Tue 16 Sep, 2008 06:27 pm
Find a two-syllable word whose letters can rearrange to make a one-syllable word.
4th grade? Seriously? I'm usually pretty good at this kind of thing but this was tough.
The only thing I've come up with is SADDER = DREADS.
That's a good one, Rockhead!
Another good one!
I was just browsing djjd's unnecessary knowledge thread and came across:
Desserts = stressed
eat DATES and you will be SATED
get MATED and you will be TAMED
but i've got to get out of the past tense. that's cheating...
but I can't relate STEER to RESET, short of a tawdry reference to castration...
bleats, ablest
but I suppose ablest might be 3 syllables, depending on accent -- like "fork" has two parts in The Foreigner...
how about, she who is DONEST is she who is most STONED?
****, dude, I'm done.
no, ****, man, i'm doner. kabob?
sounds good. whoa, i'm donest.
4th grade, you said?