DNA Was Designed By A Mind

Reply Sat 12 Jul, 2008 04:10 pm
Spurious has been peddling that atheism harms society drivel ever since he convinced himself it would piss people off. This is from a clown who goes down to the local every night to suck down pints until he's so pissed he can hardly stagger back home. He has about as much religious devotion in him as does my left buttock.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 12 Jul, 2008 04:14 pm
Setanta wrote:
Spurious has been peddling that atheism harms society drivel ever since he convinced himself it would piss people off. This is from a clown who goes down to the local every night to suck down pints until he's so pissed he can hardly stagger back home. He has about as much religious devotion in him as does my left buttock.

Your left buttock drinks religiously?
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Reply Sat 12 Jul, 2008 04:16 pm
Used to . . . got so i couldn't afford it any longer, though . . .
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Reply Sat 12 Jul, 2008 05:14 pm
You should have reduced its size is the best advice I can offer.
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real life
Reply Sun 13 Jul, 2008 12:04 am
Brandon9000 wrote:
real life wrote:
Brandon9000 wrote:
Even a supernatural theory may be true or false. Either God did create life on Earth or he did not. You cannot chide us for not showing rigorously that our account is reasonable, and simultaneously claim that it's reasonable for a person to accept your belief with no evidence that it's true.

Yes even a supernatural theory may be true or false. So any theory should be examined on the ground it claims, not on what it doesn't claim.

I agree absolutely.

Your God theory claims that God created life on Earth. Please provide some evidence to support that belief. Since you are so highly critical of our arguments supporting the theory of evolution, you are obligated to meet the same high standard when demonstrating that there is enough grounds to accept your position. Please proceed.

The 'high standard' that I've asked of you is to produce evidence consistent with your claim of being 'scientific'.

Since science requires evidence ( or at least last time I checked it did) , I've asked what evidence is there that a 'singularity' preceding the origin of the universe EVER actually existed.

I've asked what evidence is there that a self replicating molecule other than dna/rna had EVER been the basis for a living organism.

Sorry if you thought asking for evidence was too high of a standard for scientific types to reach.

I'm told constantly by the scientific types on A2K that they have all the evidence and that I have none. So I saw no harm in asking.

'high standard' , wow. who'da thunk?........
0 Replies
real life
Reply Sun 13 Jul, 2008 12:55 am
Wolf_ODonnell wrote:
real life wrote:
Shapiro postulates that it developed within an already living organism, that's the whole point of his 'metabolism first' view of first life.

No, he does not. Your reading comprehension skills are abominable. He is listing the different theories and hypotheses in his article.

However, if you are so adamant that Shapiro postulates that the first replicator was created in an already living organism, cite the exact part of the article where he states this.

Once independent units were established, they could evolve in different ways and compete with one another for raw materials; we would have made the transition from life that emerges from nonliving matter through the action of an available energy source to life that adapts to its environment by Darwinian evolution.

Systems of the type I have described usually have been classified under the heading "metabolism first," which implies that they do not contain a mechanism for heredity. In other words, they contain no obvious molecule or structure that allows the information stored in them (their heredity) to be duplicated and passed on to their descendants.....

.....An understanding of the initial steps leading to life would not reveal the specific events that led to the familiar DNA-RNA-protein-based organisms of today. However, because we know that evolution does not anticipate future events, we can presume that nucleotides first appeared in metabolism to serve some other purpose, perhaps as catalysts or as containers for the storage of chemical energy (the nucleotide ATP still serves this function today). Some chance event or circumstance may have led to the connection of nucleotides to form RNA.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 13 Jul, 2008 05:09 am
From the dusty archives of deep time, science has been able to reconstruct "the way it probably happened" based upon the clear evidence that lies before us in the results of several coalescing disciplines.
Mr Life seems to like to display his ignorance by cyclic repetition of his debate mantra , which is,"No No It never happened that way and you cant prove that it did"

That alone is way poor science which we all know is imbued with a prime directive of "multiple hypotheses". What science does is to look at these multiple hypotheses and test them. (Remember Miller and Urey? They were the flavor of the day until about the later 1970's when they became not so popular.

Finally, When the Environmental data and "Carbon assemblage" of the Issua Formation and the several other Vendean sites became better understood, Miller and Yrey became popular again. Today, a theory (entirely based upon the evidence at hand) supports a modified Miller and Urey Geochemical world, where the biggest control wasnt water, but its pH.
The really interesting thing about all the shifts in research directions, and the part that Mr Life misses completely, is that no matter how the "Interpretation" of these data are presented, they NOWHERE, are able to support a CReationist worldview. The arrival of the "living state" has been fairly well (albeit crudely) mapped in a fashion that future researchers are close to replication of the assemblage of the living molecule. The rules have been simple so far, if life arose as the initial paleo and chemical data suggests, then its "recreation in a lab" must follow these rules.

