Why Mahmoud Abbas is the Beast of Revelation 13.

Reply Fri 25 Jan, 2008 05:00 pm
Why Mahmoud Abbas is the Beast of Revelation 13.

The most important issue that must be resolved in discovering the meaning of
Revelation 13 is which people are being discussed. If the wrong people are
associated with the prophecies of Revelation 13 its answer can never be found.
The people being referred to in Revelation 13 are the Palestinians. Once this is
decided three questions have to be answered; why, how and who.

Why do the Palestinian people lack the ability to buy and sell?
Due to the Hamas takeover of the Palestinian Government, Western Aid was

How will the Palestinian people receive funds in order to buy and sell?
Through a program called the Temporary International Mechanism that bypasses
the Hamas controlled Palestinian Authority. This program was established on
Friday June 16, 2006. This date 6/16/06 represents the day that one man was
allowed to administer a program that paid the salaries of his people.
This is an
amazing coincidence. There are only three days in ten years that end with three
sixes; June 6, June 16, and June 26.

Who will provide these salaries to the Palestinians?
Western Aid was resumed through the office of Mahmoud Abbas due to the
Temporary International Mechanism.

Also, what group will be prevented from getting money because they did not
receive the mark?

The mark of Mahmoud Abbas was issued in the Palestinian Presidential Election
of January 2005. To prevent double voting an indelible ink mark was applied to the
right hand of all voters. Since Hamas boycotted these elections their members
never received the mark. Revelation 13:16 states that he caused all, small and
great, rich and poor, and free and bond to receive a mark in their right hand or in
their foreheads. Simply by being a candidate, Mahmoud Abbas caused his
people to receive the mark. Anyone who voted, either for him, or against him, were
there because of him.

Hamas will not honor the image of Mahmoud Abbas, therefore all salaries are
being given to Fatah, the party of Mahmoud Abbas. The image is what the
Palestinian Authority under Mahmoud Abbas represents.
This image of Abbas is required by the international community to continue peace
talks with Israel. This image is three items. These are the renunciation of terror,
the honoring of all prior Palestinian agreements, and the recognition of Israel,
which can also be expressed as the acceptance of the two-state solution based
on the 1967 borders. If these ideas are not followed, honored or worshipped;
those individuals will be killed. This is happening to Hamas daily.

I added the word worshipped here because that is the word used by the King James
Bible translators.It also means to honor.

So here is the sum of the matter. Mahmoud Abbas, in his name, was allowed to
pay his people through a program created on a date that ended in three sixes.
He was elected to his people by popular vote and caused his people to take a
mark. This mark was given to everyone, even those in Israeli jails, who voted.
Christians were always taught these basic principles except, I have linked the
number 666 with his name, while prior teaching had the mark as 666 engraved.

Lastly, why is it important that these facts be stated?
The reason is fulfilled prophecy written centuries ago can only mean one thing.
The author of that prophecy has to be God.
Also, it distinguishes
between a true and a false religion. These are the two most important issues in
this writing. May your faith be stronger. The blessings of God to all who
understand. WOE
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anton bonnier
Reply Fri 25 Jan, 2008 05:27 pm
epharaim said, quote...

Lastly, why is it important that these facts be stated?
The reason is fulfilled prophecy written centuries ago can only mean one thing.
The author of that prophecy has to be God. Also, it distinguishes
between a true and a false religion. These are the two most important issues in
this writing. May your faith be stronger. The blessings of God to all who
understand. WOE. Unquote

Now you have told us what you think?-believe?-guess?-surmrise?-have been told?-dreampt?.
wich one is it??
0 Replies
Reply Fri 25 Jan, 2008 05:28 pm
Busma tried this one earlier.

The date 16/06/06 is meaningless - 666 is the sum of his name, and the number of a man, not a date.

Both Hewbrew and Roman were numerical languages (and if I remember right Greek also).

Are Hamas unable to buy or sell? You never stated this outright, but skirted around the issue saying they weren't involved in particular aspects of trading. Aren't they receiving funding from Iran?

