DNA Was Designed By A Mind

Reply Sat 26 Jul, 2008 08:53 am
real life wrote:
parados wrote:
real life wrote:

That is probably because the lack of evidence for things like a 'singularity' preceding the origin of the universe and a replicator preceding dna/rna is so glaring.

If you want to judge the theories using the manner suggested by the proponents then you have to use their definition of evidence.

So, I must accept assertions like ros' definition that an inference IS evidence?

No, thanks.

No, you have to accept that the inference is BASED on evidence.

Is there evidence to support the singularity inference? The correct answer is "yes" based on the definition of "inference".
0 Replies
real life
Reply Sat 26 Jul, 2008 09:25 am
parados wrote:
real life wrote:
parados wrote:
real life wrote:

That is probably because the lack of evidence for things like a 'singularity' preceding the origin of the universe and a replicator preceding dna/rna is so glaring.

If you want to judge the theories using the manner suggested by the proponents then you have to use their definition of evidence.

So, I must accept assertions like ros' definition that an inference IS evidence?

No, thanks.

No, you have to accept that the inference is BASED on evidence.

Is there evidence to support the singularity inference? The correct answer is "yes" based on the definition of "inference".

What evidence do you have that a 'singularity' preceding the origin of the universe ACTUALLY existed?

0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Jul, 2008 09:41 am
real life wrote:

What evidence do you have that a 'singularity' preceding the origin of the universe ACTUALLY existed?


What evidence do you have that you actually discussed the evidence presented when you asked before?


Ignoring the evidence when presented doesn't mean I have no evidence real life. It only means you won't accept the evidence because you redefine "evidence" to what you want it to mean instead of discussing it in the same manner that science and the proponents use.

Evidence of the Big Bang

The singularity is an inference based on evidence real life. You are proving how disingenuous you really are. Read your definition of "inference." Now tell us again how you get to an inference if you have "no evidence." It seems Set has it right when he calls you a liar and a moron. For you to post the definition of inference which specifically states an "inference" is based on evidence and then you turn around and claim inferences have no evidence shows you are out of touch with reality.
0 Replies
real life
Reply Sat 26 Jul, 2008 09:47 am
parados wrote:
real life wrote:
rosborne979 wrote:
real life wrote:
The 'scientific evidence' often cited by the adherents is little more than conjecture, inference and assumption.

I could be wrong, but I think that inference based on known facts, is considered valid scientific evidence. But I suppose it depends on how you define "evidence".

The overwhelming lack of desire on the part of your brethren (Set, parados, farmerman, brandon) to correct you on this point is interesting.

No, an inference is not evidence.

The facts in your scenario are the evidence.

An inference is a conclusion that you drew based on your interpretation of those facts.

(n) inference, illation (the reasoning involved in drawing a conclusion or making a logical judgment on the basis of circumstantial evidence and prior conclusions rather than on the basis of direct observation)

That's funny real life.
So.. an inference isn't evidence but it is based on evidence.
That means that abiogenesis is an inference I guess

My post to ros mentioned conjecture, inference and assumption.

The overall hypothesis of abiogenesis fits well in the conjecture category. It is a speculative guess , but there's no evidence that indicates life ACTUALLY can (or did) self generate from non-life.

In fact, there's quite a few indications that it can't.

Keep in mind the type of life we see around us is the type that abiogenesis must be able to eventually produce, even if it is done in a gradual fashion. That life includes DNA.

DNA cannot self assemble in the open environment, even as a successor to a postulated earlier replicator.

Why? Because DNA and some of the compounds necessary to it's formation would be easily degraded and destroyed in the open environment, notably by water.

So then if the abiogenesis hypothesis is true, DNA must be able to self-generate (even if done gradually) somewhere OTHER than the open environment, somewhere away from chemical agents that can destroy it.

Nearly everyone admits that 'evolving' a DNA molecule would likely take a number of intermediate steps and involve a long period of time.

What would be the 'survival advantage' for a microorganism to carry the load of an evolving macromolecule?

And how, if the life span of such organisms is said to range in numbers of minutes (instead of days or weeks or years) does a microorganism accomplish this evolution while all the same time devoting chemical resources to the necessary operations of respiration, excretion, protection and reproduction?

(And how DO they reproduce without a replicator? Laughing)

And where is there ANY evidence that ANY replicator other than dna/rna has EVER actually been the basis for ANY living organism?
0 Replies
real life
Reply Sat 26 Jul, 2008 09:53 am
parados wrote:
real life wrote:

What evidence do you have that a 'singularity' preceding the origin of the universe ACTUALLY existed?


