granted but you will gain it all back threefold.
I wish I had high speed internet.
Granted but you will become an internet nerd.
I wish I could afford to buy a new car.
granted but it's only new to you, it's really somebody else's cast off.
I wish I lived closer to town.
Granted but once there you wished you were back in the country.
I wish I could spend a vacation on a tropical island.
granted but you go during monsoon season.
I wish I lived in a warm climate year round.
Granted but you will be forever sunburnt.
I wish I could make a trip on an ocean liner.
Granted, but you'lll never see land again.
I wish I wasn't stubborn.
Granted but you'll agree with everything, good or bad, in future.
I wish my bills would go away.
Granted, but so will your home.
I wish I still had perfect vision.
granted, but your hearing goes.
I wish my bedroom closet was clean and organized.
Granted but you won't be able to open the door.
I wish I could visit NH in winter.
Granted, but the worst blizzard in 100 years will hit, and you'll be stranded in a cabin, without electricity or running water, for over a week.
I wish I could clone my dog.
Granted, but the malfunctioning clone machine put the ears on its butt.
I wish I had more bookshelves.
Granted, but then you'd generate more dust to clean up...
Wish I could play the flute...
Granted but it will drive all your neighbours away.
I wish someone would paint my house.
Granted but they paint it lime green and purple.
I wish for good weather for my son's game today.
Granted but it will rain during the rest of your vacation.
I wish I could solve a difficult cryptic puzzle I'm doing.
Granted, you solve this puzzle but fail on all the rest.
I wish someone would refill my coffee cup.
Granted, but you'll never get up again.
I wish summer wasn't so short.
granted, but you get no summer at all.
I wish Jazzie would stop whining.