The minister obviously mis-spoke - he meant Australia's
Antarctic waters. They do have a 200-mile EEZ (economic zone) in the waters around the Australian Antarctic Territory, and the USGS depends on them for monitoring the vast territory of Eastern Antarctica.
Quote:26 February 2010
A massive iceberg, measuring 78 kilometres long and 39 kilometres wide, has calved from the Mertz Glacier in the Australian Antarctic Territory......
Btw, Ms Olga, the posts here with information on maps, sea lanes, energy and other natural resources, are in no way a digression on your topic. They are of vital importance for whales and dolphins: you recall they need to migrate to summer / winter fishing grounds, and must accordingly take their chances with ships, drilling platforms, other man-made obstructions in addition to Japanese and Norwegian whalers.
Even political and military issues are relevant to the survival of the several species of endangered cetaceans - the Falklands being only the latest blip on that screen (see also link on Mrs Clinton on previous page, and btw I'm in London now and her statement is highly criticized front-page news):