real life wrote:Joe Nation wrote:If the sheiks in Saudi Arabia cared one wit for their Muslim brothers in Gaza, they would provide all the funds necessary to support the creation of a working economy there.
They could do it without spending more than 2% of their yearly oil income.
But they are too busy or something.
Why should the Saudis be held responsible for the Palestinians welfare just because they may share a common ancestry or a common belief?
Are you responsible for the welfare of all atheists in (fill in the name of the country your ancestors lived in before they came to America) ?
Do you care one wit for them?
Common ancestry and common belief. Why aren't you shelling out for them? Or they for you?
Is that all liberals ever think about , that one's money is fair game for any other who can make a claim on it?
Liberals are quite good at making themselves appear generous by spending Other People's Money. They are hooked on OPM. OPM makes them feel so good about themselves.
I find it amazing that a moral relativist would tell others how they should live, and why they are bad people if they don't live as they are 'supposed to'.
How about the liberals tax money that was used for $583 billion on the Military in 2007 by Bush or the $499.4 billion spent by or the fiscal year 2006, which ended last September, the Pentagon spent.
Here are figures on what the christian conservative war profiteers are doing. Blood and suffering for power and money. Thats not god. Thats satanism
National Security Outlays in Fiscal Year 2006
(billions of dollars)
Department of Defense 499.4
Department of Energy (nuclear weapons & environ. cleanup) 16.6
Department of State 25.3
Department of Veterans Affairs 69.8
Department of Homeland Security 69.1
Department of Justice (1/3 of FBI) 1.9
Department of the Treasury (for Military Retirement Fund) 38.5
National Aeronautics & Space Administration (1/2 of total) 7.6
Net interest attributable to past debt-financed defense outlays 206.7
Total 934.9
Source: Author's classifications and calculations; basic data from U.S. Office of Management and Budget, Budget of the United States Government, Fiscal Year 2008 and U.S. Bureau of the Census, Historical Statistics of the United States, Colonial Times to 1970.
And whats this? How many atheist liberal tax dollars are taken and spent against our will for the christian, conservative, religious
war, death for money machine?
Cost to U.S. Taxpayers of U.S.
Aid to Israel
Grand Total
Interest Costs Borne by U.S.
Total Cost to U.S. Taxpayers
Total Taxpayer Cost per Israeli
I sure wish my atheist liberal kids could have this money back for education and food insdead of killing other peoples kids for record profit for Halliburton. Which by the way moved their headquaters to an Saudi country where they could avoid American law.
Your blind christian consent and ignorance makes HELL possible for many good peopl and their kids all over the world and it's done with liberal atheist money.
God knows this and he is watching you and the men you follow.