Is indelible ink like a tatoo? If not - How long does it take to fade? Or has it faded already?
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Joe Nation
Reply Fri 25 Jan, 2008 06:58 pm
If the sheiks in Saudi Arabia cared one wit for their Muslim brothers in Gaza, they would provide all the funds necessary to support the creation of a working economy there.

They could do it without spending more than 2% of their yearly oil income.

But they are too busy or something.

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real life
Reply Sat 26 Jan, 2008 07:33 am
Joe Nation wrote:
If the sheiks in Saudi Arabia cared one wit for their Muslim brothers in Gaza, they would provide all the funds necessary to support the creation of a working economy there.

They could do it without spending more than 2% of their yearly oil income.

But they are too busy or something.


Why should the Saudis be held responsible for the Palestinians welfare just because they may share a common ancestry or a common belief?

Are you responsible for the welfare of all atheists in (fill in the name of the country your ancestors lived in before they came to America) ?

Do you care one wit for them?

Common ancestry and common belief. Why aren't you shelling out for them? Or they for you?

Is that all liberals ever think about , that one's money is fair game for any other who can make a claim on it?

Liberals are quite good at making themselves appear generous by spending Other People's Money. They are hooked on OPM. OPM makes them feel so good about themselves.

I find it amazing that a moral relativist would tell others how they should live, and why they are bad people if they don't live as they are 'supposed to'.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Jan, 2008 11:05 am
I don't know for a fact that Joe is an atheist, and i suspect that neither do you "real life." Joe has a good point, however, for reasons which you apparently are content to overlook. Even before the Great War, there was a movement of "pan-Arabism" in the middle east, but it was mostly anemic because one could not work up all that much resentment against the Turks, who were, after all, Muslim, and mostly successful at guaranteeing the safety of pilgrims to Mecca and Medina, which was the hallmark of authority in the middle east.

With the collapse of the Osmanli Empire and the withdrawal of the Turks after 1918, the authority of protecting pilgrims was up for grabs, and the Ibn Saud clan cemented its authority in two ways--the first was to guarantee the safety of pilgrims, and the second was an appeal to their religious credentials because of the intermarriage with the Ibn Wahhab clan two centuries earlier. It was in the period after the Great War, during the European mandates that pan-Arabism became a large political movement, and grew to exercise great authority in the public opinion of the middle east. The Young Officer movements in what is now Iraq, Syria, the Lebanon and Egypt were a direct product of pan-Arab political movements, and political organizations such as the Ba'ath Arab Socialist Party also trace their origin to pan-Arab political and social movements.

For nearly a century, authority in the Arab world of the middle east has been an outgrowth of religious legitimacy and support for the pan-Arab concept. The Arab League seeks always to produce consensus for the policies of all nations governed by Arab Muslims. The Sunni fundamentalists Wahhabis of Saudi Arabia provide millions of dollars of support for Muslim terrorists, and yet you suggest that the Arabs of Saudi Arabia are not their brothers' keepers. What a pathetic morality you possess "real life." All of the members of the Arab League call for the support of the Palestinian people against the policies of Israel. One of the most notable failures of the state of Israel to live up to its obligations as clearly enunciated in the United Nations 1947 General Assembly Resolution 181 which created the state of Israel (apart from stealing people's outright land and running them out of the country) was to form an economic and customs union with the Arab people of Palestine. What better way for Arab states, especially the oil-rich states of the Arabian peninsula and the Persian Gulf, to actually provide support for the Palestinians than direct financial aid? Saudi Arabia already spends billions elsewhere in the Muslim world, most notably in Egypt, to provide public housing, job training, medical care--all because of their recognition of an obligation to other Muslims of Arab descent.

Joe has a good point. That your ignorance of the history of the middle east (apparently equivalent to your scientific ignorance) prevents you from seeing that does not invalidate his point. Your attempt at an analogy with atheists is just one more demonstration (which, believe me, we did not need) of your inability to effectively deploy logic, and your predictable christian hatefulness.
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real life
Reply Sat 26 Jan, 2008 11:37 am
You have made no case that the Saudis have an obligation to financially support the residents of Gaza.

