Fri 4 Jul, 2008 03:40 pm
Sometimes when I look at debates involving Christianity, a self-proclaimed moderate will step in and state that atheists are railing against a primarily fringe group of Christianity.
Only the fringe group denies Evolution, Big Bang, insists on abstinence only sex education, is homophobic and against gay rights etc.
Is there any basis for this statement, though?
Surely the recent troubles with the Anglican Church prove that this is not so? The conservatives who are most against the "liberals" of the Anglican Church are mainly based in the Developing World, which vastly outnumbers the Developed World.
Has anyone got any figures?
An interesting question. I haven't found any stats or figures yet, but I did come across this:
The Clergy Letter Project.
Well, that's a start I guess, but 11,196 Christians does seem to be a minority.
Thanks for the info, anyway. It was greatly appreciated.
I am Christian, sometimes I am skeptic, but God never abandons me. Praise the Lord.
Re: Majority of Christians...?
Wolf_ODonnell wrote: . . . Only the fringe group denies Evolution, Big Bang, insists on abstinence only sex education, is homophobic and against gay rights etc. . .
are you saying these beliefs are symptoms of mental insufficiency?
Would you consider that a person could not be homophobic, not oppose gay civil rights, and yet still not believe that a homosexual should be placed in a role of spiritual authority? In other words, does rejecting the appointment of a homosexual to a clergy position necessarily (in your opinion) mark a person a homophobe?
I know a lot of fellow Christians that would not agree to have a homosexual pastor--certainly not just a "fringe". Yet I personally do not find these same Christians to be generally homophobic. They just believe that a pastor/priest should not be someone who lives in flagrant violation of Biblical principles, whether those principles concern sexuality or other behaviors (alcoholism, financial impropriety/dishonesty, . . . )
@Wolf ODonnell,
There are 2.1 billion Christians in the world so around 12 000 is a fringe group.
There are around 30.000 different denominations within Christianity and the largest group is the Roman Catholic Church.
@lab rat,
Yet I personally do not find these same Christians to be generally homophobic.
The phobia, or aversion, seems to be a matter
of degree.
quote- There are 2.1 billion Christians in the world so around 12 000 is a fringe group. unquote.
if you are infering that there are 2.1 billion clergy, you are correct in your assumption.
it would be more interesting to know how the rest of the worlds population think about these stupid Christian beliefs.
I think the rest of the world´s population with its 10.000 different religions think very little about the Christian beliefs - just as we Christians think very little about the rest of the religions and even think very little about other Christian denominations. As a matter of fact the majority of the world population knows very little to say nothing about theology. Not to be confused with beliefs. You can be a strong believer which does not mean you know much about theology. You might know a lot about theology without being a believer.
@lab rat,
You make a very valid point, lab rat. That a person might oppose a gay clergyman in no way indicates that this person is homophobic at all. This same person would probably also oppose any clergyman who said that he doesn't believe in life after death. The point is that this is hypocrisy. How can one preach the theological point of view contained in the Bible (which is what a clergy person is supposed to be doing) and then cherry-pick which parts of biblical injunction can be safely ignored? This really has nothing to do with homophobia.