Mon 15 Sep, 2003 10:41 am
Let's take an example of a philosophical perspective--
...In the Wiccan cosmology, Justice [the good person doing good getting a good outcome; and the person causing disruption of Good being disrupted] isn't Fair enough--it's not Fair enough for women.
...Life is not Fair enough for children, for animal life, insect life, plant life, nor Fair enough for the planet Herself. It's too harsh, right?
...Wiccans traditionally wanted to cut "a better deal" for the weak. And they do this by "wishing." The word "witch" and "wish" are synonymous.
...Wiccans make wonderful negotiators, mediators, facilitators and arbitrators because they identify with their subjects. However, they deny and repudiate the Justice and Wisdom of God, Yahweh. They want MORE than His Justice would obtain for them [without influence].
...So, they intrude; they meddle; they gossip; they manipulate.
...THAT is the original intention of "burning witches," because they compromise Justice, to get "one up."
...Society no longer burns witches. There is no point.
...Behavioral manipulation is the sum and total of the system that prevails--in media, in HR, in employment, in jurisprudence, in marketing.
..."Justice" isn't worth the cost of the ink on a piece of paper.
..."Equality" has been USED as an excuse to rob Peter to pay Paul UNTIL people are no longer willing to give their utmost--and in some cases--to try anything at all.
...Every "Just" and "Good" enterprise fails, due to all the "wishes" for handouts, taxes, fees, penalties and doles. There's no way to establish an honest business that doesn't hemorrage from demands upon it.
...Yet, the indolent and handicapped are supported while the capable and industrious are plundered. THAT is the natural outcome of "wishing" instead of promoting and performing good works, exclusively.
...Now, can you see why "wishing" was viewed as a cosmic "problem"?
...Let me take this a little further.
...Dubya IS a witch. Despite the Truth--that wages, income, trade, employment and all other signs of well-being are DOWN; despite EVERY indication that Peace and Reason should prevail--Dubya is pursuing his own advantage.
...That strategy--inescapably--is the role of an Evil Witch--Zero Sum Game against the interests of Good.
...It doesn't matter what he labels himself as. As a "Christian," he is following the model of the apostle Paul: 1 Tm 2:1-3
QUOTE--Beloved: First of all, I ask that supplications, prayers, petitions, and thanksgivings be offered for everyone, for kings and for all in authority, that we may lead a quiet and tranquil life in all devotion and dignity. This is good and pleasing to God our savior, who wills everyone to be saved and to come to knowledge of the truth.--UNQUOTE
...Conventional "Christians" would just keep praying for Satan--the god of this "world" --regardless of the outcome.
...Yet--when RAW POWER is what is at work--raw power and money and satanic influences--shouldn't we RATHER pray that people--ordinary people--are awakened to the Truth by the Holy Spirit?
....Then, things might make a little more headway in the direction of "reforming what has gone bad"; or, at least, "recognizing Evil when we see it."
... Back to my first example, of Wiccans--
... Wiccans, by contrast, see that the Truth is being bent to serve someone's personal interests, and you don't hear from them as a point-of-view; they have largely submerged themselves and disappeared into the woodwork rather than be identified with Evil.
... Wiccans know Evil when they see it. And they differentiate themselves from those who would cause Harm. Such differentiation, in and of itself, is very good. It means, Wiccans serve Good.
...Now, will they also serve the Truth also by helping to expose it; or, will they stay submerged and anonymous? We shall see.
... How many Americans will come forward and stand for the Truth or hide behind the skirts of doctrine and/or religious practice as Christians
do by following the apostle Paul and going along with Evil, rather than following the role-model of Jesus, and throwing the money-changers out of the temple?
Answers to your five questions:
1) no
2) yes
3) yes
4) the latter
5) thirteen
Insufficient referents, to make further comment.
Sheesh...everyone knows that Bush and his entire family are part of the Illuminati, and the New World Order conspiracy, NOT Wiccans.
Illuminati vs. Wicca?
...different branches of the same ideological tree--informed by "mysteries" and practiced in influence.
Wiccans have a philosophic belief system that puts mother nature first, their ;'sisterhood' second, and man third. I do not believe Wiccan philosophy will resolve the problems with religion.
It's just more of the same. No offense, I commend your perspective. I just don't support religion. Now, Truth I can go for.
Wiccans Must Face the Judgment
Fortunately or unfortunately, "being nice" isn't the criterion by which humanity is judged worthy of "living on as a new creation".
An animalistic outlook--nature first, tribe second and humanity third--receives back NO resurrection--that is to say--memories are not "saved-to-disk."
Every life is a new life, beginning from scratch; and there is no way to build personal wisdom from life-to-life.
As it says in our Scriptures, the only way to get past mortality is to use one's human life to stand for principles of Truth, Reason, Law, Accountability, Justice and Fairness--which is what the Covenants of Yahweh are all about.
My experience with Wicca and Wiccans is, they're too busy hiding and being anonymous to get into the fray; to join the fight; to confront the aggressors against Life and Community.
Wiccans are passive because they are hiding from issues; Christians are passive because they follow the apostle Paul's manners rather than the Christ's role-model of confronting Evil.
And Passivity is killing this nation--not to mention--placing harsh limits on the evolution of souls in the Objective and Physical life-waves.
Re: Wiccans Must Face the Judgment
chaiyah wrote:Every life is a new life, beginning from scratch; and there is no way to build personal wisdom from life-to-life.
I disagree with this, somewhat. Here's why:
One of the Unique aspects of the human mind is the ability to gather detailed specific knowledge from our parents, and from previous generations (not just behaviors, as with most mammals).
Much of what makes us what we are, is cultural, not personal. And the knowledge of culture transcends single lives.
In this way, humans, even though they start from scratch, are gifted with wisdom and experience which is not starting from scratch. We are the carriers of a mindset which exceeds the sum of its parts.
Best Regards,
Quote:... How many Americans will come forward and stand for the Truth or hide behind the skirts of doctrine and/or religious practice as Christians
do by following the apostle Paul and going along with Evil, rather than following the role-model of Jesus, and throwing the money-changers out of the temple?
A whole hell of a lot of people!
Now don't forget Romans 12 1:2
The soul ...
Agreeing or disagreeing has no affect on the outcome, which an individual Soul experiences.
People that choose stupefaction get to experience life as bugs, that's all, for a while [a million years or so], until they realize that life is not just a game for the favored and the clever.
: ) chai
Think about this.
What lifeform is highly motivated to survive, yet has absolutely no reflective, spiritual ideation process and thinks only of its own existence??
Right! Bugs!
Bugs are Oblivious! Spirits that have no sensibilities, no capacity to reflect, that accept no feedback or direction--make wonderful bugs.
I like that. I think I'll go squish some bugs. But still, it makes ya think, what would we do if the world developed a shorage of insanely selfish, non-sensible types to be reincarnated as bugs? It's hard to imaine which world would be worse--the selfish one or the one without butterflies & dung beatles.