Hubby and I are babysitting his dad's boxer. We were given cans of the food she eats at home and have offered her food over the last 48 hours at normall feeding and other times but she does not seem to even be interested in eating. She drinks plenty of water, is quite active, follows us around and seems generally happy she just will not eat no matter what we do. We shut her in a bathroom with her food for a short period of time but she didn't touch it.
We've tried feeding her alongside our labrador and seems a bit interested but when we point towards her bowl she doesn't even sniff it

. She is not even interested in her treats. We've nursed many sick dogs and cats over the years so we are pretty creative at trying different methods and identifying when something is 'wrong' with an animal but nothing seems to be working. I'm of the mind that when she gets hungry enough, she will eat but hubby is quite worried about it.
I know that fat cats can get fatty liver disease from not eating for a few days. (we have been through this with our cat) Hubby is contemplating taking her home (an hour drive away from where we live) so that he can stay at his dad's house until they return but they don't come back until later Monday and it seems kind of silly to take the dog home just because she won't touch her food.
Any advice?