OmSigDAVID wrote:If u r a blood-thirsty murderer ( or u yearn to become one )
England is the safest place for u to go !
PINOCHET is my favorite guy !
I wish I 'd met him during his blessed 91 years on Earth.
My gratitude to him is ineffable for his killing all those filthy commies.
Augusto Pinochet was an instrument of Justice and goodness on Earth !
I am very pleased that he rose to become a multimillionaire; he deserved it.
I wish I had shaken his hand and thanked him.
He knew how to treat commies !
KATE HUDSON, Chair of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament:
I charge George Bush with illegally attacking Iraq on trumped up charges, imposing a brutal occupation, wrecking the infrastructure and public services, using chemical weapons on civilian populations, littering the country with cluster bombs and depleted uranium munitions, causing hundreds of thousands of deaths and untold human sorrow and suffering. He must be brought to justice.
Britain has been doing a slow dive into hell, thanks to US interference and lies
for me, here on a2k, listening to D and C (and others) rant on about Britain, France and Canada, is frankly, laughable.
What hypocrites.
Take a good long look at your own disaster (if you dare) before pontificating on the situation elsewhere.
There is a sign of intelligent life in Britain alright
and it is growing
Well, since our mission of overthrowing Saddam has been successfully accomplished,
I no longer support the war in Iraq.
It has become a giant foreign aid project, instead of a defensive war.
HOWEVER these issues may be,
my point was that England is now a beautiful haven for those who wish
to become bloody robbers & murderers, in that it is a SAFE territory for them
and thay will not be injured while thay rob and slaughter Englishmen,
and Englishchicks, because the English government has rendered them
helpless ( by law ) so that thay cannot legally defend themselves
( like Farmer Tony Martin ).
The government of England is in bed with evil,
partnering up with violent criminals to protect them from the defenses of their victims.