I will provide you with a quote taken from an individual's writings. This includes new and old members, as well as repeats of members names (not quotes).
Your job is to identify the author of that post. Speculation is encouraged. In the event you are unable to name the individual, a clue will be provided.
The game is over when the correct author's name is posted by me. Page 6 will involve ten authors. Then, there will be a break to prepare page 7.
jackie, Raggedyaggie, safecracker, Verbal Lee,
THE TOTAL WINNERS FROM THE ORIGINAL WHO POSTED THIS AND PAGES 1, 2, 3, 4 AND 5 ARE: Acquiunk, BillW, Bi-Polar Bear, Charli, dlowan, ehBeth, Eva, fishin', Gautam, hiama, hugefan, jackie, jespah, JLNobody, littlek, mac11 ,Margo ,Montana, patiodog, PDiddie, pueo, Rae, Raggedyaggie, Roberta, safecracker, Setanta, Sofia, sozobe, Swimpy, Quinn1, Verbal Lee, Wilso
If I have left you out of the winners, please PM me.
Author 1 of ten.
Quote:To me, the loss of jobs to "foreign" companies is a wonderful thing. Like a performance review it tells us where we are not performing well, and therefore should either quit or push to a whole new level.
It's called competition. I always try harder when someone else is running very hard with me. Bring it on! Everyone on the planet will be better for it.