DNA Was Designed By A Mind

Reply Mon 28 Jul, 2008 05:10 pm
real life wrote:

Nice comeback.

You know, I really DO have a sense of humor, even concerning myself.

I can admit to believing in miracles, but can you?

I don't want to. When I judge what's true and false, I try to do it based on evidence and logic, certainly the best aids in reaching correct conclusions.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 28 Jul, 2008 05:24 pm
Settin Aah-aah wrote-

Why is it, do you think, that Shapiro is attracted to a small molecule hypothesis with reference to lipid spheres?

I know you won't agree Settin but I think it is a strategy to avoid any useful work.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 28 Jul, 2008 05:30 pm
fm wrote-

The "ignore " feature can be set up by a moderator now set. It does ttake a little getting used to but iuts worth it.

If I read it right that means you have no need to subject your hypothesis to any scrutiny and that it can be taken as scientific fact on the evidence that fm suggested it.

Mirror, mirror on the wall
Who is the fairest of them all?

fm obviously.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 28 Jul, 2008 05:42 pm
The "ignore " feature can be set up by a moderator now set. It does ttake a little getting used to but iuts worth it.

I can't see Settin' biting at that fm. He's not that daft.
0 Replies
real life
Reply Tue 29 Jul, 2008 09:14 am
parados wrote:
real life wrote:
Actually it was Dr Shapiro again:

Robert Shapiro, Professor Emeritus and Senior Research Scientist in the Department of Chemistry at New York University wrote:

One of your links even says 'If you want to save the DNA, then transfer it out of the water and into alcohol.'

hmmm wonder why it says this?

Yes, real life, what does water do? Oh.. it evaporates if the mineral isn't immersed in water. Periodic movement of water across can capture and move chemicals to another container (a microscopic pore on the surface of the mineral) before the water evaporates leaving the chemicals behind in the new container. You will probably try to argue that the water will wash out all the chemicals but anyone that has ever immersed a stone in water knows you don't wash off all the dirt doing that. You can't even do it by running water over it for a period of time. And we are not talking visible dirt on a rock, we are talking chemicals in a pore that is small enough that the water running across it can't completely enter the pore because of surface tension. The water can only take the top layers of the chemicals from the pore.

So, we have a container on a mineral surface that has a chemical process that can be classified as life. Water periodically can capture part of this chemical process and move it to other containers. The transfer is quite easy and simple. It only requires something that happens often on earth. Water flows across a mineral.

Lets assume the chances are 1 in a million of the chemical process moving to another pore each time water flows across the mineral face. With a million pores that means the first time, you get 2 life forms, The next time you get 4, and so on until you fill enough of the pores that it can't double.

Now we only need to add amino acids to our process. If a container starts to picks up amino acids that combine to form longer chains then those RNA strands could be transferred the next time the chemical process is transferred. We now have millions of pores that each time water flows can fill with the chemical process and RNA or can add RNA to an existing chemical process. But what if the RNA in one of those pores puts together the right chain to make DNA? The DNA doesn't have to be replicator for a life form because it is protected in a container and it won't be destroyed.

If water happens to transfer the DNA from one pore to another what happens? The DNA could mutate. Oh.. wait. What did Shapiro say? Water can cause DNA to do just that because it deteriorates the end. What happens when it then adds on to the end again. It changes. Now we have created a system that is not only possible to mutate DNA but is in fact likely to do just that.

Who needs to believe in miracles real life? Only you it seems.

Your story has so many holes in it, it's hard to know where to start. Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Tue 29 Jul, 2008 09:28 am
real life wrote:
parados wrote:
real life wrote:
Actually it was Dr Shapiro again:

Robert Shapiro, Professor Emeritus and Senior Research Scientist in the Department of Chemistry at New York University wrote:

One of your links even says 'If you want to save the DNA, then transfer it out of the water and into alcohol.'

hmmm wonder why it says this?

Yes, real life, what does water do? Oh.. it evaporates if the mineral isn't immersed in water. Periodic movement of water across can capture and move chemicals to another container (a microscopic pore on the surface of the mineral) before the water evaporates leaving the chemicals behind in the new container. You will probably try to argue that the water will wash out all the chemicals but anyone that has ever immersed a stone in water knows you don't wash off all the dirt doing that. You can't even do it by running water over it for a period of time. And we are not talking visible dirt on a rock, we are talking chemicals in a pore that is small enough that the water running across it can't completely enter the pore because of surface tension. The water can only take the top layers of the chemicals from the pore.

