Hello Zartosht & welcome to A2k.
Perhaps I'm gullible, but I'll assume you're serious about wanting to settle in Australia, your "dreamland"?
My answer to your question is to expect, as does any new-comer to any new country, that a period of adaptation & familiarization will be necessary. You will feel quite pathetic & silly as you go through this process ... much like I did in Italy, Sweden, Indonesia, India, etc , when I first travelled to those places. In other words, when you are new to
any culture, it probably won't make sense to you - and you may not make make too much sense to
them at first, either, most likely.... Of course, over time, these things can change for the better - for both sides. This is a good thing!
I have just one question of you: Just why is Australia your "dreamland? That would be very useful to know. And what is your country of origin?