Thu 26 Jun, 2008 02:50 am
Christians, stop it, please. You're embarassing yourself.
Anyone here heard of the 2007 apocalypse prediction? There was a website and the "prophet" had tons of followers. Fortunately we're still here. Unfortunately some loonies are still making crazy prophecies. This one is a series of prediction, and I think already the very first one looks like it's going to fail.
Clicky here!
Correctly spoken it is "This 'prophet' embarasses christianity"
Aperson, If an American or an Australian told you Kiwi's to 'stop it, you're embarassing yourselves' because one loudmouth Kiwi says idiotic things...wouldn't you find that insulting, condescending, and ignorant?
Is the idiotic loudmouth Kiwi representative of you?
If not, isn't it hypocritical to ascribe such to Christians?
Completely true. To be totally honest I was just using it as an excuse to have a go at Christians. Immature, I know.
It's still funny though!
You know, eventually, they will be right. :wink:
Glad to know. Opportunities for events such as these will only be supplied by yours truly, for only yours truly knows his faults and has the courage to proclaim them.
Better to be inmature than over ripe-- pass used by date one.
Damn straight.
Man am I hated.
I like this hatred, it seems interesting. aperson: your face reminds me of a cheese wheel and your knowledge is comparable to that of a newt.
Now even people I've never met before hate me.
Welcome to A2K my friend...
Yes, it's all fun and laughter around here...
I don't know if it makes a difference to you aperson, but I surely do not hate you.
Thanks. It is appreciated.
To prophecies something within your own lifetime must mean the prophet actually believes/believed what he/she is/was saying unless they make it so vague that the prophecy can be interpreted in numerous ways, making it a scam. Anyhow the said individual should go get help as the voices in his head are obviously lieing to him
No, madness is ok if you're religious.
Mar 13:32 - "As for that day or hour no one knows, neither the angels of heaven nor the Son, but only the Father.
None can foretell s last day of the apocalypse then so that all predictions will come to false.