honestly every rottweiler ive met has been a big dumb lug.
the sweet kind!
rotts were my first love, when i was tiny tiny.i was 8 id be like wtf this monster is bigger than me! WOW!! dad i want one!
his reply? "**** no"
my other favs are dobermans, just sick, so elegant, but so vicious.
and speaking off big dogs, neapolitan mastiffs are just gorgeous, in person you have to see them, they walk around like a cat, i cant explain it.
i love all these scary dogs as well, but when i own them they are just big babies.
babies that will rip your throat out if u break into my house.
why do i post like this? somedays i paragraph, others i space every line. thats just WEIRD.
You know what I just saw on wikipedia, looking up pit bulls to see what kinds of breeds people lump into that term?
Boxers! What the heck? Do people really think of Boxers as pit bulls?! I've known lots of them, and talk about big, sweet, goofy lugs! ...Weird. I mean, they obviously must have really powerful jaws & everything, you can see that just by looking at them, but jeez. I've never known sweeter dogs.
ive never heard of boxers as pitbull types, i think your referring to the Molosser type dogs, famous from greece back in the day.(can be confusing, because some people canfuse the two terms)
basically, rotts, mastiffs, pitbulls, bulldogs and boxers, the big dogs are molossers. the clumsy ones pretty much, weird that pitbulls are terriers, and are extremely agile.
no pics, no camera! BOOOOO!
the argentina dogo is sick too, think bigger pure white pitbull.
awesome dogs! havent been close to one though, i seen them at the park.
but the famous greek molosser dogs (from asia FYI) were actually more terrier like, agilie and lean.
its not until they mix with those monk dogs that they get their huge bulk im pretty sure.
And another thing, if there are wolves in europe, why did euopeans get such different dogs than asians?
asians got dogs on lock for real, until the brits, brits breed good dogs as well. the best actually until pitbulls. which i think are more american? wait no thats not right, back in the day bulldogs used to look more like todays pitbulls. thats where we get them from... terriers and bulldogs i think..?
gah i cant remember exactly. anyways im off to wiki as well.
Yeah, check out the wiki page on pit bulls--they really do list Boxers as a pit-type.
edit: well, I should say, they list them as a breed people think of as a pit bull. But I've never heard that at all. Seems like people know a Boxer when they see one...