Sun 18 May, 2008 04:34 pm
Hi everyone,
I'm a 30 year old guy who has dabbled in quite a lot of diff stuff in my life.
Due to unfortunate circumstances and stigma associated with my current lifestyle i have decided to change my career in totality.
So that you may gauge my intelligence level. I shall talk abt myself.
I have been in a low-mid level management position for the past five years. I have a college degree and numerous diplomas.ranging from computer hardware to food safety.(now thats quite a collection).Learning comes easy to me unless its high end math.Not that i cannot learn math but its not my best skill. I have run my own business for two years and kept my shirt on.
My situation is that i want to change my career. I'm looking to do something computer related.(Late start eh!!) How much time do i have?
One year.
I want to give this shot two stages.
Stage 1: Learn a new skill set
Stage 2:Look for a job.
The job need not be high paying.40K+ is what i'm aiming for.
I know my situation does not have an off the shelf solution due to my age.
I hope some one could help me with some much needed advice regarding which skill set to obtain.
Im open to new ideas if anyone of you can coem up with
Thanx in advance
I totally agree with Phoenix, even though I could probably not have said it as well in such few words!
Phoenix is exactly right... you are less then a third of the way through your working life.
You are talking as if 30 years makes you old. (From where I stand you are still a kid.) I had two career changes in my thirties (actually the second was kind of going back to my original field in a different position).
If you want a new career... you would be a fool to not do it.
The question about what career is best is a personal one. Figure out what you love to do, then figure out how to do it. Anything is open... if you want to advance in the computer field, you may want to consider going back to school.
Have you read "What color is your parachute"? This is the canonical book for the career questions you are asking.
Don't worry about your young age. The few years of experience you have will help you with this decision.
Since you have experience running your own show, you might want to look into Business Analysis. Getting information and certification is a lot easier than learning coding and will take far less time. See: