I lived with a Green Amazon. This website would have been a GREAT resource back then.
He was a great bird but, he had his issues and I think now it perhaps because we didn't do the nighttime thing well enough with him.
He DEMANDED attention. He didn't care if he was supposed to be sleeping. If that TV or radio was on he was going to mimic it or talk loudly over it in any way that he could. He was funny because he spoke both Spanish and English and would put them together REALLY loud to get your attention.
He messed with people all the time too. If anyone knocked on the door he would do this silly "Hello...Hello.. is anyone there?" thing even if no one else was home. Friends said it made them nuts.
He didn't poop all over the place but, he did poop here and there and I never really did like cleaning up bird poo. It was a constant thing to be on top of.
He did like flying around the living and dining room but, not much further and if a bunch of friends were there playing cards or whatever around the table - he was getting in on the action. It was hysterical.
He also had a tendency to bite though. Which made us get rid of him in the end.
The person who took him made the mistake of leaving him alone and with the run of the place all day. He got bored and started chewing on everything and eventually died of lead paint poisoning. Sad.