Mon 14 Apr, 2008 10:00 am
This woman is compassionate, kind, and loving. She has fostered a sense of giving in her life and in the lives of others. Her whole focus revolves around sharing and giving and being positive. She built a frickin' school in Africa, for pete's sake.
And despite all that, Oprah Winfrey will burn in hell.
Oprah Winfrey Denies Jesus Christ
Contact: Don Swarthout, President, Christians Reviving America's Values, CRAVE, 859-219-1222, 859-619-2811 Cell
WASHINGTON, April 10 /Christian Newswire/-- On her television show Oprah Winfrey has been pushing a new book by Eckhart Tolle called A New Earth. In fact, Oprah has now taken up preaching as a new past time and has determined in her own mixed-up mind there are now millions of ways to get to heaven.
This is so sad because Oprah is a hero of tens of millions of television viewers and she is expressing her own Biblical beliefs without any understanding of the Bible. Oprah has in effect denied the teachings of the Bible and of Jesus Christ by asking her viewing audience, "How can there be only one way to heaven or to God?"
When a lady in her audience asked, "What about Jesus?" Oprah defiantly answered her by repeating the question, "What about Jesus?" Oprah went on to explain how she had been a Baptist until she heard a charismatic Pastor make the statement that God was a jealous God. She told her viewers in her opinion God was simply love and God being described as a Jealous God made her really stop and think.
Don Swarthout, President of Christians Reviving America's Values said, "Oprah Winfrey has in reality just exposed her own lack of understanding about the God of Christianity. God may be a God of love, but he is also a God of justice and judgment."
Don Swarthout said, "The point is there are millions upon millions of Christians in the United States who thoroughly believe what Jesus taught in the Bible and for Oprah to come out against that teaching so strongly is simply appalling. Oprah should really stop to think before she goes off preaching her own unfounded beliefs to the world on her show."
Rebecca Chadwick, a news contributor for CRAVE said, "All cults share the same premise; they misrepresent the nature of God. Let's pray for Oprah and Tolle... and all those who are lost."
So, who else? I know Ghandi's going to burn. He didn't believe in that Christianity stuff at all.
Ooo Ooo . . . me, me, pick me ! ! !
I figure that there will be far more of us in Hell, and the hours will be a lot shorter as a result. We also won't have to stand around for eternity singing songs about how great that infantile ego-maniac god is . . .
Buddha, don't forget Buddha . . . he'll burn in Hell, too . . .
Setanta wrote:I figure that there will be far more of us in Hell, and the hours will be a lot shorter as a result. We also won't have to stand around for eternity singing songs about how great that infantile ego-maniac god is . . .
My wacky born-again family was all fired up about this Oprah thing this weekend. They said that their the preacher in their church put this video of Oprah talking about her beliefs on the big screen (that these churches have enough money for these expensive toyis a little scary). I don't know what the guy said specifically, but boy, they were all angry about Oprah! The stuff these people find to get fired up about is just too much.
Oh yeah, definitely Buddha. That fat bastard'll be served on a spit with an apple in his mouth at satan's banquet.
kickycan wrote:Oh yeah, definitely Buddha. That fat bastard'll be served on a spit with an apple in his mouth at satan's banquet.
Woohoo! Can I get a little of that thigh meat? And pass the applesauce too!
Oprah has done so much good for mankind --so much! -- and to have Kicky disparage her in such a fashion is beyond contemptible.
Re: Orpah Winfrey will burn in hell
kickycan wrote:Oprah Winfrey Denies Jesus Christ
Contact: Don Swarthout, President, Christians Reviving America's Values, CRAVE, 859-219-1222, 859-619-2811 Cell
WASHINGTON, April 10 /Christian Newswire/-- On her television show Oprah Winfrey has been pushing a new book by Eckhart Tolle called A New Earth. In fact, Oprah has now taken up preaching as a new past time and has determined in her own mixed-up mind there are now millions of ways to get to heaven.
This is so sad because Oprah is a hero of tens of millions of television viewers and she is expressing her own Biblical beliefs without any understanding of the Bible. Oprah has in effect denied the teachings of the Bible and of Jesus Christ by asking her viewing audience, "How can there be only one way to heaven or to God?"
Oh boy! Oprah's gonna take on the southern baptists. This is gonna be fun, there probably hasn't been a bloodbath like this since the civil war. I may actually have to start liking this lady.
Not being a tv person for quite a while now, I only know her by various reportage. I remember taking umbrage (is that a kind of mushroom?) a few times about reports, but not why I did. A couple of friends know her, but we haven't spent any time talking about that.
I agree though, this might make me pay some more attention.
Time for me to pop some of that blue corn popcorn with butter and chile powder, maybe a little garlic and some salt.
Well "O" has my vote. You go girl, get those Southern Baptists.
kickycan wrote:My wacky born-again family was all fired up about this Oprah thing this weekend.
Heh! as soon as I read your first post, I figured you heard about it through the crazy religious relatives.... fundamentalist family members are amusing! I enjoy mine immensely.
Gawd! MSNBC is playing this over and over again. Might as well be an ad for the Christian Right.