I beg to differ with "reasoning without feeling is illogical"
Because feeling without reasoning has caused much suffering in the world today
For instance, Africa!
The Western world, aka Albert Schwitzer et al, brought modern (western) health care to millions.
Consequently, due to pre natal care and a few calories and vitamins, more pregnancies were brought to term.
Due to more advanced child care and a few more calories more children survived than would have under "normal" circumstances.
Technology without education brought more poverty; and guns, and politics.
Now millions of people are suffering and dying of starvation, wars, displacements etc.
Would not it have been kinder if these millions had never been born or raised till the size of weaponry fit their physique. (till they could carry a gun or a body bomb)
The wars and genocides in Congo, Ethiopia, Rwanda,and Sudan, amongst others, should be laid at the feet of those (primarily religious institutions) who insured that people would be born and survive long enough to kill somebody else.
What is the point of "Save the Children" (a charity) if when they are saved there are no jobs for them, no place for them to live, and nobody to educate them so that they can make their way in the world
I suggest that all persons who wish to provide pre natal care, vaccinations and food for children be required to post a bond sufficient to ensure an education and a commensurate job for the children that they, in, their infernal wisdom, have decided to keep alive!
The cruelty of a person who is willing to save a child but unwilling to provide a place for him as he grows to adulthood is simply to terrible to contemplate.
If one thinks that we will have a place for him (the surviving child) just check the immigration rules in Canada, the US, England, Germany, Australia, Brazil, Argentina, and a few other countries that still have some room and some opportunities.
So for those reasons, although "pure logic" is cold it causes much less suffering amongst humanity than "pure emotion (feelings).
Respectfully submitted for your perusal, Mech
Damn, that seems cold doesn't it? But the results would be nicer for everybody, probably even the "unborn".