Love: It's just the way I feel

Reply Wed 10 Sep, 2003 02:55 pm

Before you judge my intent, try to understand it first.

Often I am asked what are my efforts towards my fellowman? What am I doing about the poverty and suffering? What am I doing to express my Love? How am I helping the needy? The basic "Just who do you think *you* are?" questions rephrased in a different context. It's not about who I am. soul_doctor73 is just a screen name attached to a faceless, nameless personality of indeterminate description. In this forum, we are all the same. The only difference between me and you is the screen name and our point of view. Everything else is pretense and assumption.

Even so, would you believe me if I did? Will who I am make any special difference to you by the time you reach the end? No matter how I personally feel, I can't truly express it to someone who is not prepared to accept it. I can love all of you like family, but in person, a stranger greeting you with a hug and a kiss, would, at the very least, significantly alarm you.

And that is why most of you don't believe in Love. At least not my version of it. I would like to be able to do that to a total stranger and receive a smile instead of apprehension. But I recognize the fact that I'd more than likely get slapped or punched, depending on the gender. So how do I express Love to someone who does not recognize it? How do I make those of you who do not like me believe 'I Love you' in a genuine way? How do I express my desire to prove my Love to those of you who would believe me? Our modern times would label someone like me as 'crazy'. It is incomprehensible that any single person could Love everyone exactly the same. But I do. Easily and with passionate conviction.

The reason why most people cannot believe in Love is because they cannot accept it. They are the reason why Love is so scare now. Though I could, I am afraid to show Love to anyone I happen to meet. The possibility of them understanding me is very little. The chance of them becoming confused, offended, or angered at me is almost certain. This is why we all live in fear of each other. I had thought to make this post about everyone in general, but I later realized that it's not about everyone, it is about me. I am the one professing Love, so it is I who must prove my Love. So it will be personal to me and to me alone.

It is not what I see that I love about you. What you appear to be is not who you are to me at all. Your appearance is pretense to me. It is surface content. I love what is beneath that. I love the you that you protect from everyone because no one understands you. I love the you that feels. The you that loves and desires to be loved.

I love the child inside of you that struggles to make sense of the world. The innocence born into a pretense of guilt. The you trying to be you is the very thing I love about you. You are the mother I love simply because you love me. You are the father I love when I make you proud of me. You are the sister I love because you trust me. You are the brother I love because you are willing to help me.

You are the daughter I love because you are more precious to me than diamonds and more beautiful than the stars. You are the son I love because I can see the man growing up in you who wants to be like me.
I love the part of you that sleeps peacefully. The part of you than can only be observed with Love. The part of you that is no pretense and no opinion.

I love the you that lives and breaths and dreams and hopes and sorrows and cries and needs and wants and desires to be appreciated. I love the you that is God inside you. The Life that animates you. The Spirit that *is* you. The Light that departs when your body dies.

I Love you because you are so much like me that it is impossible for me not to. I do not need to know your name before I hug you. I do not expect you to love me like I want you to. I do not care that I have never seen you. I know enough about you already to not need any reason to Love you.

I know you cry when you are alone and no one understands your tears. I know you feel lonely in a house full of people and you can't understand why. I know you want someone to love you, to really Love *you* and not your body or your money or your fame or your beauty or your abilities.
I know you wish no one cared about all the things in your past and that you could just be accepted as yourself, for who you are, and not who you appear to be. I know you because I recognize that you in me. I recognize you when I feel like no one cares about me.

I recognize you when I am hungry and I cannot eat yet. I recognize you when I wish I were sleeping because there is solace in it. I recognize you when I talk to myself because no one will listen to me. I recognize you when I am thinking about my feelings because no one else appears to be.
I recognize you when I feel unloved by someone who I wish would love me. I recognize you when I alone and no one is thinking about me. I recognize you when no one stops to help me right when I most need it. I recognize you when I am in anguish and there is no one who can comfort me. I recognize you because everything I am, you are too.

That is why I Love you. The *real* you. This is how I Love you. Because I am you. I am just like you. It makes no difference to me what your name is, how you look, where you come from, or what you believe.I love the you that has no look, the you that has no name, the you that has no face. Because that you has no pretense underneath, no animosity, and no hate for me. That you wants to be Loved, so Love I do.

