That was an interesting article that Haidt wrote, and I noticed he touched on freedom.
What he didn't mention? I can find freedom from Christians and a church, but not from an overbearing government.
I can decide to not attend a church, and keep all of my income and not give any of it away to a church.
Not so the government.
They can restrict my freedom and take my money in ways no other organization can.
Both political parties, unfortunately, tend to do so these days. The dems just to it more. The dems might be on the right side of the abortion and gay marriage issue, but guns? Taxes? School choice? Affirmative Action? Illegal immigration? Small business? Dems will continue to grow an already out of control federal government. Just look at what they've done to California.
When has the left not redistributed income? I do believe the government should support a strong military/national defense; when has the left not cut the military when they have been in power in order to fund social programs?
I don't necessarily vote repub, but I will vote for the candidates - at any level - who come closest to sharing my beliefs.