littlek wrote:I do! I do need a good farnarkle!
The farnarkling gods and goddesses have blessed thy quest, daughter.
Get thee to some sort of crossroady thing at midnight, go thrice widdershins around the crossy bit, casting salt over thy left shoulder while remaining cross-eyed......and in the next 24 hours, keepeth thy eyes peeled, and thou shalt find a fine farnarkler before thee!!!!
Oi! It's 11:55 - where, I mean, wherest ist thine crossroadeth?
littlek wrote:Oi! It's 11:55 - where, I mean, wherest ist thine crossroadeth?
Oh for peteth thaketh, daughter!!!!
Go where two roads the next street, for instance!!!
Oh, it has to be unrefined sea salt.
Church mouse....
Ok lets say like there is this an ant, yeah an ant....ok so this ant hangs out with a bunch of other ants who spend all day building little toy boats then launching them into a steam where they float away out into the world....some of the ants only build a few, some build dozens, some build very large intricate boats with a lot of detail work, some boats are quite simple, just enough wood to keep them afloat. Some build assault boats, some build rescue boats, some boats explode on contact, some boats are so special they are unforgettable. But this one particular, let's call him Jeff, will often build a boat and right before he puts the finishing touches on it, just as he is about to smash the bottle, he decides that there is really no need for his boat, the stream is full...Jeff dismantles his little boat and saves the pieces for another day.
So, I'm either Jeff the boat building ant...
A church mouse.
I have unrefined sea salt! Woohoo! Can it be the crossroadeths withinst mine houseth?
littlek wrote:I have unrefined sea salt! Woohoo! Can it be the crossroadeths withinst mine houseth?
If there happens to be any dew around, washing thyy face with it won't do any harm, either.
Oh no!!!!! You've been and gone and done and EXPLAINED it!!!
You're no damn aquatic're a stool pigeon!
Do you know where you can get of these then...
"using a flukem to propel a
gonad through sets of posts situated at random around the periphery of a grommet"
fancy an arkle
Izzie wrote:Do you know where you can get of these then...
"using a flukem to propel a
gonad through sets of posts situated at random around the periphery of a grommet"
fancy an arkle

Of course I know where I can get gonads!
K - well if you can send me one - I'll find a flukem and arkle around a grommet. No gonads here to use
Izzie wrote:K - well if you can send me one - I'll find a flukem and arkle around a grommet. No gonads here to use

Good live on a tiny, over-populated island....there's gonads a popping all around you.
Main Entry:
New Latin gonad-, gonas, from Greek gonos
: a reproductive gland (as an ovary or testis) that produces gametes
And, a bit less down to earth:
Quote:The Gonads (Gk. gonades, Lat. genitalia), representing the Procreative function. The "marrow," the stuff of which psuche or genios was made, was the Life Essence; Plato says that in it is made "the bonds of life which unite the Soul with the Body." This marrow or sap is passed down the spine, concentrated in the gonads, and is the source of the life of the offspring. In particular, semen was considered a kind of cerebrospinal sap. This center corresponds to Chakra 2, called Svadhisthana, which means "her favorite resort," an apt name for "the cakra of sexuality" (Campbell, 144).
What! Women have gonads too!?! Ha!
littlek wrote:What! Women have gonads too!?! Ha!
Honey......we INVENTED the gonad....
dlowan wrote:2PacksAday wrote:Church mouse....
Ok lets say like there is this an ant, yeah an ant....ok so this ant hangs out with a bunch of other ants who spend all day building little toy boats then launching them into a steam where they float away out into the world....some of the ants only build a few, some build dozens, some build very large intricate boats with a lot of detail work, some boats are quite simple, just enough wood to keep them afloat. Some build assault boats, some build rescue boats, some boats explode on contact, some boats are so special they are unforgettable. But this one particular, let's call him Jeff, will often build a boat and right before he puts the finishing touches on it, just as he is about to smash the bottle, he decides that there is really no need for his boat, the stream is full...Jeff dismantles his little boat and saves the pieces for another day.
So, I'm either Jeff the boat building ant...
A church mouse.
Jeff's nuts!
Jeff is busy right now building a very large boat just for you called "Watership Down"...I thought that was an odd choice for a name, but he said any wabbit {yeah he has a lisp} worth her salt would get the irony of the name....but I'm pretty sure he was drilling holes in the bottom of it.
2PacksAday wrote:dlowan wrote:2PacksAday wrote:Church mouse....
Ok lets say like there is this an ant, yeah an ant....ok so this ant hangs out with a bunch of other ants who spend all day building little toy boats then launching them into a steam where they float away out into the world....some of the ants only build a few, some build dozens, some build very large intricate boats with a lot of detail work, some boats are quite simple, just enough wood to keep them afloat. Some build assault boats, some build rescue boats, some boats explode on contact, some boats are so special they are unforgettable. But this one particular, let's call him Jeff, will often build a boat and right before he puts the finishing touches on it, just as he is about to smash the bottle, he decides that there is really no need for his boat, the stream is full...Jeff dismantles his little boat and saves the pieces for another day.
So, I'm either Jeff the boat building ant...
A church mouse.
Jeff's nuts!
Jeff is busy right now building a very large boat just for you called "Watership Down"...I thought that was an odd choice for a name, but he said any wabbit {yeah he has a lisp} worth her salt would get the irony of the name....but I'm pretty sure he was drilling holes in the bottom of it.
Given Jeff's predilection for edifices that go nowhere, I'd say the irony was on the other...whatever you call the things at the bottoms of ants' legs....that thing.