Sat 23 Aug, 2003 06:10 pm
maybe a forum for ppl who like to built things like electroncs and such...I know I can't be the only 1.
from the description I read it doesnt seem to fit
Good thing descriptions aren't written in stone. ;-)
well maybe it needs changed lol
Perhaps we could call the new forum engineering ie
Terraforming Mars is a cakewalk compared to terraforming Venus. I figure a wall with a circumferance of about 3000 KM around both the North and South pole of Venus. High enough to prevent already rare surface winds from blowing from mid latitudes into the polar regions. This should cool the polar regions about 50 degree c. Some statite sun shades at about moon distance would cool the polar regions another 200 degrees c. Some flying green algae (in the upper atmosphere where it is as cool as 10 degree c) would form a permanent cloud that would cool the polar regions another 50 degree c. It would be necessary to supply the algae with water and fertilizer. The leftovers and dead algae would mostly land inside the polar walls due to the permanent polar down draft of Venus. The elevation inside the walls would increase cooling perhaps another 10 degrees c. That might be cool enough for genetically altered humans who would need to tolerate almost 90 times sea level air pressure which is mostly carbon dioxide. Only about 2/10% free oxygen (produced by the green algae) would be needed for the humans because of the very high pressure.
A prosthesis would be necessary to remove carbon dioxide from the blood. The early rain in the polar regions would be mostly sulpheric acid which needs to be trapped between impervious layers, otherwise it will leak under the wall and flash to vapor in the still 500 degree c temperature of the mid latitudes.
With incredible amounts of mony this might only take a thousand years. It may take a million years for the algae and polar surface plants to remove most of the carbon dioxide from the atmosphere making it suitable for ordinary humans. Neil
Reminds me of the old Heath kits we used to put together. I did a quick search for Heath Kits and found this site that might be of interest.
Heath Kit Company - Build It Yourself Electronics
Maybe a more general category for Hobbies and Crafts would be a good addition to the boards. I've often thought we needed a crafting forum.
Hobbies and Crafts is a very good idea.
I, too, like the Hobbie and Crafts idea.