dlowan wrote:Chai wrote:hmmm...
I do this this as similar to how some other countries portray, the US, for instance.
Austria is full of sex fiends and hold deep dark secrets
The US is comprised of illiterate cud chewing fatsos.
I was reading something the other day on a link provided by news of this horrid story, that 1 out of 6 Austrian girls are sexually abused.
Is this true, or just another exaggeration? I don't know.
The figuresmostly quoted for the western world are from one to four to one in six.
Austria, if its figures are accurate (for obvious reasons these are estimates based on shaky data), is doing pretty well.
I do have to ask something dlowan. The figure for the western world...one in four or one in six, is that for incest, or does it include girls that are abused, but by someone other than a close relative?
The figure stated for Austria (I just looked up that article again) said it was for "within the home"