Disclaimer: everything here be related to the "tongue-speaking" of charismatic churches. Me don't know nothin' bout the so-called "secular" stuff some have mentioned.
Ise happy to give you a realistic demonstration from literally hundreds of hours of first hand observation.....
Heebeeti yeebeeti heebeeti yeebeeti YEEBEETI shandala SHUNdala shanda baranda baheebeeti heebeeti.......
fealola wrote:It seems to me that it would be a kind of mental release. A release of pressure. A kind of freedom in a way. I'm having a hard time trying to put it into words.
Total abandonment? Like singing or dancing wildly, in the secular world. Or whirling dirvishes in the religious world.
It's a cool analogy and maybe applies in some cases, but usually people get roped into performing these antics by things like (1) psychological pressure to "perform" in front of everybody, (2) desire to please their leaders (3) competing with others for attention, (4) for shits & giggles. and suchlike.
Besides, I must say I find little, if any, evidence in the new testament for the kind of "charismata" claimed by some churches. In Acts, "tongues" is clearly defined as (a) the gift to speak a language without having learned it previously, (b) in the presence of someone who understands that language. Ise can explain this a lot more is anyone's interested. And language has characteristics that are distinguishable even by those who are untrained in linguistics.
Piffka wrote:The creepiness to me is that someone else could understand it and that it might have some relation to ancient languages.
Well, that article made no avoidance of outright bullshit.