What evidence do you have that you actually discussed the evidence presented when you asked before?


Ignoring the evidence when presented doesn't mean I have no evidence real life. It only means you won't accept the evidence because you redefine "evidence" to what you want it to mean instead of discussing it in the same manner that science and the proponents use.

Evidence of the Big Bang

The singularity is an inference based on evidence real life. You are proving how disingenuous you really are. Read your definition of "inference." Now tell us again how you get to an inference if you have "no evidence." It seems Set has it right when he calls you a liar and a moron. For you to post the definition of inference which specifically states an "inference" is based on evidence and then you turn around and claim inferences have no evidence shows you are out of touch with reality.

Quote the specific portion of your link that you allege gives evidence that a 'singularity' preceding the origin of the universe ACTUALLY existed.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Jul, 2008 10:18 am
real life wrote:
Brandon9000 wrote:
real life wrote:
Brandon9000 wrote:
real life wrote:
What I've said regarding some naturalistic theories of origins such as the Big Bang and abiogenesis is this:

When investigating them in the manner suggested by the proponents, (i.e. looking for scientific evidence of their validity) , these theories do not hold up.

The 'scientific evidence' often cited by the adherents is little more than conjecture, inference and assumption.

But there's a lot of grant money out there for those who claim to be hot on the trail of THE answer.

Your theory doesn't hold up either. There is very little rational reason to believe it. You purport to have an explanation - at least a general one - for the formation of life on Earth. You are either correct or incorrect. In order for it to be reasonable to believe what you believe, there would have to be some indication that it's true, and there's very little. Your complaint that the theory of evolution has not been demonstrated to be plausible, is many times more true of your own rival theory.

I see that you're desperate to discuss evolution (you keep bringing it up) and eager to get away from discussing BB and abiogenesis as we have been.

Typically hyper-naturalists consider evolution to be their 'strong suit'.

That is probably because the lack of evidence for things like a 'singularity' preceding the origin of the universe and a replicator preceding dna/rna is so glaring.

So the public debate by hyper-naturalists has been steered clear of BB and first life, and instead focused on evolution.

It is easy to set the terms of public debate when you have most of the media on your side (if you doubt that just look at the Obama-McCain race where the media swoons over 'Present' Obama and does it's best to ignore or marginalize McCain. When that can't be done, then painting McCain as a demon will do.)

BB and abiogenesis are crucial, however, to the hyper-naturalists position. They must insist, not only on the lack of 'natural' evidence for the supernatural, but on the impossibility of the supernatural ever existing.

The paradigm must be set so that anything outside the natural realm is seen as being not just beyond the limited scope of science, but also as being impossible, outside of all reality.

In spite of this , at least 40% of scientists do appear to include the supernatural in their worldview.

These no doubt recognize that just because something is not within the limited scope of scientific investigation does not preclude it from reality.

The figure may indeed be higher than 40%. These are the ones that would admit it.

However, the academic world is a dangerous one in which to register dissent from the prevailing view, so a good number may have been dissuaded from registering their contrary opinion thru fear of negative consequences to their job or position.

Arguing by testimonial is pathetic and stupid - "40% of geniuses agree with me."

You persistently ignore my point. Not surprising, since you have no defense against it. Your theory of the origins of life is a thousand times more susceptible to your criticism than ours is. You advocate a specific theory of the origins of life for which there is almost no evidence. It is very foolish to believe in a theory for which there is no evidence. Provide to me the tinitest particle of reason to believe that God created man.

Far from ignoring your point, I've addressed it again.

You want to evaluate one theory by the claims of a different theory.

Asking for 'natural' evidence of the 'supernatural' is absurd.

But the fact that you cannot conceive of anything else is a confirmation of the point I made regarding the groupthink that is consistently misapplying the scientific method outside of the limited scope that scientific evidence will allow.

I'm not asking for "natural" evidence that God created life. I'm asking for any evidence at all.

Many scenarios might be the correct explanation for the origin of life on Earth, but each is either correct or incorrect.

It is preposterous to believe an explanation for the origins of life with no slightest speck of evidence that it's true. I might say that a ruling council of 12 Gods created 16 universes and that this is the 3rd one that they created, but with no evidence that it's so, there is a good chance that it isn't the truth. If you advocate any explanation of anything, in matters of fact, you must be prepared to say why someone should believe it.

