Quote:You can't be "engaged" to somebody you've never met. A couple has to prove that they have met in person and have a genuinely subsisting relationship
Big deal the man or the woman have a short visit as fares across the Atlantic are not all that high.
Mail order/internet order brides are not that uncommon in the US and normally the man will fly to Russia or where ever for a short in person meeting.
Second question how about all the emigration problems from the third world I been hearing England is having up to riots and terrorists attacks from first generation citizens?
I haven't got the time to address all the crap in that question. If it is a question.
Seem a fair number of third world people are being allow to settle in England or am I missing something?
Yes, you are missing plenty.
Seem that large scale immigration from the third world is being allowed and also such settlement are causing some problems.
Strange giving such a hard road to first world persons who wish to settle in the UK and yet this degree of settlement of third worlders is ongoing.
Immigrants riot in London
August 6, 2011By Michael We have another demonstration of the great benefits of mass Third World immigration into Western nations. In addition to crime and poverty, mass immigration also apparently brings social unrest and riots. London, which has long been an experiment in bringing people from all over the planet and putting them in same city together, was the scene of riots this weekend. We are constantly told that Third World immigration “enriches” the West and brings “diversity” to our societies. The native English people of London – those who have not fled to the suburbs – doubtlessly have a different perspective this weekend after the north of their capital was turned into something that resembled a scene from Mad Max. A BBC report on the aftermath of the riot completely censors any information about the racial nature of the violence. Here are pictures of the destruction caused by the rioting immigrants as they set fire to public and private property and destroyed buildings. Police have deployed extra officers in “deprived” areas of the city (which is politically-correct speech for the non-English Third World areas) to prevent further violence and rioting
Hundreds of foreigners arrested for their part in the riots now face deportation.
Immigration Minister Damian Green has promised foreign rioters and looters will be thrown out of Britain at the ‘earliest opportunity’.
Around 150 of the 2,800 people arrested over the looting and arson attacks were born abroad, according to the UK Border Agency.
Deportation: Riot police face a mob in Hackney, north London on August 8, and the Government has pledged to deport any foreign nationals involved in any of the civil disorder
They include a failed asylum seeker who is accused of looting clothes and cash from a branch of department store BHS in Walthamstow, East London.
Tough line: Damian Green, Immigration Minister says that foreigners will be deported 'at the earliest opportunity'
Algerian national Abderazak Boussag, 23, was arrested after police found the fingerprint of his teenage co-defendant at the store and raided his home in Leyton.
Yesterday Immigration Minister Damian Green said: ‘We strongly believe that foreign national lawbreakers should be removed from the UK at the earliest opportunity.
‘We also have the power to cancel the visas of foreign nationals found guilty of criminal activity, and this is something we will be looking to do when cases arise.
‘Last week saw unprecedented criminality on our streets and the courts are now dispensing firm justice to ensure those responsible are punished.’
The move has re-ignited the row over tough sentences being handed to children and adults who took part in the disorder.
Yesterday Bradford East MP David Ward accused Mr Green of headline-grabbing.
‘This almost seems to be a competition to see who can come out with the most macho response' Mr Ward said.
Radicalisation of UK citizens into violent Islamism
There is no straightforward pathway into violent Islamism or support for it, and individual recruits show
a very broad range of socio-demographic characteristics. There are also no clear links between
radicalisation into violent Islamism and an individual’s deprivation or frustrated ambition, as a relatively
large proportion of violent Islamists have been students and graduates. However, increased adoption
of a collective pan-Islamic identity amongst young British Muslims appears to connect the less
deprived to the plight of their fellow Muslims both locally and globally. This heightens sensitivity
towards discrimination and alienation – two of the main factors shown to underlie drift towards
radicalisation into violent Islamist doctrine.
On the basis of the limited evidence available, those aged in their early-20s with low levels of ‘religious
literacy’ and associational networks linking them to existing violent Islamists appear most susceptible to
extremist recruitment. Through violent Islamist doctrine, recruiters provide apparently clear, convincing
and empowering resolutions to recruits’ personal problems and feelings of alienation. Many individuals
are however, ‘self-starters’ who join violent jihad without the influence of recruiters, and instead become
radicalised through pre-existing small friendship groups influenced by shared conceptions of injustice
and various violent Islamist-based media (books, internet sites and films). Conviction data suggest that
UK-based al-Qaeda-inspired ‘cells’ consist of between two and 13 members, but are likely to be larger
than the data imply since more marginal members may not have been convicted. There may also be
various ‘shades’ of support for violent Islamism with no clear dividing lines between those that do and
those that do not hold knowledge about, or are involved in, terrorist-related activities.
Radicalisation into violent Islam occurs at particular sites, in particular: prisons, universities, Islamic
book shops; mosques; Islamic study groups; visits to Afghanistan and Pakistan; inflammatory film,
literature and internet sites, and in friendship and family networks. Many convicted plot members
made visits to Pakistan but this appeared to occur following their radicalisation and its potential
influence is unknown. Further, whilst most of those found guilty of terrorist-related offences are male,
a small number of British Muslim women have been convicted for support roles.
Politics and legislation
As a result of 9/11, 7/7, and due to the nebulous and changing shape of the threat posed by al-
Qaeda, the UK government has adapted and updated counter-terrorist legislation originally introduced
to counter the threat of Northern Irish terrorism. The Prevention of Terrorism Act 2005, the Terrorism
Act 2006, and intensified usage of prescriptions in the Terrorism Act 2000 are the principal
components. These Acts of Parliament made it possible to charge, imprison and/or deport those
suspected of inciting violent Islamism, and to prosecute those found in possession of terrorist-related
material or found assisting terrorist operations. Aspects of the new legislation may however,
inadvertently undermine relations between British Muslim communities and the police and state,
impeding effective intelligence and contributing to a general drift towards, rather than away from,
support for violent Islamism. These aspects include:
intensified use of Section 44 stop and search;
ambiguous laws pertaining to non-disclosure, support for and glorification of terrorism;