Re: Which water softener to go for?
Gary Slusser wrote:I suggest you decide if you want to be a DIYer and buy equipment and install and repair it yourself or if you want to be tied to and dependent on a local dealer. If you want to be independent, then look for a correctly sized softener using a Clack WS-1 control valve. Zozzie took my suggestion and although he has had a problem with his softener, it is not control valve related.
You mention me in here so I'll give Bibi another $0.10 of my findings and opinions. I'm very wary of any salesperson's claims and take most of them (wait for the massive pun here!) with a grain of salt. I can't believe I said that! The water treatment industry (as with car sales, insurance and retro fit windows) doesn't have a very good track record. When I hear prices on this forum of $3000 for a water conditioner I shake my head. But poor slobs are buying these every day.
I did a lot of very rushed homework, blew through the Home Depot where the "associate" knew nothing of the boxed unit on his shelf and I passed though the local Water Depot where the lady on the desk (the bossman wasn't around) had never heard the word "Clack" that I dropped. After I bought my unit mail order (not from Gary but up here in Canada) I found that that local Water Depot ONLY sold Clack-head softeners. Dohhh! I would have bought from them just for the fact that I could talk to them in person.
But what I've found in talking to both my M/O dealer and the local storefront guy is that, probably to save themselves any combacks and callbacks, that they advise setting up the softener in a very conservative and wasteful condition. I will explain.
Please don't correct me on my figures here. I'm just using them as an example. I bought a 1 cu ft unit based on low family numbers (2), low water usage (in hindsight - 84gpd for both of us). This unit, when programed to its maximum capacity will give about 30,000 grains of softening ability when 15 lbs of salt is used per regeneration. I gave both the sellers my info and they BOTH suggested 10lbs of salt and to set the compu at 28,000 grains on a 1 cu ft unit.
So I do my homework and find (from the onboard Diagnostics in my Clack) that we use an average of 84 gpd (this is very low) which with a 20 grains hardness needs 1680 grains per day of softening ability or 13440 per week. That's a WHOLE lot less than the 28,000 that they suggested. I can easily generate 13440 with 4lbs of salt. Which is about 60% less than what they suggested.
But as Gary mentioned, and is well docummented in my thread, I had a valve assembly issue (top resin basket not locked in place, 1/2 my resin has been flushed during the Backwash cycle) and I've yet to receive a full week of soft water. New resin is supposed to be on its way.
Where I'm going with all this is to advise the original poster BiBi from my hindsight. BiBi, if you haven't done so already, read through the threads here on this fine forum, even the sniping between the experts, and absorb all they say. Then you will get a general feeling of what is out there and depending on your comfort factor and mechanical ability, you will make your choice based on knowledge gained.
Before you do shop around, try messing around with Gary's sizer and calculator on his website -
When armed with this info you will be better armed when a salesperson (mail order OR storefront) starts to tell you stuff. Hopefully you will be able to sort bull from truth.
Then when you do have your unit, don't blindly accept any standardized settings. Learn how to program your unit and how to tailor it for YOU. I can't speak about Fleck and I won't put Fleck down in any way as I know nothing about them but with my Clack I can go into Diagnostics and see weeks of history of water usage like max flow rate, gallons used, days used etcetera. This only helps with your databank of knowledge.
Also - get a sample of
your water tested. Like an idiot (I didn't know better) I let my M/O guy
tell me what my hardness was. He told me it was 12.5 grains. I finally got it tested - it's 20.
Have fun Bibi. I am but then I'm a techno-sponge.
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