It is preposterous to believe in any fact with no speck of evidence that it's true. You purport to have a correct explanation, yet can show us no evidence of any kind that it's the truth.

The real truth is that your explanation of the emergence of life is indefensible baloney. If it weren't, you could give some argument as to why it seems to be true. In the realm of fantasy, wish fulfillment explanations, you, not we, take the lead.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Jul, 2008 10:19 am
You aren't looking for evidence real life. You are looking for excuses to ignore any evidence that is presented. You change the meaning of "evidence' to ignore what is presented. As I pointed out earlier, you have restricted evidence to "direct observation" and then "direct observation" is basically restricted to what real life can see with his naked eye.

You claimed NONE when it came to "evidence". Then when you are again shown the evidence you claim it isn't evidence that it "actually existed." So much for arguing in the manner of science. Science doesn't deal in absolutes the way you want to real life. You don't want to deal with science in the manner science deals with the natural. You want to make up your own rules and then make everyone disagree with you without telling them you made up your rules. "the manner of the proponents" reveals you lie real life. You don't want to deal with evidence. You want to change the rules and then when trapped under those rules, you want to change the rules yet again.

Award winning theologians disagree with you real life. They think people should be honest.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Jul, 2008 10:37 am
real life wrote:

Quote the specific portion of your link that you allege gives evidence that a 'singularity' preceding the origin of the universe ACTUALLY existed.

Unless you can specifically point to where the article is "misapplying the scientific method outside of the limited scope that scientific evidence will allow", it stands as scientific evidence of a singularity prior to the universe.

Either you have to show that it is not using real science or you have to admit that you are not using evidence in the "manner of the proponents" or inside the limited scope that science allows.

You are boxed in real life. You accused the other side of misapplying science. Now you have to show how it is misapplied or admit you are a liar when you refuse to accept scientific evidence.

But as usual, you will run away and not provide any answer to why you think it isn't science under the standards of science. This is about real life lying about the standards for science. This is about real life lying about what he says. This is about real life refusing to be honest with himself when it comes to his lies. This is all about real life lying. Nothing more and nothing less. You might wrap your lies in grandiose schemes that hide them for a while be eventually they are revealed for what they are.

Of course, you will now pretend that I have mischaracterized what you said. But you can't profess to accept scientific evidence when you set a standard that is NOT scientific. Whether something "actually exists" is NOT a scientific question. It is a philosophical one. Stop pretending to be "scientific" when you are not. You make yourself look like an idiot. But then I suppose, philosophically speaking, you are an "actual" idiot.
0 Replies
real life
Reply Sat 26 Jul, 2008 11:01 am
parados wrote:
Whether something "actually exists" is NOT a scientific question.







Laughing Laughing Laughing

ooooooo, my sides..........stop, stop

Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

ok, whew Laughing Laughing

ok, no evidence in the article, huh?

Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing


ow, quit it
0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Jul, 2008 11:10 am
real life wrote:
parados wrote:
Whether something "actually exists" is NOT a scientific question.







Laughing Laughing Laughing

ooooooo, my sides..........stop, stop

Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

ok, whew Laughing Laughing

ok, no evidence in the article, huh?

Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing


ow, quit it

You forgot to include the most important part of my post real life.

Stop pretending to be "scientific" when you are not. You make yourself look like an idiot. But then I suppose, philosophically speaking, you are an "actual" idiot.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Jul, 2008 11:29 am
If you could show us where the words "actually exists" are anywhere in the scientific method it might bolster your case real life.. but since you can't, let me post some links to the scientific method.

Nothing there about science's only evidence being of something "actually existing."

This one only says "draw a conclusion" for a result. Nothing about confirming something "ACTUALLY exists."

The above site say this.
Scientific theories have various degrees of reliability and one can think of them as being on a scale of certainty. Up near the top end we have our theory of gravitation based on a staggering amount of evidence; down at the bottom we have the theory that the Earth is flat. In the middle we have our theory of the origin of the moons of Uranus. Some scientific theories are nearer the top than others, but none of them ever actually reach it.

It looks like the standard for science is NOT absolute certainty.

Here is a nice listing of the scientific method that even ends by describing real life's attempts at attacking science.
There are many types of ``pseudo-scientific'' theories which wrap themselves in a mantle of apparent experimental evidence but that, when examined closely, are nothing but statements of faith. The argument [*], cited by some creationists, that science is just another kind of faith is a philosophic stance which ignores the trans-cultural nature of science. Science's theory of gravity explains why both creationists and scientists don't float off the earth. All you have to do is jump to verify this theory - no leap of faith required.