Finally, Not only are Biblical accounts wrong, but we have very strong evidence to prove just how wrong they are and where, whereas Mr Lifes "critiques" of science are based solidly on ignorance and a childlike naivete'
0 Replies
Reply Sun 13 Jul, 2008 05:58 am
real life wrote:
Brandon9000 wrote:
real life wrote:
Brandon9000 wrote:
Even a supernatural theory may be true or false. Either God did create life on Earth or he did not. You cannot chide us for not showing rigorously that our account is reasonable, and simultaneously claim that it's reasonable for a person to accept your belief with no evidence that it's true.

Yes even a supernatural theory may be true or false. So any theory should be examined on the ground it claims, not on what it doesn't claim.

I agree absolutely.

Your God theory claims that God created life on Earth. Please provide some evidence to support that belief. Since you are so highly critical of our arguments supporting the theory of evolution, you are obligated to meet the same high standard when demonstrating that there is enough grounds to accept your position. Please proceed.

The 'high standard' that I've asked of you is to produce evidence consistent with your claim of being 'scientific'.

Since science requires evidence ( or at least last time I checked it did) , I've asked what evidence is there that a 'singularity' preceding the origin of the universe EVER actually existed.

I've asked what evidence is there that a self replicating molecule other than dna/rna had EVER been the basis for a living organism.

Sorry if you thought asking for evidence was too high of a standard for scientific types to reach.

I'm told constantly by the scientific types on A2K that they have all the evidence and that I have none. So I saw no harm in asking.

'high standard' , wow. who'da thunk?........

You are apparently claiming that God created life on Earth. This is either the truth or not the truth. It is a very specific claim. You are further apparently claiming that this theory is reasonable for people to believe. Therefore, you are stuck with your own requirement that you demonstrate that there is some kind of evidence to show that this theory is likely true. You continue to demand that we show evidence of the truth of our belief, but declare yourself exempt. You are simply forfeiting the debate.

Now, I repeat, show me evidence that your theory of the origin of life on Earth is correct, just like you are asking us to do. If you are not willing to do this, then you have no right to ask us to.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 13 Jul, 2008 06:35 am
real life wrote:
The 'high standard' that I've asked of you is to produce evidence consistent with your claim of being 'scientific'.

I've asked what evidence is there that a self replicating molecule other than dna/rna had EVER been the basis for a living organism.

Just because you reject the evidence presented, doesn't mean the evidence hasn't been presented. The problem here isn't that science isn't stepping up in support of its own theories, the problem is that you are rejecting known scientific facts out of hand.

Science uses known scientific facts as evidence to produce new theories. Science builds on itself. Wether you like it or not, the scientific fact of evolution is evidence of a first replicator, just as physics and cosmology are evidence for the Big Bang.

It is not incumbent on us to produce an actual "first replicator molecule" and lay it on a slide under a microscope in order to have produced "evidence". Science doesn't work that way.

As I have noted before, your objections all boil down to a combination of out-of-hand denial of known scientific facts and rejection of simple deductive reasoning. You're a Creationist.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 13 Jul, 2008 06:47 am
fm wrote-

Finally, Not only are Biblical accounts wrong, but we have very strong evidence to prove just how wrong they are and where, whereas Mr Lifes "critiques" of science are based solidly on ignorance and a childlike naivete'

But ignorance and childlike naivety are the normal condition of the human animal.

c.i. endorses Einstein's view on that in his signature.

I suppose fm is really trying to say that he's enlightened and a mature sceptic which is obviously, if Einstein was correct, abnormal.

fm is married I gather and you can't get more naive than that. Only other married men will dispute that and as Mandy Rice-Davies famously nearly said-"Well they would wouldn't they?"

Actually, I saw Mandy wearing but shoes when she went on tour to cash in on the Bermuda Triangle which brought down a government.

Her facial expression was a plea of innocence to being in any way at fault if high, enlightened and mature ministers of state of their free volition had thrown themselves at her feet. "What would you have done?" it said.
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Wolf ODonnell
Reply Sun 13 Jul, 2008 10:31 am
real life wrote:
Wolf_ODonnell wrote:
real life wrote:
Shapiro postulates that it developed within an already living organism, that's the whole point of his 'metabolism first' view of first life.

No, he does not. Your reading comprehension skills are abominable. He is listing the different theories and hypotheses in his article.

However, if you are so adamant that Shapiro postulates that the first replicator was created in an already living organism, cite the exact part of the article where he states this.

Yup, just as I thought... You have provided no proof whatsoever. If you think the below paragraph demonstrates that what you've said is true, then you're more delusional than I thought... or more stupid... or possibly so condescendingly arrogant you don't think I wouldn't be able to see the trees from the forest.

