Why is rabbit hunting bad?
Cute pup.
I am sure you will enjoy many a rabbit stew.
Bella Dea wrote:Why is rabbit hunting bad?
Cute pup.
I am sure you will enjoy many a rabbit stew.
Because this site is filled with a bunch of tree-hugging hippies. Hunting anything is bad. Bright colored peace sign stickers on the back of your 1981 Volvo is good.
Slappy Doo Hoo wrote:Bella Dea wrote:Why is rabbit hunting bad?
Cute pup.
I am sure you will enjoy many a rabbit stew.
Because this site is filled with a bunch of tree-hugging hippies. Hunting anything is bad. Bright colored peace sign stickers on the back of your 1981 Volvo is good.
As long as he doesn't sic it on panda bears I'm fine with it.
or polar bears please...although I'm pretty sure i could get him down in two big gulps...
Slappy Doo Hoo wrote:Hunting anything is bad.
However, one can see some hunting going on on this site.
And it's not necessarily bad...
My seven pound Dolly could whomp your puppy in a flash. She chases the next door cat wanting to play, but not rabbits.
Thanks for the positive comments. The others. pffftt.
Lou puts up with the pup but doesn't want anything to do with her. After about three unwelcomed butt sniffs Lou will hit her about 10 times before she knows what happened. So far he's withheld the claws...
FYI, these dogs are really treeing coon hounds, but they also will run rabbits and even coyotes. I don't hunt raccoons, but I do have some coyote problems. The dogs don't actually kill their prey, they just chase it. In the case of rabbits, the rabbits easily outrun the dogs, but when they circle back to their den, that's when you have the opportunity to pick them off. The no-kill behaviour is evident in the way she chases Lou. She'll get him under the bed, or up on the counter, and howl like crazy. She won't bite him even if he whacks her good.
awwww..cute little thing!!!
Love that you will train it too - fun stuff!
My cats have bonded more in retaliation against the puppy so it has it's good points I suppose. Puppy still thinks they want to play. We have just recently gotten to the point where Puppy can lay down and stare at the older cat staring back at her between two rooms. Baby steps.