I'm on the prowl too Slappy, I'll toast one to ya!
Marty ... Rockhead sends this (as he is image-challenged), and wishes you a wonderful New Year.
And I wish you a Happy New Year, too.
Hopefully at midnight I'll only be seeing one instead of two of those.
I am going right around the corner to our neighbors. I will probably wear sweatpants as we have a special agreement this year to dress in slippers and comfort wear. I am making dips right now-a new one called buffalo chicken dip is really a hit here with the kids. They have been tasting...
urs53 wrote:Florida sounds great, Joe. We will have to do that some day.
We will spend the evening with German, Swedish, Italian and American friends in Frommern which is a part of our town. BigDice will make roast beef and potatoes au gratin Swedish style.
And I will probably wear black jeans, a black shirt and something silvery underneath that.
Ein frohes neues Jahr!
recipe for the potatoes au gratin Swedish style please!
Happy New Year
plantress wrote:I am going right around the corner to our neighbors. I will probably wear sweatpants as we have a special agreement this year to dress in slippers and comfort wear. I am making dips right now-a new one called buffalo chicken dip is really a hit here with the kids. They have been tasting...
what is in the buffalo chicken dip. i do a lot of potluck and am always looking for something new and tasty.
Happy New Years
I'll be going to a early New Years Eve church service. I will wear a black suit and tie with white shirt. Afterwards, I will be going to a potluck party with members of three congregations. I am taking a couple of shrimp platters and a cheese and cracker platter with condiments.
I expect to be home by 1:00 am and will attend a New Years morning church service before coming home for a nice dinner.
I hope to enjoy some nice red wine.
Happy New Year to everyone. I hope you all have a great time and arrive back home safely.
Happy New Year to you as well Intrepid :-D
Have fun :-D
Happy New Years to All.
Am off to Volcano to pay my respects to Madam Pele.
going nowhere, wearing something comfortable
were beginning to have lambs (we had 2sets last evening) so, well be on a night check on the barns. Tomorrow we have a firehouse saur kraut dinner to help out at, but one of us will have to leave periodically to check back on the ewes.
Be wearing coveralls and Bean boots
Going to the neighbourhood pub with sister and a couple of friends. Wearing my classic black, but nothing fancy.
Beginning to have lambs? In December? Is that usual?
We're not doing anything, although it is our first New Year's Eve on our new, earlier schedule, which kind of sucks. (Used to be that staying up until midnight was no big deal, now it is.)
since we came back early from vacation, we bred the ewes early. This way we will have finished lambs for the Greek Easetr.
How neat! Sitting in the barn and waiting for new life to be born on
New Years Eve. Can't get better than that!
Come to think of, my brother was born on January 1.
Going to the local Thai place if it's open (it's within walking distance), wearing jeans and a tee and a lot of other layers because it's Bahstin and it's freakin' cold here. Then back home for Champagne and chocolate-covered brandied cherries.
CJ, we have an intercom and a wide angle security camera. While we have to be alert, we only check the barn every hour or so, or unless we here the characteristics grunts of a pre-delivery mama.
We have little plywood fenced labor pens that we outfit with a 60 W light. This is just enough to prevent chilling but not enough to make the lambs unable to adjust to the outside air.
Were due to have our first arctic blasts on Thurs. When these fronts come through, e usually ahve a big batch of lambs born during the fronts arrival.
farmerman, so they (lambs) don't need to be kept warm at a certain
room temperature? Must be harsh coming from the warm womb into
the arctic air. Poor lambs!
Happy New Year everyone!!