Once independent units were established, they could evolve in different ways and compete with one another for raw materials; we would have made the transition from life that emerges from nonliving matter through the action of an available energy source to life that adapts to its environment by Darwinian evolution.

How does this demonstrate that Shapiro thinks small molecules "developed within an already living organism", RL? Note he makes no mention of living organism at all. In fact, on the previous page he states:

Shapiro wrote:
Fortunately, an alternative group of theories that can employ these materials has existed for decades. The theories employ a thermodynamic rather than a genetic definition of life, under a scheme put forth by Carl Sagan in the Encyclopedia Britannica: A localized region which increases in order (decreases in entropy) through cycles driven by an energy flow would be considered alive.

I'm sure somebody else has already quoted this to you before.

Now this definition of thermodynamic life does not even match the definition of a living organism, partially because organims almost certainly do "contain a mechanism for heredity" unlike the systems of the type Shapiro described.

None of this, I must add provides any proof that DNA was designed by a mind or proves that he believed in poofism, which is something you once claimed.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 13 Jul, 2008 10:42 am
The numerous dog breeds shows that (at least to a degree) "DNA was designed by a mind".
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Reply Sun 13 Jul, 2008 10:49 am
Chumly wrote:
The numerous dog breeds shows that (at least to a degree) "DNA was designed by a mind".

Oh good, that should help clear things up.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 13 Jul, 2008 11:01 am
It's more plausible that man is god-like to some degree, than there is a god as the bible dictates.

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." Arthur C. Clarke, "Profiles of The Future", 1961.

Larry Niven, in discussing fantasy, wrote "any sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology."
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real life
Reply Sun 13 Jul, 2008 05:13 pm

Your knee jerk reaction is badly embarrassing you.

First you ask:
Wolf_ODonnell wrote:

However, if you are so adamant that Shapiro postulates that the first replicator was created in an already living organism, cite the exact part of the article where he states this.

Then when provided with the quote, you ask:

Wolf_ODonnell wrote:

How does this demonstrate that Shapiro thinks small molecules "developed within an already living organism", RL?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 13 Jul, 2008 05:17 pm
If he's an American it is demonstrated by him saying they do.


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real life
Reply Sun 13 Jul, 2008 05:25 pm
rosborne979 wrote:
real life wrote:
The 'high standard' that I've asked of you is to produce evidence consistent with your claim of being 'scientific'.

I've asked what evidence is there that a self replicating molecule other than dna/rna had EVER been the basis for a living organism.

Just because you reject the evidence presented, doesn't mean the evidence hasn't been presented.

You've presented ZERO evidence that ANY self replicating molecule other than dna/rna has EVER been the basis for ANY living organism.

(Hint: saying 'well it COULDA happened, you can't prove a negative so it MIGHTA been' is not scientific evidence)
0 Replies
Reply Sun 13 Jul, 2008 07:23 pm
real life wrote:
rosborne979 wrote:
real life wrote:
The 'high standard' that I've asked of you is to produce evidence consistent with your claim of being 'scientific'.

I've asked what evidence is there that a self replicating molecule other than dna/rna had EVER been the basis for a living organism.

Just because you reject the evidence presented, doesn't mean the evidence hasn't been presented.

You've presented ZERO evidence that ANY self replicating molecule other than dna/rna has EVER been the basis for ANY living organism.

(Hint: saying 'well it COULDA happened, you can't prove a negative so it MIGHTA been' is not scientific evidence)

That's interesting real life.. Were you arguing something you don't believe?

It seems my sarcastic comment that you think Shapiro agrees with you on everything is shown to be what I thought it was.

You don't agree with Shapiro on anything other than his statement that RNA alone as the source is highly improbable.
You don't think RNA could come about in any form other than creationism. This is the reason why you never answer questions about your own opinion but only promote Shapiro's. Your opinion is loony as can be. You accuse others of having no evidence yet when presented with evidence you ignore it and continue to claim we have no evidence.

You are full of **** real life. You spout nothing but crap and can't even be honest enough to state your own opinion. You steal from others even when you don't agree with them and give the impression you do agree. When it comes down to Shapiro, you don't agree with ANY of of scientific proposals. Yet, you trot out Shapiro every 6 months as if you did agree with him. Dishonesty is all we get from you real life.
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Reply Sun 13 Jul, 2008 07:27 pm
rosborne979 wrote:
Chumly wrote:
The numerous dog breeds shows that (at least to a degree) "DNA was designed by a mind".

Oh good, that should help clear things up.

Coherence is Chumly's weak suit.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 13 Jul, 2008 07:53 pm
real life wrote:
You've presented ZERO evidence that ANY self replicating molecule other than dna/rna has EVER been the basis for ANY living organism.

Here it is again:
rosborne979 wrote:
Wether you like it or not, the scientific fact of evolution is evidence of a first replicator, just as physics and cosmology are evidence for the Big Bang.
0 Replies

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