A group chat sounds nice; it seems people are only really there when the site has been redirected to chat during maintenance. I'd gladly chat with you all; let me know when and where and I'll join in.
Last time I was there was during a site outage, and you have to admit it was kind of weird. Three or four names lurking around waiting to downvote anyone who signed in, and nobody talking. Why would anyone want to be there?
There's a chat at http://able2know.org/chat that works fine (though it's a beta). It might be difficult to organize something like that unless they add a list of chatters online. I'm hoping for an IRC; they might eventually change something but there are a few people who use the beta chat.
Bloody hell, I refreshed the page on the off chance that was the issue and now my stupid joke is posted twice.
0 Replies
Wed 17 Nov, 2010 08:15 pm
Ho hum!
0 Replies
Wed 17 Nov, 2010 10:34 pm
That's odd, for me the chat log clears every time I enter it. I don't know whether or not they're working on an improved chat yet but the beta's only been up for a few weeks.