Rockhead wrote:Now ya know what I go through, Kicky...
A. Kid said penis...
:wink: :wink: :wink: Thanks RH and I'm going to go post a T'Pau video right now.
It's a tie right now, with 3 votes for each video and 2 for GO **** YOURSELF.
Whatever will we do if there is a tie? Someone else has to vote soon to break the tie!!!
Anyone? I'll give you a dollar.
I'll vote for GO **** YOURSELF
Very funny, TTH! Now we have a 3-way tie!
Anyone else want to vote?
oh TTH, how cruel you can be.

Poor Kicky! Hey Kicky, if I could have voted twice, I would have gotten you out of this mess, but my hands are tied.
That TTH is a bad girl
Give me two bucks and you can video Montana and me!
Hey, don't I get a say in the matter?
Sorry Tryst, but I've already got video of ME and Montana, and that's worth waaaay more than two bucks.
Montana wrote:Hey, don't I get a say in the matter?
Montana, just so you know, if you'd like to get it on with tryst and send me the video, I will not hold it against you at all. You do what you want, girl!
Kicky, I was serious when I told you that you were the only one that I will ever do video with. You're my very special, one and only video sex boy ;-)
Ok Montana, you drive a hard bargain; you can have artistic control and European rights; but the shower scene stays!
Sorry Tryst, I am hopelessly devoted to my king Kicky stud man.
To hell with the stupid video contest.
<tackles Montana and starts humping furiously like a horny chihuaha>
I understand Montana, gay men have a certain fascinationÂ…good luck!
Tryst, I will let that gay comment slide if you vote in the contest.
If not, however, I will be forced to prove my manliness by singing showtunes dressed as Judy Garland until you vomit.
<Rolls around with Kicky like the crazy, sex crazed woman she is. Rips off his cloths and screws him like he's never been screwed before. Pillows explode and feathers flying everywhere>
Thank you, Montana. I've just learned something new, thanks to you. I've learned that it is much harder to concentrate on work when you have a stiff tentpole in your pants.
But don't worry, I'll manage.
<Grabs Montana's hair and yanks it back as he plunges into her from behind like a rabid ferret in heat.>