So, we have a container on a mineral surface that has a chemical process that can be classified as life. Water periodically can capture part of this chemical process and move it to other containers. The transfer is quite easy and simple. It only requires something that happens often on earth. Water flows across a mineral.

Lets assume the chances are 1 in a million of the chemical process moving to another pore each time water flows across the mineral face. With a million pores that means the first time, you get 2 life forms, The next time you get 4, and so on until you fill enough of the pores that it can't double.

Now we only need to add amino acids to our process. If a container starts to picks up amino acids that combine to form longer chains then those RNA strands could be transferred the next time the chemical process is transferred. We now have millions of pores that each time water flows can fill with the chemical process and RNA or can add RNA to an existing chemical process. But what if the RNA in one of those pores puts together the right chain to make DNA? The DNA doesn't have to be replicator for a life form because it is protected in a container and it won't be destroyed.

If water happens to transfer the DNA from one pore to another what happens? The DNA could mutate. Oh.. wait. What did Shapiro say? Water can cause DNA to do just that because it deteriorates the end. What happens when it then adds on to the end again. It changes. Now we have created a system that is not only possible to mutate DNA but is in fact likely to do just that.

Who needs to believe in miracles real life? Only you it seems.

Your story has so many holes in it, it's hard to know where to start. Laughing

As opposed to your story, for which there is air tight evidence - you know, the story about the big guy with the lightning bolts, who will someday, when you die, send you to a magical place, the existence of which you cannot demonstrate at all. You really shouldn't attack evolution on the grounds of logic, real life. Your story has far, far less evidence and logic to back it than ours.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 29 Jul, 2008 09:44 am
"Evidence and logic" in what respect?

Is it in respect of a nice comforting tight little circle who daren't come out and meet the people on their own terms. As if evidence and logic can exist independently of the society.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 29 Jul, 2008 10:06 am
real life wrote:

Your story has so many holes in it, it's hard to know where to start. Laughing

You don't know where to start? Start with the first "hole" you think exists.

I doubt you will really discuss any "holes". You will throw out crap that you think might dispute it but won't be able to actually discuss it or provide any real evidence.

Just like your inability to show that nuclear reactions "actually exist" on the sun and gravity "actually exists. You are full of claims how others are wrong but unable to provide anything to support your claims.

For someone that claimed

I've said they don't stand on their own. The lack of logic and lack of evidence when viewed thru the standard claimed for them,(i.e. the scientific method), condemns them.

So, let's see you apply the scientific method in your discussion.

I have $100 that says real life can not and will not "actually" apply the scientific method in discussing 1. gravity, 2. nuclear reactions on the sun 3. the singularity before the big bang. 4. Shapiro's use of mineral containers. ( I realize no one will take the bet.)
0 Replies
real life
Reply Tue 29 Jul, 2008 10:54 am
parados wrote:
real life wrote:

Your story has so many holes in it, it's hard to know where to start. Laughing

You don't know where to start? Start with the first "hole" you think exists.

Let's start with where you propose millions of microscopic holes into which water ( a very small molecule) 'can't completely enter', but much larger macro-molecules (including DNA and RNA, apparently) can.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 29 Jul, 2008 11:16 am
real life wrote:
parados wrote:
real life wrote:

Your story has so many holes in it, it's hard to know where to start. Laughing

You don't know where to start? Start with the first "hole" you think exists.

Let's start with where you propose millions of microscopic holes into which water ( a very small molecule) 'can't completely enter', but much larger macro-molecules (including DNA and RNA, apparently) can.


I don't propose it. Science shows it to be true.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 29 Jul, 2008 11:31 am
spendius wrote:
"Evidence and logic" in what respect?

Is it in respect of a nice comforting tight little circle who daren't come out and meet the people on their own terms. As if evidence and logic can exist independently of the society.

Answer me directly now. What evidence is there for the God Theory? I absolutely defy you to give me a rational, direct answer.
0 Replies
real life
Reply Tue 29 Jul, 2008 12:32 pm
parados wrote:
real life wrote:
parados wrote:
real life wrote:

Your story has so many holes in it, it's hard to know where to start. Laughing

You don't know where to start? Start with the first "hole" you think exists.

Let's start with where you propose millions of microscopic holes into which water ( a very small molecule) 'can't completely enter', but much larger macro-molecules (including DNA and RNA, apparently) can.


I don't propose it. Science shows it to be true.


I'm quite familiar with surface tension. That's why I said your description was bogus.

Surface tension is caused by the tendency of water molecules to hold to one another (or 'attract' one another as your link describes it).......

......not repel one another!

Have you ever filled a cup partially with water and had additional water molecules 'unable to enter' (repelled) due to surface tension?

