We bought a dryer from my cousins friend when we moved here.
We stored it for about 6 months before we moved.. so all together we have had it for maybe 2 1/2 years at best??
yesterday we had a small storm first thing in the morning with lightning.
When I woke up, I could not turn on our dryer.
The only reason the storm needs to be mentioned is because we live in a 35 year old building whos wiring can not handle a vacuum cleaner + microwave on one wall.
We figured out that a breaker blew, so we reset it and Voila.. dryer works.
Went to push the dryer back against the wall and when the exhause pipe touched the dryer .. KA-BOOM.

BIG ones
Blew out the entire apartment.
Now the vent tube... or what ever you call that thing that hooks to the back of the dryer and to the wall to let out the hot air... was NOT connected to the dryer while we were pushing it back.
In fact, the vent tube only touched the bottom of the dryer where the tube was supposed to be hooked to it anyway.
Dryer does not turn on now at all..
No breakers are blown either.
Is it strange that the bottom of the dryer would have that much charge in it?