Some people think the circle contains a little picture of the Earth,
Africa with Europe above it. But they are merely projecting their own
strange and peculiar thoughts onto the image.
Most of the icons are really designed to be intuitively obvious:

-- We have no idea what this topic is about. Maybe you can figure it out for us.

-- A burning hot throbbing question that's fibrillating to entice your desire, yearning for an answer to it's pulsating needs.

-- A question that's been asked 'til it's blue in the face.

-- Don't ask. Don't tell.

-- Warning! Danger Will Robinson!

-- The danger has faded. Worry some, but not as much as before.

-- Egyptian pyramids are involved. Please be careful.

-- The pyramid is closed, someone died of anology (suffocation due to lack of ideas).

-- Personal baggage is required.

-- Wealthy, blue-blooded handbags only.

-- Wet paint. Don't blame us if it gets messy.

-- Blue Man Group. Bring an apron.

-- Warning: hats with pom-poms may be collected.

-- Look, a glass of orange juice. You are getting thirsty ... very thirsty.
Other icons reflect what kind of person has made this post:

= Not much good in the snow (low snow quotient).

= Enjoys snowing people a lot.

= Person enjoys turning sideways and "vogue"ing for their dinner.

= Enjoys evening activities with others.

= Owns their own doghouse (oowwwWWWwww).

= Aims high, but usually runs away as fast as they can. (Run away! Run away!)

= They're gone now. Everybody's been "missin' 'em".

= Abbreviation for "I See Questions". They are everywhere. We are very puzzled.

= If you don't like the news, go out and make something up. (Don't bother with sources, just be convincing).