Feel free to google the scientific method all you want. I found none that said evidence must be clear that something "actually existed" before it is evidence.

So, it is obvious that real life is not applying the standards of science when he says he is. He is making up his own version.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Jul, 2008 01:07 pm
real life wrote:
rosborne979 wrote:
real life wrote:
The 'scientific evidence' often cited by the adherents is little more than conjecture, inference and assumption.

I could be wrong, but I think that inference based on known facts, is considered valid scientific evidence. But I suppose it depends on how you define "evidence".

The overwhelming lack of desire on the part of your brethren (Set, parados, farmerman, brandon) to correct you on this point is interesting.

No, an inference is not evidence.

The facts in your scenario are the evidence.

An inference is a conclusion that you drew based on your interpretation of those facts.

(n) inference, illation (the reasoning involved in drawing a conclusion or making a logical judgment on the basis of circumstantial evidence and prior conclusions rather than on the basis of direct observation)

Thanks for falling into the trap dingdong. Now we get to watch Parados shine the bright light on you while you scurry away.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Jul, 2008 01:13 pm
parados wrote:
By the way, by presenting this definition you have shown that when you use the word "evidence" you are restricting it to "direct observation."

We've squeezed this one out of RL many times in past evolution discussions. When convenient for his argument, he only accepts direct observation, unless of course, it's hearsay from the bible in which case he swallows it hook-line-and-sinker.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Jul, 2008 01:33 pm
Once again, this thread doesn't call for scientific evidence of abiogenesis, it asserts that DNA was "designed" by a mind, which means that either the author (signally absent almost from the beginning) or anyone supporting the thesis (that would be "real life" and . . . uh . . . uhm . . . well, "real life" anyway) have the burden of proof.

Leaving aside "real life's" lame attempts to distort the meaning of scientific evidence, i would ask what evidence of any description "real life" has for the claim that DNA was "designed" by a mind.

Just to make things fair, though, shouldn't "real life" be obliged to provide evidence in the form of direct observation that DNA was "designed" by a mind?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Jul, 2008 02:05 pm
Just to make things really fair shouldn't rl's opponents be obliged to provide evidence in the form of direct observation that DNA was not "designed" by a mind and just poofed itself.

What is DNA anyway outside of it being an "image".

Could any two specimens of it ever be identical?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Jul, 2008 02:28 pm
spendius wrote:
Just to make things really fair shouldn't rl's opponents be obliged to provide evidence in the form of direct observation that DNA was not "designed" by a mind and just poofed itself.

What is DNA anyway outside of it being an "image".

Could any two specimens of it ever be identical?

As though it weren't totally obvious, anyone advocating a theory must provide some evidence that it's true, and that's doubly true when that person challenges other peoples' theories on the basis of insufficient evidence.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Jul, 2008 02:30 pm
real life wrote:
parados wrote:
Whether something "actually exists" is NOT a scientific question.







Laughing Laughing Laughing

ooooooo, my sides..........stop, stop

Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

ok, whew Laughing Laughing

ok, no evidence in the article, huh?

Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing


ow, quit it

Argument by testimonial, argument by ridicule - anything except argument by logic and evidence, I guess. That's what someone does, when he's on the losing side of the logic.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Jul, 2008 03:32 pm
Whether something "actually exists" IS a scientific question. That has been debated by scientists for a long time.

The Who had a song Who Are You?

We all behave rather oddly as purely biological creatures. Chomping our way through the nutrient bed has become a fine art. One glance at a lingerie shop makes it obvious that copulation is on a similar flight path.

What is the something?
0 Replies
real life
Reply Sat 26 Jul, 2008 06:34 pm
Brandon9000 wrote:
real life wrote:
Brandon9000 wrote:
real life wrote:
Brandon9000 wrote:
real life wrote:
What I've said regarding some naturalistic theories of origins such as the Big Bang and abiogenesis is this:

When investigating them in the manner suggested by the proponents, (i.e. looking for scientific evidence of their validity) , these theories do not hold up.

The 'scientific evidence' often cited by the adherents is little more than conjecture, inference and assumption.

But there's a lot of grant money out there for those who claim to be hot on the trail of THE answer.

