shrooms i didnt do, but lsd i did

Reply Thu 11 Sep, 2008 09:09 pm
@Shaunnas Dad,
a guy who is constantly complaining about the quality of his life??? The choices we make impact the quality of our life. This is coming from a guy who did more than his share of drugs...
Reply Thu 11 Sep, 2008 09:22 pm
what is your point, hack...
Reply Thu 11 Sep, 2008 09:30 pm
read it again if you want to know....bring a dictionary if need be
Reply Thu 11 Sep, 2008 09:40 pm
lol shewolf didnt do anything, i encouraged myself.

not like im gonna do this **** every day, or even every week, not even every month.

now alcohol, thats what u should be saying omg og dont do that!!!!!!!!!
Reply Fri 12 Sep, 2008 05:50 am
Now I know why you support O-boy.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 12 Sep, 2008 06:14 am
@Shaunnas Dad,
Shaunnas Dad wrote:

seriously, you're encouraging this guy to do acid?

Sorry . I dont have an issue with drugs or people taking drugs.
Moderation. ( Didnt I just use that word in another discussion?)
Have your fun in life, and if for someone else that means they want to try a drug?

There are people , like me for example, who have really addictive 'personalities' and shouldnt be doing drugs on a regular basis. But that is for ME to decide, for ME to learn , and a choice I MAKE.
Not you. Not the law. Not anyone else.

And if you really think that your 'words' will make someone stop taking drugs you are delusional. Because if 'words' and laws really stopped people from doing drugs, we would not have a need or a market for them in this society.
getting high every now and then is no big deal except to people who imagine they have control over others and want to push their personal will on everyone else . Those people are called sheeple.. and they are dangerous.
Reply Fri 12 Sep, 2008 06:25 am
well said

i only did acid a few times, and always had good trips

i found shrooms to be a better high, more control
Reply Fri 12 Sep, 2008 06:41 am
me too.

Though in high school, when I was 'extreme' ( Like all people are at that age) acid was the best.
As i got older and learned to just 'enjoy' myself, the more mellow.. the better.

Granted, I have not done anything in 10 years.. maybe more..

but the memories....ohhhhhhhh the memories Smile
0 Replies
Reply Fri 12 Sep, 2008 07:12 am
Recreational drugs are chemical compounds that have more affinity for the neurotransmitter receptors than the neurotransmitters do themselves.

That's why your brain likes it.

Unfortunately, some of the neurotransmitters don't let go.

And the quality of illicit drugs is always uncertain.

Wikipedia on LSD wrote:
There are some cases of LSD inducing a psychosis in people who appeared to be healthy prior to taking LSD. This issue was reviewed extensively in a 1984 publication by Rick Strassman.[63] In most cases, the psychosis-like reaction is of short duration, but in other cases it may be chronic. It is difficult to determine if LSD itself induces these reactions or if it triggers latent conditions that would have manifested themselves otherwise. The similarities of time course and outcomes between putatively LSD-precipitated and other psychoses suggests that the two types of syndromes are not different and that LSD may have been a nonspecific trigger. Several studies have tried to estimate the prevalence of LSD-induced prolonged psychosis arriving at numbers of around 4 in 1,000 individuals

So, good luck with that.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 12 Sep, 2008 08:13 am
Hello Ogionik. I don' think we've met. Hello again.
Is this the right time, and place, in your life to be moderately using substances? Are your employment, transportation, and educational goals met at this time?
There is nothing wrong with being a free spirit. Somebody who follows their own rules. ..Make wise choices. There has to be something to, the majority of posts advising you to think twice.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 12 Sep, 2008 08:28 am
OGIONIK wrote:

lol shewolf didnt do anything, i encouraged myself.

not like im gonna do this **** every day, or even every week, not even every month.

now alcohol, thats what u should be saying omg og dont do that!!!!!!!!!