0 Replies
Reply Tue 29 Jul, 2008 01:01 pm
Brandon wrote-

Answer me directly now. What evidence is there for the God Theory? I absolutely defy you to give me a rational, direct answer.

I have never said anything one way or the other about that.

I have, however, explained, in a neutral fashion as befits the context, that the Materialist Theory of Mind posits the notion that ideas are physical objects. Thus if a person has God in his mind God exists in that mind. If the idea is strong the God is strong. If it is in a lot of people's minds at the same time and strong, as in an Easter Sunday Service in Rome, the God becomes powerful medicine.

If the idea is not a physical object then it must be something immaterial the properties of which we know nothing about. And an atheist couldn't allow such an entity as it could easily be called a soul.

It seems to me that it behoves a materialist to agree with that.

That is much simplified of course.

farmerman uses the religious technique in trying to make more powerful the notion that I'm a dipshit. It's like a Gregorian Chant but without music or style.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 29 Jul, 2008 04:38 pm
real life wrote:
parados wrote:
real life wrote:
parados wrote:
real life wrote:

Your story has so many holes in it, it's hard to know where to start. Laughing

You don't know where to start? Start with the first "hole" you think exists.

Let's start with where you propose millions of microscopic holes into which water ( a very small molecule) 'can't completely enter', but much larger macro-molecules (including DNA and RNA, apparently) can.


I don't propose it. Science shows it to be true.


I'm quite familiar with surface tension. That's why I said your description was bogus.

Surface tension is caused by the tendency of water molecules to hold to one another (or 'attract' one another as your link describes it).......

......not repel one another!

Have you ever filled a cup partially with water and had additional water molecules 'unable to enter' (repelled) due to surface tension?


A cup is NOT microscopic. (Read my second link about how a small hole in a container will not leak water because of surface tension.)

A drop of water flowing over a microscope container will not fill the container because surface tension will keep the water together as a drop and not allow it to fill the container.

So much for your attention to the scientific method.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 29 Jul, 2008 05:08 pm
Is this the shallow end or what?

Have you mums blown your water wings up?

Like Bob Dylan said "Don't ask me nuthin' about nuthin' Babe, I might just tell you the truth."
0 Replies
Reply Tue 29 Jul, 2008 09:20 pm
spendius wrote:
Brandon wrote-

Answer me directly now. What evidence is there for the God Theory? I absolutely defy you to give me a rational, direct answer.

I have never said anything one way or the other about that.

I have, however, explained, in a neutral fashion as befits the context, that the Materialist Theory of Mind posits the notion that ideas are physical objects. Thus if a person has God in his mind God exists in that mind. If the idea is strong the God is strong. If it is in a lot of people's minds at the same time and strong, as in an Easter Sunday Service in Rome, the God becomes powerful medicine.

If the idea is not a physical object then it must be something immaterial the properties of which we know nothing about. And an atheist couldn't allow such an entity as it could easily be called a soul.

It seems to me that it behoves a materialist to agree with that.

That is much simplified of course.

farmerman uses the religious technique in trying to make more powerful the notion that I'm a dipshit. It's like a Gregorian Chant but without music or style.

If you're saying that God exists if enough people think he does, then I would say that's nonsense. Either a supernatural being created the Earth and life on it, or else it happened some other way. You, who insist that we provide you with air tight logic to prove that our theory is actually true, seem to have no ability whatsoever to provide evidence that a God actually exists, is or was active in the universe, and is the agent whereby life appeared. It's the pot calling the kettle black.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 30 Jul, 2008 04:48 am
We can't see atomic particles. We infer that they exist from effects we read off instruments. And only in the last hundred years in a stretch of human existence of 2-4 million years.

The powerful medicine I referred to is an effect irrespective of a subjective attitude to it.

I never said anything about the existence or non existence of God. I consider both positions to constitute cosmic impiety. (Arrogance).

Without the idea of God the effect would I think be the same as the effect we see in animals which don't have such ideas. In which case you wouldn't be discussing the matter.

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."

The idea that there is no God can only be a derivative of the idea that there is a God.

What effects do you think would be manifested if there was no collective idea of God as there wasn't once. You are using a world made from the idea of God to deny God.

What unifying collective idea would your position produce?

You are confusing materialism with art (psychology).

And you have failed to deal with the nature of an idea. Whether it is a material entity or not, which was the main point.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 30 Jul, 2008 05:24 am
spendius wrote:
We can't see atomic particles. We infer that they exist from effects we read off instruments. And only in the last hundred years in a stretch of human existence of 2-4 million years.

