Gee, periodic revisions of people suffering from AIDS. Hm, why could that be, I wonder? Could it be because, hm... numbers change because people can end up being infected, thus changing the number of people who suffer from AIDS?
Also, Duesberg's position on AIDS drugs has been proven to be completely false, as the overwhelming evidence shows that HIV infection and not drug use is the best predictor of AIDS development:
Schechter M, Craib K, Gelmon K, Montaner J, Le T, O'Shaughnessy M (1993). "HIV-1 and the aetiology of AIDS". Lancet 341 (8846): 165. doi:10.1016/0140-6736(93)90421-C. PMID 8095571.
Vermund S, Hoover D, Chen K (1993). "CD4+ counts in seronegative homosexual men. The Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study". N Engl J Med 328 (6): 442. PMID 8093639.
Des Jarlais D, Friedman S, Marmor M, Mildvan D, Yancovitz S, Sotheran J, Wenston J, Beatrice S (1993). "CD4 lymphocytopenia among injecting drug users in New York City". J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 6 (7): 820-2. PMID 8099613.
Chao C, Jacobson LP, Tashkin D, et al (2008). "Recreational drug use and T lymphocyte subpopulations in HIV-uninfected and HIV-infected men". Drug Alcohol Depend 94: 165. doi:10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2007.11.010. PMID 18180115.
You can also find the results of a three-month investigation into Duesberg's claims
here, where it is stated that:
Quote:...although the Berkeley virologist raises provocative questions, few researchers find his basic contention that HIV is not the cause of AIDS persuasive. Mainstream AIDS researchers argue that Duesberg's arguments are constructed by selective reading of the scientific literature, dismissing evidence that contradicts his theses, requiring impossibly definitive proof, and dismissing outright studies marked by inconsequential weaknesses.
Selective reading, dismissing evidence that contradicts your ideas, requiring impossibly definitive proof, dismissing outright studies marked by inconsequential weaknesses...
Hey, it's you!