If you happen to be near a computer next time you trip, log on here and talk to Ramafuchs. Now that would be a trip.
The Pentacle Queen
Reply Mon 22 Dec, 2008 06:55 pm
Yeah. Sorry to ruin this parade, O- the probability is that you'll have a great time and everything will be fine.
I've been meaning to make a separate post about this but never got round to it-
It is really possible to go absolutely ******* skits on drugs. I'd been taking drugs, and quite a lot of drugs for about a year before the first instance where I went nuts (it's happened twice). I'd say my happiness level is normally about 7/10, on E it's a 10/10, obviously, on a comedown possibly 0/10, but the time I'm talking about I literally felt -50/10. That may be a weird way of putting it, but the whole thing is so weird I can never explain it to anyone and have them even know in the slightest what I'm talking about. I've made up my mind to talk to a drugs councellor in the new year to try and get some clearance on the whole ordeal.
I know so many people who have only taken drugs really responsibly and had a brilliant time, and I know people can assess the dangers, but drugs can really really really take you into completely different worlds. The first time what happened to me happened it only lasted an hour and a half but it felt like days, and I will leave it a while to try and explain what I was feeling because it's so hard to describe, but what I was doing would give some indication of how bad it was. At the worst point I was gripping my kitchen table, crying, disjointedly pleading with my flatmates to kill me (it was hard to talk or make logical sentences)- terrified that I would never get better, grappling with myself to not run across the kitchen get a knife and stab myself just in case there was a possibility I would get better. There was a whole load of other guff too. Obviously terrifying for me, but also the people who had to deal with me.
It's happened twice, the second time being better knowing that I would return to normal and just having to stick it out.
Anyway, it's taken me ages to get over, am probably still not completely over it. I'm going to go and see a councellor so as to just see if there was any specific term or explanation to what happened. There probably isn't, but it may help me just get over it a bit.
Reply Tue 23 Dec, 2008 11:42 am
@The Pentacle Queen,
oh wow pentacle, i was at that point sober, literally.

thanks for the perspective on the subject tho, might i ask what drug(s) you were doing?

the worst "attack" ive ever had was on weed.i actually like coming down of cocaine, dont ask me why.i havent ever had a "bad" trip though..

Reply Tue 23 Dec, 2008 11:48 am
your right tho, i prolly wont ever feel that way, because as u said u did drugs for a year about?

i did coke for maybe 1 month and a half, every other hard drugs i tried once, except for a few i havent tried at all..

i think the experience u had is what i was trying to avoid.

to be quite honest..
The Pentacle Queen
Reply Tue 23 Dec, 2008 07:27 pm
Yeah... this one was also weed related. It was ******* stupid the first time it happened- I took half a gram of mdma, three pills which possibly contained ketamine (it would make sense from my side effects) and then quite a large amount of weed. The second time it happened it was only mdma and weed.
Reply Tue 23 Dec, 2008 08:12 pm
Hey OG and PQ.... to be honest I know absolutely diddly squat about drugs.

I have a 16yr old boy. Og... you know of him from my threads. He's a good kid who has his difficulties - as do many kids. A few weeks ago he was given drugs - I don't know what kind... neither does he.... they were laced in vodka. He did some terrible things that nite. He was unrecognisable. His violence was horrendous. His face was not that of my child. He crossed a very big boundary and did things to me ending up in a police cell. I healed. More importantly - he coulda ended up dead and had to be monitored every 10 minutes - he was so out of it - he has no recollection of what happened at all.

Four nites ago his best friend (15) was given a joint..... I dunno the other words for it.... it was soaked in amphetamines - his heart started racing... he was VERY ill and ended up in hospital. Two.... regular kids... two kids experimenting - peer pressure - wanting to do what the others think is cool, being told it will make them feel better, good, no worries......- mine did not even know at the time he had been given it - his friend smoked a "simple" joint.... he ended up in hospital.