Nor that such financial support would lead to 'the creation of a working economy there' -- which was Joe's complaint. (when was the last time that welfare created a working economy instead of creating dependents?)

It matters not how much the Saudis give to others.

What they do with their money is their business.

Why can't liberals mind their own business (as they claim all others should do) and stop trying to spend Other People's Money?

It is simply an exercise in trying to make oneself look compassionate and generous while not lifting one's own finger to help.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Jan, 2008 11:49 am
And you know that your snotty, hateful (and therefore, typically christian) description of "liberals" is accurate because?

In fact, to a certain extent, i agree with you. It is the responsibility of Israel to create a working economy in the Gaza Strip. That, after all, is a responsibility which Israel was given in General Assembly Resolution 181 which created the state of Israel in 1947. There is no reason, however, that it should not be accomplished with Saudi funds, given that the Saudis already spend billions on such aid elsewhere. The reasonable inferential conclusion which one reaches about why the Saudis don't do this, though, for those wo are well informed about the history of the middle east (which does not include you), is that it is in the political interests of those who hate the state of Israel to have an impoverished and militant Palestinian population on the scene.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Jan, 2008 12:27 pm
real life wrote:
Joe Nation wrote:
If the sheiks in Saudi Arabia cared one wit for their Muslim brothers in Gaza, they would provide all the funds necessary to support the creation of a working economy there.

They could do it without spending more than 2% of their yearly oil income.

But they are too busy or something.


Why should the Saudis be held responsible for the Palestinians welfare just because they may share a common ancestry or a common belief?

Are you responsible for the welfare of all atheists in (fill in the name of the country your ancestors lived in before they came to America) ?

Do you care one wit for them?

Common ancestry and common belief. Why aren't you shelling out for them? Or they for you?

Is that all liberals ever think about , that one's money is fair game for any other who can make a claim on it?

Liberals are quite good at making themselves appear generous by spending Other People's Money. They are hooked on OPM. OPM makes them feel so good about themselves.

I find it amazing that a moral relativist would tell others how they should live, and why they are bad people if they don't live as they are 'supposed to'.

How about the liberals tax money that was used for $583 billion on the Military in 2007 by Bush or the $499.4 billion spent by or the fiscal year 2006, which ended last September, the Pentagon spent.

Here are figures on what the christian conservative war profiteers are doing. Blood and suffering for power and money. Thats not god. Thats satanism

National Security Outlays in Fiscal Year 2006

(billions of dollars)
Department of Defense 499.4
Department of Energy (nuclear weapons & environ. cleanup) 16.6
Department of State 25.3
Department of Veterans Affairs 69.8
Department of Homeland Security 69.1
Department of Justice (1/3 of FBI) 1.9
Department of the Treasury (for Military Retirement Fund) 38.5
National Aeronautics & Space Administration (1/2 of total) 7.6
Net interest attributable to past debt-financed defense outlays 206.7
Total 934.9

Source: Author's classifications and calculations; basic data from U.S. Office of Management and Budget, Budget of the United States Government, Fiscal Year 2008 and U.S. Bureau of the Census, Historical Statistics of the United States, Colonial Times to 1970.


And whats this? How many atheist liberal tax dollars are taken and spent against our will for the christian, conservative, religious
war, death for money machine?

Cost to U.S. Taxpayers of U.S.
Aid to Israel

Grand Total

Interest Costs Borne by U.S.

Total Cost to U.S. Taxpayers

Total Taxpayer Cost per Israeli


I sure wish my atheist liberal kids could have this money back for education and food insdead of killing other peoples kids for record profit for Halliburton. Which by the way moved their headquaters to an Saudi country where they could avoid American law.

Your blind christian consent and ignorance makes HELL possible for many good peopl and their kids all over the world and it's done with liberal atheist money.