As for what I am doing to help the world, I am doing all I can do. Trying to tell you to Love same. If we truly loved, there would be no one able to tolerate another's suffering. There would be no one able to lie to your face. There would be no one able to steal from you. No one able to kill you. No one able to hurt you or offend you. No one would want to.
Sometimes Love is pain because it hurts to not be able to express it. But being able to express Love gives me the greatest joy because it makes someone smile, and that is all Love needs to do. And when you Love, it will be the only thing you will ever want to do.
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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 2,180 • Replies: 26
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Reply Wed 10 Sep, 2003 03:04 pm
Some nice sentiments here, soul, but could you re-enter this post after you've come out from under the influence?
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Reply Wed 10 Sep, 2003 03:06 pm
I agree wholeheartedly with your sentiment. However, I worry about you my man, what with the preaching and all. I don't think your idea is 'crazy', in fact, it seems quite sound to me. What creeps me out is your thinking that others need to follow you and your views. Like I said, it's not that your views aren't sound, it's just that there are many many people who have come to the same conclusions via other methodoligies, and not religious, neccessarily. It's a wonderful thing to want to help people learn to love each other, and rid the world of conflict, but we all have to get there our own way. If we don't, we will just be accepting one supreme leader over another, and the bitter cycle of oppression just starts over again. Nothing you say is new. I don't get why you think it is. Just my thoughts.
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Reply Wed 10 Sep, 2003 03:25 pm
It is people like the "doctor", who are brimming with self regard, that trouble me the most.
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Reply Wed 10 Sep, 2003 03:31 pm
Hey, what are you smoking and why aren't you sharing?
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Reply Wed 10 Sep, 2003 03:33 pm
It's either some strange Jungian psychology, Satre philosophy or Dianetics.
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Reply Wed 10 Sep, 2003 03:35 pm
Exactly, Cephus -- it reads like someone wrote it after three or four martinis, a couple of joints and a good snort of coke.
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Reply Wed 10 Sep, 2003 04:22 pm
Sounds almost Raelian to me....Lightwizard, this thread reminds me of that scene in 'Almost Famous' where the guitar player dives off the roof while under the influence of a whole lot of acid....crap...losing the name of the actor....though I know it wasn't Jesus Laughing Sad thing is, I don't believe our 'doctor' takes any drugs.
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Reply Wed 10 Sep, 2003 04:37 pm
It's more likely he needs some. If it's Raelian we could just ask him if he's wearing white tennis shoes but has no racket. Errr...maybe he does have a racket but we haven't figured out what it is.
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Reply Wed 10 Sep, 2003 04:45 pm
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Reply Wed 10 Sep, 2003 06:31 pm
I have been accused of many things in the replies to my post, but I have never been accused of loving someone. No one comments on the care I set aside for those I represent. Many of you see my posts as filled with hate and anger. I will address the reasons for that. What you fail to do is separate the sin from the sinner. A murderer is a murderer in his heart, and what caused him to intentionally murder is his priority for self. Immorality is the result of self-concern and we live in an immoral world. True Love leaves no room for self, and true Love does not exist in the hearts of men.

Only the immoral would relax their morality to sleep with another person's spouse. Where is the Love in that? Only the immoral would set aside justice to profit at another's expense. How is that an example of Love? Only the immoral would lie to save themselves from their rightful punishment and watch an innocent take their place. Is such a fate due a Loved One?

How often have the guilty gone free? How often have those deserving of death escaped it by killing another? How often have the powerful crushed the weak to retain their power? How often have the innocent cried out for mercy from those who threaten them to no avail? Their voices go unanswered. Their blood unavenged. Their lives untold. Such things are common place in this world because of immoral men and women. Poverty exists because the selfish put their desires before the good of all. Homelessness is common because the greedy put their needs above the needs of all. The hopeless faint for lack of Love. I hate that which allows such things to exist, yet I am the one who is perceived as heartless and cold.

Juvenile males are rapists, molesters, and murderers. In my eyes, there is no way to justify any such action. The male species has an almost limitless capacity for greed. Possessed by desire, such men will stop at nothing and leave no sacred thing untouched by their hands. Such animals are worthy of nothing less than swift justice and burning flame.
Immoral women are coniving, deceitful, and calculating. Juveniles males have the fortunate flaw of being straight forward in their methods. Women on the other hand make the best liars, and I despise a liar with my very soul. From a single lie much evil is born and the female sex are masters of deception.

Selfish men are greedy and prideful. Selfish women are prideful and vain. Because of these two classes of people the earth is covered with the blood of innocent men, women, and children. Because of selfishness countless innocents have lost their means, their families, and their lives. Over the history of this planet, billions have been denied a life of equal measure; billions have been denied equal justice, and even until now, immoral men and women still oppress in the capacity of our leaders. Immorality is the rule. And the immoral make every excuses for their immorality.

But what about Love? Why is there so much suffering in a world filled with religous believers? Christian professions of Love are ever falling from their lips, so why are the needy still needful? Why is there hunger when all food grows free? Why are there homeless when all the material to build homes comes from the earth, also free? It is not in the nature of the selfish to consider anyone above themselves. Six billion humans, and the selfish man can only count up to one. This is the nature of my hate. This is the source of my anger.