The only reason I'm saying this hunni's.... I am very naive - I know that - I certainly would NEVER judge your lives (had enough of that myself) - just.... you're both young, you have so much to live for.... please be very very careful in what you are doing. I can't dissuade you no more than you could dissuade me for doing things other may "judge" I do...... but you're good people - we can all see that here on A2K..... I'm not your mom, I'm not even anyone with experience with what I am talking about.... a complete outisder here.....but I saw in the space of a few weeks my own child be arrested for doing something so bad to me and something that could have landed him in jail, if not 6ft under.... when, in his right mind, he would not have done that. Direct result of drugs. Good or bad drugs... who knows... I don't care.... they were not good for either of these kids.

Each to their own - I WHOLLY agree with that..... I won't judge - seeing it happen to those I love.... that's a scary dark place to be in, for them, and me.

Not lecturing you - have no right to do that whatsoever. You two are good young kids.... believe that, and in yourselves. Please don't think I am judging you. I don't post like this often... it opens me up to hurt... but from what you are discussing.... please do take care. We care about you. xx
Reply Tue 23 Dec, 2008 08:17 pm
Bad trips happen all the time.

It's russian roulette, and the odds get worse when you are getting free stuff.

please think twice, when deciding how far you wish to go...
0 Replies
Reply Tue 23 Dec, 2008 08:18 pm
Four nites ago his best friend (15) was given a joint..... I dunno the other words for it.... it was soaked in amphetamines - his heart started racing... he was VERY ill and ended up in hospital. Two.... regular kids... two kids experimenting - peer pressure - wanting to do what the others think is cool, being told it will make them feel better, good, no worries......- mine did not even know at the time he had been given it - his friend smoked a "simple" joint.... he ended up in hospital.

I don't get these kids today......it was always drilled into my head that one must know what you are taking and the supply chain as best you can. adulterated drugs have always been a problem. Yet now we see the dumping of prescription drugs into a bowl and playing Russian roulette with them, and taking bad stuff from people who are claimed to be friends? This is disturbing.
Reply Tue 23 Dec, 2008 09:06 pm
I don't know of the russian roulette scenario...you may be correct. I feel like I'm talking a foregin language about drugs.

There is a great deal of pressure on young adolescents - from many backgrounds. They perhaps should know better... perhaps... for some, this wish to escape their lives, perhaps for some they are beyond the imagineable and "it couldn't happen" to them. As parents - or carers - you cannot choose their friends, and certainly cannot choose those who pretend to act as friends and are in fact "trying to draw the kids in". Many kids are vulnerable - many do not know better, many will do it once and never again... many will do it and continue to do so.... that is there choice. I cannot drill "anything " into my child's head - I can talk with him, I can try and help his learn from his actions and take responsibility for his actions. I cannot STOP him from making his choices. He's 5ft 11 and close to twice my weight, he does not live with me, but more importantly - most importantly - he, nor his friend, nor OG or PQ aren't bad-ass kid who needs judging - he will need guidance, now, and the rest of his life.

NO parent, IMO, can prevent their children from doing these things, not unless you lock up them in a cotton wool padded cell. Having sex, crossing the road without looking, not cleaning their teeth before bedtime...... Education - in a positively reinforced way - they need to get the same message from adults, they choose to listen to the advice of the far more expereienced and worldly wise peer who of course know better than any adult - in their opinion.

All you can do is try to guide them in a way that they make safe choices.

Judgement..... I won't get into judgement with you Hawkeye - or anyone else. Circumstances are different to every individual. Personal responsibility is just that - they own it.... actions,consequences. We hope they learn and learn well, the right way to make their life a safer place to live in.

I'm just talking to OG and PQ who post here and who I have grown to care about. My choice. Will back out now.

Shouldn't be posting anyhoooooooo... too late... not a great time to be thinking.

Just so OG and PQ know.... you are two lovely people, you question, you have good brains..... use them wisely. You have a lot to offer the world. xx
Reply Tue 23 Dec, 2008 09:12 pm
Nite muffin.

hugs to Devon.

would like to hear from the onion...

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