shoud have to roll the dice
on her personal safety coming home from work, or while sleeping
in her bed when burglars break in ? I don 't think it is.
3- Like the idea of banishment, but where would we put them?????
America owns islands in the Aleutian Chain
that r closer to Japan than to America.
Please note that I do
not necessarily recommend
distant prisons,
but rather that we have distant dropping off places,
that after which incorrigibly violent recidivists have been dropped off,
thay are charged to do whatever thay choose to
that thay will be responsible for their own well being,
but that the death penalty applies to sneaking back into America.