The powerful medicine I referred to is an effect irrespective of a subjective attitude to it.

I never said anything about the existence or non existence of God. I consider both positions to constitute cosmic impiety. (Arrogance).

Without the idea of God the effect would I think be the same as the effect we see in animals which don't have such ideas. In which case you wouldn't be discussing the matter.

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."

The idea that there is no God can only be a derivative of the idea that there is a God.

What effects do you think would be manifested if there was no collective idea of God as there wasn't once. You are using a world made from the idea of God to deny God.

What unifying collective idea would your position produce?

You are confusing materialism with art (psychology).

And you have failed to deal with the nature of an idea. Whether it is a material entity or not, which was the main point.

Either life on Earth was created by a supernatural being or it wasn't. Either it was started by the chance formation of a simple replicating molecule followed by natural selection or it wasn't. There actually is a truth to this matter. In order for it to be reasonable to believe that a purported fact is true, there has to be enough evidence that it's true to justify belief. You have attacked the theory of evolution on exactly this basis. However, the theory that a supernatural being created life on Earth may also be true or false. As with evolution or any other theory of any other purported fact, it would be unreasonable to believe that it's true without some decent evidence for it. You have simultaneously demanded that we meet a very high standard in demonstrating that evolution is the correct explanation, while supporting a rival theory and refusing absolutely to provide any evidence that it's correct.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 30 Jul, 2008 05:39 am
Brandon9000 wrote:
If you're saying that God exists if enough people think he does, then I would say that's nonsense.

It also constitutes the argumentum ad numerum fallacy, and if it is also alleged that the idea has merit because of the social or intellectual credentials of adherents, that would include the argumentum ad populum fallacy. Logical fallacies, are, however, essential to the silly arguments of the god squad, precisely because they have nothing more sound, nothing more well-founded to offer.

Brandon9000 wrote:
As with evolution or any other theory of any other purported fact, it would be unreasonable to believe that it's true without some decent evidence for it. You have simultaneously demanded that we meet a very high standard in demonstrating that evolution is the correct explanation, while supporting a rival theory and refusing absolutely to provide any evidence that it's correct.

You can't hope to see anything else from those whose only recourse is shabby rhetorical tricks, and diversion of the discussion. If there were any basis upon which a theist could hope to reasonably found an assertion of the validity of scripture, it would have been spread broadcast through the community of theists long ago. Therefore, the recourse is to constantly demand proof from those with whom the theists disagree, and to move the "goalposts" of that proof constantly. The other popular tactic is diversion, constantly calling for proof from those with whom the theists disagree, while as constantly avoiding any discussion of the basis upon which the theist makes his or her assertions.

It's the only hope of the imaginary friend crowd, because if they were to allow themselves to be backed into the corner into which they always attempt to back those whom they see as their opponents, they'd be forced to admit they haven't an evidentiary or logical leg to stand on.

You'll never get anything else out of this crowd, Brandon.
0 Replies
real life
Reply Wed 30 Jul, 2008 07:21 am
parados wrote:
real life wrote:
parados wrote:
real life wrote:
parados wrote:
real life wrote:

Your story has so many holes in it, it's hard to know where to start. Laughing

You don't know where to start? Start with the first "hole" you think exists.

Let's start with where you propose millions of microscopic holes into which water ( a very small molecule) 'can't completely enter', but much larger macro-molecules (including DNA and RNA, apparently) can.


I don't propose it. Science shows it to be true.


I'm quite familiar with surface tension. That's why I said your description was bogus.

Surface tension is caused by the tendency of water molecules to hold to one another (or 'attract' one another as your link describes it).......

......not repel one another!

Have you ever filled a cup partially with water and had additional water molecules 'unable to enter' (repelled) due to surface tension?


A cup is NOT microscopic. (Read my second link about how a small hole in a container will not leak water because of surface tension.)

A drop of water flowing over a microscope container will not fill the container because surface tension will keep the water together as a drop and not allow it to fill the container.

So much for your attention to the scientific method.

Well, now you're working very hard to show how water would be prevented from filling the microscopic pores of your mineral.

But don't work too hard because you do need water to carry the materials you need from one pore to another. So water needs to be in there anyway.

Also you needed water to help your DNA mutate, isnt that what you said?

But oooops, if water is there, DNA won't form anyway because some of the compounds necessary PRIOR to dna are also destroyed by water.


Your microscopic orgs can't live with it, can't live without it. What are you going to do?

Maybe, just maybe this isn't the way it's done. nah gotta be right parados said so.

Mulling this over all day long is gonna be troublin' parados.
0 Replies

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