Wed 30 Jan, 2008 02:05 am
My cat has been up a tree now for 8 days!
I hear him howling every morning and evening.
He's up about 50 feet (maybe more) in a forest of pine trees which are about 100 feet tall.
I cannot tell for sure which tree he is up but because there are no low branches I can estimate his minimum hight.
There is no way in hell you can get a ladder or a bucket truck or any other device to get up there as the tree is smack dab in the middle of a forest of pines on a super steep grade.
I cannot chop the tree down or it will fall on my house and I cannot tell with certainty which tree he is in as he is up so high and the trees are so close together.
A pro tree climber, assuming I could get one at all in this snow storm, would cost too much and would not have any assurance of results in any case.
Tuna left a the bottom has not worked nor has a white sheet left at the bottom nor has calling to him.
I've called the SPCA / Fire Dept / Police and read bunches of stuff on the 'net, all to no avail.
I figure he is going to weaken to the point of falling and die soon.
I assume there is a bit of water around in the form of snow/rain? He won't die of thirst and cats can go a very long time without food.
He WILL come down before he dies. Sounds like a big scaredy cat
Time will tell but I've heard of cat's weakening in the cold and then falling to their death. There are many coyotes in the area, and if he does come down alive, there is a pretty good chance he will be taken as prey.
No doubt the coyotes know where he is and are waiting...........he's no scaredy-cat and the chances are pretty damn good he climbed the tree to escape the coyotes.
In that case, set up some lanterns so he knows it is safe to come down??
If you can't see him, chances are he can't see you.
Just a thought - coyotes are something out of Roadrunner to me.
Lanterns in the forest, in the deep snow, 300 feet from my house, up a really steep grade. Possible I guess, I wonder the cat gives a damn if there is a light at night at the bottom of the tree?
It could just as easily screw up his excellent night vision as help, no?
Coyotes are all over the place here, they pick off our cats regularly!
Hmm, does sound a bit daft when you put it like that.
Plan B - shoot the coyotes?
If it's snowing and he falls, he will be fine.
Just keep checking unless he freezes to death.
Just curious from your avatar, Chumly - you're not a linesman, are you?
Yeah I've thought about getting a hunting license and a gun and taking some of them out (if it's all legal and whatnot I don't know) but that's a lot of work and time and money and it's really-really hard to see them.
I would find hunting coyotes kind'a wet and cold and boring........
It's probably a lot easier to trap them (if it's all legal and whatnot I don't know) except you are going to get coon and bobcat and dog and cat in your traps as well.
I take it that's racoon?
Coon ain't a nice word here - means n*gger
Coon = Raccoon
No blacks 'round here..........blood.
East Indians OTOH are now here in such volumes you'd swear you've moved to New Delhi.
What this has to do with Skunky the cat's immanent demise though, is a question best left for the ages.
Skunky the cat's question for the ages might be best answered with.........."how the hell do I get down?"
OK - here's plan C... set fire to a few of the trees. The coyotes will scarper and the cat WILL come down
Are the coyotes eating the tuna?
Oh ****.
The only way I have ever got a cat down is by squirting it.
That clearly isn't an option here.
I so wish I had an idea!!!!!
Call a tree removal business. They will come climb the tree if the money is right. Used to be about $100 to fell a tree and haul it off. Certainly couldn't be more than that for felling a cat.
Good idea, squinney!
What do you think, Chumly?
Thanks, msolga. Now where's Chumly?
Ack! What a terrible situation. Must make you want to keep your cats inside full-time.
squinney wrote:Thanks, msolga. Now where's Chumly?
I know, I
know, squinney!
I'm becoming mightily anxious here, waiting, waiting ...
Save the cat, Chumly! Come on, time is running out!
I came home and there was Stinky, at the front door, suffering from a huge decrease in body mass, hungry and thirsty as all-hell!
He would no stop howling, and gulping water and horking food pellets; all at the same time.
I suspect he fell out of the tree and the deep snow broke his fall.
He was up for 10 days!