Tue 1 Jan, 2008 03:54 pm
Quite a few needed here please
28a. Vacuum flask - DE?ar
63a. Recently - ?e???
141a. Expat Irish Mercenaries - Wild Ge?se (is it Geese?)
54d. Study of Flags - Vex?l?o?ogy
52d. Sanitised text - B???l?r?sed
89d. Erotic Brazil Dance - L?m?a?a
Hi Sweda
A Happy New Year to you.
28a = dewar
63a = newly
141a = geese
54d = vexillology
52d = bowdlerised
89d = lambada
Trust someone will verify. Good luck.
January Demon
Thanks Dutchy for the reply,
Ive missed one 56d. Insensitivity to pain - an?l?e?ia
Hi Sweda
56d = analgesia
And now back back to work Sweda!
Ciao dutchy
I have the same answers as Dutchy :wink:
Jan Demon
Thanks Dutchy and Mrs Greene for the reply.
I can now complete this one and send it off.
Next is the Stinker which I always leave till last.
P.s. Dutchy - I come in at least 1and half hours before start time
and work off my own bat. ( no extra pay for it) All the others have
to do is swan in and sit at their desks because everything is done for them.
Arn't they lucky!!!
Thanks again
Can u help me too please? I have very few resourses and have come uo against a brick wall this month.
6 a Church cellar (is this crypt?)
24 a Outlying fort (is this redoubt) just confirmed this one for myself.
31 d Rehearsal (day something I think)
Lindy, you have 6a & 24a correct. Can you please give me how many letters for rehearsal because my entry has already gone in. I don't remember it starting with day, but give me what you have (like the format of the original post) and I will try to get back to you asap (if dutchy doesnt beat me to it, lol).
Hi Lindy
Welcome to a2k.
I concur with Mrs. Green's submission.
31d = DRYRUN"
GoodLuck with your entry.
Thank you Dutchy and Mrs Green for your help. I just guessed that it was day ? and dry run makes sense der!!!
I was up last night until after midnight trying to find answers to posh and reverse thrust but to no avail. I
40 d Idealised buccolic setting (a?c?d?a)
26a Posh (Pu?ka) is this pukka??
Many thanks again
Dutchy and Mrs Green
I should have previewed what I sent to you, sorry. I finally figured out the reverse thrust - Retro hense why I did not ask for the answer.
Hi Lindy
40d = arcadia
26a = pukka
19a = retro
Hope this helps.
You beat me to it again Dutchy
Hi lindy, 40d is arcadia, to site , Hi everybody , seato
Hi seato
Welcome to a2k, hope you enjoy your stay.