Your theory doesn't hold up either. There is very little rational reason to believe it. You purport to have an explanation - at least a general one - for the formation of life on Earth. You are either correct or incorrect. In order for it to be reasonable to believe what you believe, there would have to be some indication that it's true, and there's very little. Your complaint that the theory of evolution has not been demonstrated to be plausible, is many times more true of your own rival theory.

I see that you're desperate to discuss evolution (you keep bringing it up) and eager to get away from discussing BB and abiogenesis as we have been.

Typically hyper-naturalists consider evolution to be their 'strong suit'.

That is probably because the lack of evidence for things like a 'singularity' preceding the origin of the universe and a replicator preceding dna/rna is so glaring.

So the public debate by hyper-naturalists has been steered clear of BB and first life, and instead focused on evolution.

It is easy to set the terms of public debate when you have most of the media on your side (if you doubt that just look at the Obama-McCain race where the media swoons over 'Present' Obama and does it's best to ignore or marginalize McCain. When that can't be done, then painting McCain as a demon will do.)

BB and abiogenesis are crucial, however, to the hyper-naturalists position. They must insist, not only on the lack of 'natural' evidence for the supernatural, but on the impossibility of the supernatural ever existing.

The paradigm must be set so that anything outside the natural realm is seen as being not just beyond the limited scope of science, but also as being impossible, outside of all reality.

In spite of this , at least 40% of scientists do appear to include the supernatural in their worldview.

These no doubt recognize that just because something is not within the limited scope of scientific investigation does not preclude it from reality.

The figure may indeed be higher than 40%. These are the ones that would admit it.

However, the academic world is a dangerous one in which to register dissent from the prevailing view, so a good number may have been dissuaded from registering their contrary opinion thru fear of negative consequences to their job or position.

Arguing by testimonial is pathetic and stupid - "40% of geniuses agree with me."

You persistently ignore my point. Not surprising, since you have no defense against it. Your theory of the origins of life is a thousand times more susceptible to your criticism than ours is. You advocate a specific theory of the origins of life for which there is almost no evidence. It is very foolish to believe in a theory for which there is no evidence. Provide to me the tinitest particle of reason to believe that God created man.

Far from ignoring your point, I've addressed it again.

You want to evaluate one theory by the claims of a different theory.

Asking for 'natural' evidence of the 'supernatural' is absurd.

But the fact that you cannot conceive of anything else is a confirmation of the point I made regarding the groupthink that is consistently misapplying the scientific method outside of the limited scope that scientific evidence will allow.

I'm not asking for "natural" evidence that God created life. I'm asking for any evidence at all.

Absent any scientific evidence that life arose naturally....

real life while responding to parados wrote:
The overall hypothesis of abiogenesis fits well in the conjecture category. It is a speculative guess , but there's no evidence that indicates life ACTUALLY can (or did) self generate from non-life.

In fact, there's quite a few indications that it can't.

Keep in mind the type of life we see around us is the type that abiogenesis must be able to eventually produce, even if it is done in a gradual fashion. That life includes DNA.

DNA cannot self assemble in the open environment, even as a successor to a postulated earlier replicator.

Why? Because DNA and some of the compounds necessary to it's formation would be easily degraded and destroyed in the open environment, notably by water.

So then if the abiogenesis hypothesis is true, DNA must be able to self-generate (even if done gradually) somewhere OTHER than the open environment, somewhere away from chemical agents that can destroy it.

Nearly everyone admits that 'evolving' a DNA molecule would likely take a number of intermediate steps and involve a long period of time.

What would be the 'survival advantage' for a microorganism to carry the load of an evolving macromolecule?

And how, if the life span of such organisms is said to range in numbers of minutes (instead of days or weeks or years) does a microorganism accomplish this evolution while all the same time devoting chemical resources to the necessary operations of respiration, excretion, protection and reproduction?

(And how DO they reproduce without a replicator? Laughing)

And where is there ANY evidence that ANY replicator other than dna/rna has EVER actually been the basis for ANY living organism?

.......and the likelihood that it COULD not, I happen to think that a supernatural explanation is at least a 50/50 proposition just coming out of the gate.

In addition, evidence that cannot be considered scientific can still be weighed and evaluated by each individual, but is generally non-repeatable and non-testable.

Things in this category would include one's own experience while following God, including answers to prayer, one's evaluation of how accurately the Bible describes one's own human nature, etc.