The selfish promote their opinions over the good of their fellow man so one man sees himself as better than another. The selfish are unconcerned with the plight of the destitute and so they continue to suffer. The selfish provide for themselves and those they 'love'. Their blood kin go without. The needful are ridiculed. Loving all as one love's oneself is impossible for the selfish.

Everynight, tears of misery, pain, longing, and despair are cried by millions of those undeserving of such heartache. Everynight, the hungry fall victim to starvation. Everyday the powerless are compelled to obey the powerful. Everyday the suffering continues because no one cares enough to provide solace for them. Every second of the day, someone on this planet sheds a tear with no one to console them. Every minute someone dies alone. Every hour a child is born to certain death. Every single day the selfish and immoral continue in their selfish ways and immoral desires. While death and need fester around them.

The Love I feel is powerfully motivated to the cause of the innocents suffering because of immorality and selfishness. But my Love is unrequited. Every child I would Love as my own. Every Mother I would treat as if she were mine. Every Father I would honor as my own. Every Sister I would protect as the apple of my own eye. Every Brother I would lend my strength.

But who is prepared to receive such affection from a stranger?What mother is prepared to receive love from a Son she has not conceived? What father can respect such honor from someone they have not sired? What sister would understand unconditional Love from a brother she never knew she had? What man would understand the respect of a stranger when need overcomes pride? True Love is unrecognized.

So the hungry are my family. The despondent are my concern. The hopeless are lodged deep within my heart. I know their pain. I know their loss. I know their despair. Until now they have had no advocate: I am He. When I speak, I am not speaking to the oppressed innocents but to those selfish and immoral men and women who oppress them. They are all of my mothers and fathers. My sisters and bothers. My sons and my daughters. They are mine because I am theirs.

I do not care to separate 'good' immorality from 'bad' immorality. The difference between right and wrong is well defined. The line betwen Light and Dark is not invisible. The wicked and the righteous are not equal. The innocent and the guilty will not share in the same judgment.

There is a point in our progress as a race when humanity itself has to become accountable for its actions. The strong of Humanity have failed the weak in their Role. Everyday excuses are made for uman 'weakness'. Every possible reason under the sun is used to set aside individual morality for a moment of selfish gratification.

The immoral refuse to accept responsibility for their immorality. Their selfish lack of concern for their fellowman is the very reason why I despise them. For this reason my posts are geared toward them as a warning. I have long known them as my enemy. Now they know me as theirs.
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Reply Wed 10 Sep, 2003 09:43 pm
You can't change people Doc! Why not concentrate on your own life because trying to change others is a total waste of your time and theirs ;-)
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Reply Thu 11 Sep, 2003 01:24 am
Montana has expressed an ideal that I think you'll eventually find permeates this forum. There is a spirit of live and let live here but if you begin expounding your philosopy in confusing rhetoric you're only going to get a negative response. And it's so easy to get a positive response even if you are still stating your ideals. Try "less is more."
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Reply Thu 11 Sep, 2003 07:28 am
Montana wrote:
You can't change people Doc! Why not concentrate on your own life because trying to change others is a total waste of your time and theirs ;-)

I am not trying to change people, I trying to show people a need for change. They do the changing themselves if they chose to change. If they don't, it was their choice from the beginning.
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Reply Thu 11 Sep, 2003 11:32 am
I believe people are already aware of the need for change. Unfortunately, the ones that are aware of it are not the ones that need to change, and the ones who do need to change could care less. I, for one would love to see the bad people in this world turn around and change their ways, but no one can change them, so it's just simply a waste of time trying. All people can do is make the best of their own lives and find happiness for themselves. If you try to take on all the negative baggage in the world trying to change the impossible, then you are robbing yourself of your own happiness.
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Reply Thu 11 Sep, 2003 11:38 am
But of course, most people think the world and our societies will continue as they have indefinately. Were that the case, you'd be right. It would be a futile endeavor.

But I am not one of those people.

'Signs and wonders', they say.
I say there are no coincidences.
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Reply Thu 11 Sep, 2003 11:41 am
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Reply Thu 11 Sep, 2003 11:47 am
I tried!
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Reply Thu 11 Sep, 2003 12:31 pm
What *did* you try to do Montana? Offer me something you perceive to be lacking in me? Educate me in some form of etiquette I appear to have foregone?

What were you *trying* to do? Foist upon me your ideas of the 'right way to do things'?

Why did you feel you *needed* to try anything, Montana? What motivated you to 'try' *for* me?

Love for me? Did you want to show me your kindness and concern for me? Did you feel compelled to reach out and offer your help to me?

What, exactly, was it that you *tried*, Montana?
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Reply Thu 11 Sep, 2003 01:19 pm
All I did was try to explain to you that you can't change the world no matter how hard you try and that's all. I guess you could say that I was trying to "help" you.
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