God knows this and he is watching you and the men you follow.
0 Replies
real life
Reply Sat 26 Jan, 2008 03:15 pm
Hi Amigo,

Your assumptions about what I do and do not support and condone are faulty.

I do know this, that America was attacked 4 times ( at least ) by terrorists during the Clinton years, and we did nothing about it.

When the attacks on 9/11 occurred , GWB made a decision to clean out the rats nest that is the Middle East.

Saddam financed and supported terrorists for years, he gassed his own people and filled mass graves with his enemies.

The people of Iraq now have an elected government for the first time in decades.

Has all been good? Of course not.

There's been PLENTY of mistakes made, and if you think that during wartime is the only time that clever and corrupt people figure out a way to suck off the government teat , then you're pretty naive.
0 Replies
real life
Reply Sat 26 Jan, 2008 03:31 pm
Setanta wrote:
And you know that your snotty, hateful (and therefore, typically christian) description of "liberals" is accurate because?

In fact, to a certain extent, i agree with you. It is the responsibility of Israel to create a working economy in the Gaza Strip. That, after all, is a responsibility which Israel was given in General Assembly Resolution 181 which created the state of Israel in 1947. There is no reason, however, that it should not be accomplished with Saudi funds[/u], given that the Saudis already spend billions on such aid elsewhere. The reasonable inferential conclusion which one reaches about why the Saudis don't do this, though, for those wo are well informed about the history of the middle east (which does not include you), is that it is in the political interests of those who hate the state of Israel to have an impoverished and militant Palestinian population on the scene.
[size=8](emphasis mine)[/size]

There is no reason, eh?

How 'bout the fact that they have a right to spend their own money as they wish, not as you think best?

What gives you the right to dictate how others spend their money?

You say they recognize they have an 'obligation' to do so.

Based on what?

If it is a religious obligation, ought they not have the freedom to follow their religion as they see it, not as you see it?

It certainly isn't a legal obligation, so just what type of obligation do you speak of and what makes you the judge of whether they fulfill their obligations or not?

You talk of 'subjective morality' and everyone deciding for themselves what is right.

Then why don't you practice what you preach and let them decide what they should do without your interference?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Jan, 2008 03:32 pm
About the gassing


Also mentions that Iraq was taken off the list of state sponsors for terrorism at the time.

Seems Iraq was put back on the list sometime after the US imposed sanctions that contributed to the deaths of 1 million Iraqi's (though I can't find an exact date for the listing - anyone?), and lead directly to the impoverisment of the nation.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Jan, 2008 05:47 pm
real life wrote:
There is no reason, eh?

How 'bout the fact that they have a right to spend their own money as they wish, not as you think best?

What gives you the right to dictate how others spend their money?

You say they recognize they have an 'obligation' to do so.

Based on what?

If it is a religious obligation, ought they not have the freedom to follow their religion as they see it, not as you see it?

It certainly isn't a legal obligation, so just what type of obligation do you speak of and what makes you the judge of whether they fulfill their obligations or not?

You talk of 'subjective morality' and everyone deciding for themselves what is right.

Then why don't you practice what you preach and let them decide what they should do without your interference?

The obligation is not one which i suggest is imposed on them based upon "morality," but rather an observation that they themselves have stated that there is a pan-Arabic concept of unity, for which they have been willing to spend billions in other countries, but not one red cent for the Palestinians. It is unsurprising to me that you willfully ignored, or (more likely) failed to understand the references to pan-Arabism and the Arab League. I don't speak of "subjective morality," that's just more of your typical distortion. I simply point out that all morality is subjectively derived. I have at no time advocated that society be organized on a principle of everyone deciding for themselves what is right. I have consistently stated that i support the concept of a social contract, which is the establishment of a subjective moral consensus. Moron.

You can continue to ignore the point i have made that the Saudis preach pan-Arabism, and are willing to spend billions on Arab Muslims everywhere, except the Palestinians. Your track record here of opinionated ignorance and the obtuse inability to understand anything with which you do not agree is well enough established that no one will be surprised.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Jan, 2008 05:53 pm
Setanta wrote:

0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Jan, 2008 06:09 pm
Turd smoker.

