Her Brittanic Majesty Queen Elizabeth II is the head of state so I think some credit is due to the dear Lady.
The killing of whales and the trade in their flesh disgusts me as does the killing and trade in the flesh of all animals. I can't look at a butcher's shop window without pangs of remorse darting flaming spears into my heart.
A leg of lamb is the worst. It might have been gambolling in the spring sunshine with its Mum looking on approvingly and its little cute tail going fifty-to-the dozen. And there it hangs waiting to be purchased by a lady for a dinner party later on where it will appear in the centre of the table, still sizzling, ready to be sliced for the guests and, with a touch of mint sauce, and gravy of course, guzzled down accompanied by subtle (usually--if its a posh dinner party) low and soft moans of pleasure from whence it is transferred by peristalic reflex from the oral cavity, the pharynx, the esophagus, the stomach, the small and large intestines, aka the puddings, the bowel, the colon, upper and lower, the anus which some call the nipsy, the machinations of the world making invention of Sir John Harrington, the pipes of the processors of such objects and out into the bay where it conveniently makes a feast for the prawns.
By presenting trivial, obviously biased and emotionally driven, useless arguments against such things is actually comforting to the whaling nations because they are so easily shot down by the international lawyers and spokespersons of those engaged in whaling in the council chambers where it matters.
If in such a council the question is raised relating to how whale meat gets into the US and the answer is given that it is by "sleight of hand motivated by the profit motive", any response to it which seeks to identify the docks or the airports or the highways or the ship or the fork truck, probably expressed in a squeaky voice with concommitant indigation overload, would be sniggered at by the jaded, world-weary, free-loading negotiators who are well aware that the question is pointless for obvious reasons and the task at hand is to keep the negotiations going on forever and ever in order to ensure that the free-loading goes on for ever and ever in the sort of salubrious climes and class of hotel to which the participants and their hangers-on have become accustomed to and to widen the scope of the negotiations if possible so that not only can it go on for ever and ever but can expand in size and importance enough so that each delegation is large enough to provide proof that the sex equality legislation is being strictly adhered to.
One might call it Hunting the Taxpayer where the pain is kept just below the toleration level but lasts from the moment one comes of age, or appears on the radar, until the yellowed pages of the last will and testaments have finally been deposited in an institution similar to the one William Burroughs described in one of his crazy books.