BumbleBeeBoogie wrote:I don't know what I am but some people think I'm this:

Hmmmmm....I see you more as a busy bird....flying out into the world and returning with a huge beak full of worms, or giant insects and such, which you throw into the nest for the young.
Letty wrote:I'm a moorhen. When I am in the water, I am a swan. When on land I'm a mean old hen who protects her babies.

Moorhen it is!
quinn1 wrote:I don't know what I am either.
I like this though - give yet another pic to a person other than the avi and sig.
You're the "wheretheferkisshe bird".
As you know, they spend most of their time busy in the long grasses, leading a secret but intense life, invisible to the rest of us.
Every now and then, we see you fly briefly above the grasses for a moment, only to disappear again.
And we all cry "Where the ferk is she"?!!!!
sozobe wrote:Am I an ant? Nimh seems clearly antish, I'm not sure if I am or not.
Badger, that sounds good. Fits Noddy.
I dunno what I am!
I also change, according to time available (and interest!).
If I'm very busy and have 20 minutes to spare I zoom around quite springbokily.
Well, then you are an ungulate-duck.
All serene above the water line, but pedalling furiously below you were my archetypal ungulate.
Noddy24 wrote:I'd like to be a badger. Peace loving, but tenacious.
Badger it is. How do badgers POST, though?
Francis wrote:Can I be the penguin?

Only if you explain to me how you post like a penguin.
DrewDad wrote:I'm Mr. Toad.
Semper Absurda.
Oh dear.