I still recall that early morning when you briefly replaced your muscle head avatar with the picture of a guy dancing in a club. You don't even remotely resemble the idiot in the picture you now have returned to.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Jan, 2008 06:15 pm
Setanta wrote:
Turd smoker.

I still recall that early morning when you briefly replaced your muscle head avatar with the picture of a guy dancing in a club. You don't even remotely resemble the idiot in the picture you now have returned to.


I don't even remotely resemble the idiot in the picture you're thinking of, dumbass.

And, trust me, you don't want to start talking about what we look like, tubby.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Jan, 2008 06:48 pm
real life wrote:
Hi Amigo,

Your assumptions about what I do and do not support and condone are faulty.

I do know this, that America was attacked 4 times ( at least ) by terrorists during the Clinton years, and we did nothing about it.

When the attacks on 9/11 occurred , GWB made a decision to clean out the rats nest that is the Middle East.

Saddam financed and supported terrorists for years, he gassed his own people and filled mass graves with his enemies.

The people of Iraq now have an elected government for the first time in decades.

Has all been good? Of course not.

There's been PLENTY of mistakes made, and if you think that during wartime is the only time that clever and corrupt people figure out a way to suck off the government teat , then you're pretty naive.
0 Replies
real life
Reply Sat 26 Jan, 2008 07:26 pm
Setanta wrote:
real life wrote:
There is no reason, eh?

How 'bout the fact that they have a right to spend their own money as they wish, not as you think best?

What gives you the right to dictate how others spend their money?

You say they recognize they have an 'obligation' to do so.

Based on what?

If it is a religious obligation, ought they not have the freedom to follow their religion as they see it, not as you see it?

It certainly isn't a legal obligation, so just what type of obligation do you speak of and what makes you the judge of whether they fulfill their obligations or not?

You talk of 'subjective morality' and everyone deciding for themselves what is right.

Then why don't you practice what you preach and let them decide what they should do without your interference?

The obligation is not one which i suggest is imposed on them based upon "morality," but rather an observation that they themselves have stated that there is a pan-Arabic concept of unity, for which they have been willing to spend billions in other countries, but not one red cent for the Palestinians. It is unsurprising to me that you willfully ignored, or (more likely) failed to understand the references to pan-Arabism and the Arab League. I don't speak of "subjective morality," that's just more of your typical distortion. I simply point out that all morality is subjectively derived. I have at no time advocated that society be organized on a principle of everyone deciding for themselves what is right. I have consistently stated that i support the concept of a social contract, which is the establishment of a subjective moral consensus. Moron.

You can continue to ignore the point i have made that the Saudis preach pan-Arabism, and are willing to spend billions on Arab Muslims everywhere, except the Palestinians. Your track record here of opinionated ignorance and the obtuse inability to understand anything with which you do not agree is well enough established that no one will be surprised.

Yes, I understand the concept of Arab unity very well. I can also understand why the Saudis would not want to throw their money down a rat hole in Gaza. It's their choice because it's their money.

If the Saudis are more interested in an Arab region that is built on commerce and accomodation with the West, rather than one that is centered on conflict with Israel and terrorism, why should they not be free to direct their own resources toward the end they seek?

Are you better able to define the kind of pan-Arab unity that they desire than they are? I think not.

If they have imposed upon themselves an obligation, do you think you are better equipped than they to know what that entails and how to achieve it?

Give your own money to the Palestinians if you think it's such a great idea. Let others spend their own.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Jan, 2008 08:11 pm
Saying that it is Israel's responsibility to create a working economy in Gaza is like saying the Nazis should have created working economies in the Polish ghettos.
0 Replies
real life
Reply Sat 26 Jan, 2008 08:30 pm
Tigershark wrote:
Saying that it is Israel's responsibility to create a working economy in Gaza is like saying the Nazis should have created working economies in the Polish ghettos.


What class of people has Israel built gas chambers for?

Did Germany occupy Poland after Germany was attacked and had to defend itself?
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