Wed 27 Aug, 2003 06:34 am
Sure did, Amethyst - just at 7.30 pm our time - almost 3 hours ago - when it was supposed to be closer to Earth than any time in the last 60,000 years, I think they said.
Looked wonderful...
"The chances of anything coming from Mars are a hundred to one, he said......"
It claims Mars rises at 7:30 and could be seen all night, why cant I see that beauty?wierd.....
I am going to go outside now, see if have a chance, seeya...
Wow!!!!!!!!! The mars- real beauty. I can see it with naked eyes. It is much bigger and lighter than other stars in spite of many winking stars on sky. It is kinda like a orange bulb.
It walks about 30 *c in 2 hours.
Now I can see it in house, just need to open window.
I wonder if there are any martians looking at Earth through telescopes these past few days because after all, we are closer to them than we have been in 60,000 years....... I wonder if they discuss how a race of intelligent beings, if indeed Earth possesses any, can possibly sustain life on such a wet planet......I wonder if in Martian mythology Earth is the god of self indulgence..... I wonder where my dealer got this weed, it's great!!! :wink:
The thoughts of your average matian:
Hmm..that looks like a handy bit of DNA to absorb into my genome. And look at all this wonderful inorganic carbon to munch on ..yummm yummm!
I've been looking at it for a while now. Every night I can see it from my bed. Tonight I intend to go out and see if (as they predict) I can see my shadow from it.
another night no moon and we can't find mars. my cubs in particular are very frustrated.
It was a little cloudy last night and though Mars shone through pretty brightly, it wasn't bright enough to cast shadows. I'll look for it tonight. Such a cool, eerie event that would be...
Martian, accidently I used to sign my Location with `a freak Not from Mars`in a website. Well, but not now. That night, I am thinking maybe I can trade with a martian if there exsits some.
Haven't been able to see it. It's been cloudy every evening for quite a few nites now. We'll keep trying.
It worked. I just seen Mars. Bright red and blinking away to beat the band. I watched it till it disappeared over the southern horizon.
About 30 degrees above the southern horizon, bear, so probably 35 or maybe 40 degrees where you are.
I went out to see it several times throughout the week.
I give up. When Bush and Cheney go up there to drill for oil I'll catch it on Fox.
There was a funny letter in yesterday's Times, the only one I've seen about Mars. Some guy in New Jersey complaining about all the fuss about a little orange spot in the sky. I read it several times, assuming he was being funny? ironical? But no, dead serious, it seemed. Very glad the Times printed the letter. It shows the vast gulf between people with imagination (and the joy they get out of life) and the others who are still wondering, in middle age, Huh? Life is sposed to be inneresting??!
It's not the green man FROM Mars
Photo credit: Wade B. Clark, Jr.
but astromer Dennis Mammana of Californis, painted green by a flashlight, who points out Mars to onlookers on Aug. 26th.
Tell me, does it or does it not have a red tone to it? My husband pointed out what he said was Mars last nite and altho' it was exceptionally bright, it wasn't red or even pink and I disputed him. Do I owe him an apology? According to Walter's photo above, there is no color to it.