Does this negate the nature of faith? Not at all. Nothing is a 'sure thing'.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 27 Jul, 2008 05:32 am
real life
.......and the likelihood that it COULD not, I happen to think that a supernatural explanation is at least a 50/50 proposition just coming out of the gate.

In addition, evidence that cannot be considered scientific can still be weighed and evaluated by each individual, but is generally non-repeatable and non-testable.

Things in this category would include one's own experience while following God, including answers to prayer, one's evaluation of how accurately the Bible describes one's own human nature, etc.

Does this negate the nature of faith? Not at all. Nothing is a 'sure thing'.

Unfortunately, the Bible is perhaps the poorest example for you to use as your banner, since almost everything thats representative of this entire discussion (as seen in the Bible) , can only be seen with "invisible inks", "code reading" or some other silliness . Nowhere in the Bible are there any discussions re the mechanisms and detailed occurences of any of your favorite subjects herein.
1You negate evolution because the "Bible says that the earth ws created in a several day period"--To the contrary , all evidence shows this to be wrong and hopelessly naive.

2 Baddy has announced that DNA was created by a "MIND" AND YOU HAPPILY JUMPT TO THE DEFENSE OF THAT STATEMENT. wE WISH TO EXAMINE EVEN THE MOST MINOR SCINTILLATION of that statement from its "nest of evidence" or assertion in the BIBLE. (Ill bet that the word DNA or RNA doesnt appear therin anywhere, and further , your assertions are merely wannabe "just so tales" the source of which, youve uncautiously overextended yourselves.

3. You dont accept any current theories of cosmology because they represent a different "take" on the origin story that you propound. Yet, the evidence of the origin of deep space light, the shape of the universe, the cosmic background radiation and its doppler shift, strongly "Suggest by evidence" available through standard physics that on e or another of the models is much closer to reality than is the story of a friendly giant who got lonely and wanted to make him some firmament.

Your argument of your position on DNA is entirely from ignorance with a little bit of Evangelical arrogance thrown in.Thats ok becaue if I was required to only accept one story of the origin of a particular rock seres, Id probably have to fight every other theory even in the light of strong evidence.

AS you may have realized, many of these foundation discussions were not originally turned into a debate of "C vE' or "DNA" , except by overzealous members who are impolitic in the way that they pose questions.
"DNA WAS CRETED BY A MIND" was such a dumb thread title, it has brought out little except to show that your beliefs are grounded in a second rate simplistic myth and that the scientific theory(depite your attempts to show otherwise) is strongly grounded in research that attempts to mirror what the fossil record shows of the occurence of Archeozans and cyanobacter , etc. and how it developed in all aspects (including heredity)
Thin sections of cyano bacters had been run by Hazen and others and determined that these eobacters were, indeed protists . While later thin sections had shown that the euK's hadnt evolved until the VENDEAN.

The important fact is that all these events occur in a nice time sequencethat is easily interpretable by geochronology, strati=chronology and remnant magnetism.


You have, conveniently, dismissed all the underpinning scientific data and discoveries to assert your points. While you continue to dismiss all this evidence , you compound your ignorance by claiming that none exists. This is disengenuous, fraudulent, and flat illogical. Id think that you would want to know about your "God's" ability since there are many more Christians who follow a specific revelation and who, at the same time, can see that the world was not "poofed" (to use ros' patented statement).YOU , in other words , fall into a very small minority of folks who are based more about CONTROL than about scientific objectivity

I can see that you and (probably) baddy, fall within that special realm of Christianity which is the "UNABASHED EVANGELICAL".This school of reasoning (if you can call it that) accepts unquestioningly, the revealed "truth" of scripture and sets its credo based upon these writings. However, where you confuse me is that , many places in your beliefs you extend your beliefs by some means that cannot be even inferentially tied to scripture (Your DNA belief is just one, youre explanation for evolution "macro v micro" is another).
Whenever you have to stretch a sources meanings so trhat you derive something from it that wasnt even there in the first place, you are engaging in embellishing your myths, not grounding them in reality.

I can see that your very arguments have gotten rather fractious in the last year or so, so Ive dropped my politeness with you because youve gotten a bit pathetic in your arguments and disregard for meaning in several of your resources.

You should accept that the recent quotes of several scientists engaged in abiogenesis research have presented a satifactory summary of what they feel was the probable direction that the origin of life had taken. Nowhere did that include some poofistic component (except in your mind) .
If Ize you, I d back off that point because, the more you assert your "viewpont", the more intractably ignorant you appear.
0 Replies

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