Sat 13 Sep, 2003 08:51 am
Are you Anal Retentive? Are you a compulsive nit-picker? If not you, who are the most anal retentive people you know, including A2Kers?
I guess I'm more of a nit-picker. I always seem toget into discussions which involve splitting-hairs and tedious word defining semantics.
I come from a long line of anal-retentive, obsessive-compulsive nitpickers. The stories are legendary. I could tell you the one about the men disassembling the metal storage shed, but you would rise up and ban me from A2K. It's almost too painful to repeat.
I have tried mightily to free myself from the curse. And I've been (mostly) successful. However, I still tend to take on projects most people would find hopeless...such as organizing 2,200 products into a 156-page catalog.
Eweww..derm and proctology..ick!!!!
You could say that I'm a bit of a nit-picker.
I'm a bookkeeper. Does that count?
I'm a goddam pedant - and proud of it!
Damn those digital cameras, anyway.
I am not just a pedant, I am a pedantic there!
I'm an analog guy living in a digital world
I'm a low-tech gal living in a high-tech world.
That's even worse!
Forgive me if I am naive. But what is anal retentive? It sound a bit below the belt.
Oh, I can be VERY obsessive indeed! (but thankfully, not about everything!

I'm just a head case. I get my fill of the other two at work.

I'm not a nit-picker so I must be Anal Retentive. :wink:
Exactly what Anal Retentive is I'm not sure either.
s'gunne I think it has something to do with potty training.

Aaahhhh right, thanks. Long time ago that. :wink: