All Things Work Together For Good

Reply Sat 29 Dec, 2007 02:19 pm
All Things Work Together For Good

John ch. 5.

There are believers in the world who are afraid of the wind, the rain and the sun; there are believers who are afraid of illness; there are believers who get offended by everything, and thus always seek their due; if you invite them to dinner, they want the first seats to the right of the host; if you invite them to a concert or a lecture, they also try to take the first seats there. Those believers can be likened to a virgin who loves her suitor, marries him, yet asks herself whether he will love her. Why does she marry him when she doubts? Since she doubts, she should not marry. What sort of bread should you eat? Eat only the bread which contains vital power. All other kinds of bread which do not bear this vital power, should be put aside. - What shall we do without bread? - You will stay hungry. If the spider can stay hungry for six whole months and believe; he will not die, because food will come from somewhere, why should not a rational man, who listens to the Word of God, hunger for two or three days? It has been proved that man can pass in absolute fast for forty days. Therefore, man must recognize the truth in life and not deceive himself.

In contemporary life there exist certain false "facts." People must discriminate the true from the false. Much of the misunderstanding among people is due to these false "facts." I shall cite an example) to show what these may cause. When a minister is appointed to some large parish in America, the decision is usually made by voting. At one time the question of electing a minister for such a parish was raised. However, a rumor was spread among the people of the parish that the minister they had elected had the habit of parting his hair in the middle, as women do. All unanimously expressed their opinion that they did not want a minister who combed his hair that way. The meeting decided that before making their final decision about the minister, they would call him in person and take a look at him. When he appeared before them, they were all surprised - he was utterly bald. In the same way, many people dispute about questions which do not even exist.

"All things work together for good" - says the Scripture. Therefore, whatever happens in the life of man, good or evil, is good in the end. Good and evil are the two sides of one whole. Evil is the external side of the good, while good is the inner side of good itself. Since the external side of the good always becomes stained, it is called evil. The internal side of the good can never be stained, that is why it is called good. However, no matter how we may speak about the evil and the good, they will always remain unexplained. There are things which can not be explained by words. They are inwardly understood, they are perceived, felt and accepted, but they cannot be explained by any means. How, for instance, can you explain what the tone "do" represents? Who could take the tone do, re or some other tone, in its absolute purity? These are elementary things which can not be performed. If you can not take these tones as you should, then wish to perform something in the name of Christ. You say that you believe in Christ. Test your faith. Go to some seriously ill person and wish him to get well in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. If he is already in a recuperative state, he will rise from his bed, but if he is seriously ill, your words and desire for him to be well will not produce a result.

Therefore, it is not sufficient only to say that you believe; you must test your faith. You will say that every person can sing. It is easy to say that, but have you ever tried to sing? Everyone must sing, but everyone cannot sing. When the thought of a person lacks something essential, he can not sing. He who cannot sing, can not value the good either - he is not a tactful person. Singing uplifts the spirit of man and creates a good disposition in him. In general, the Bulgarians are not very musical. In the past they have been more musical. No Bulgarian has created something original or immortal in music. How many Bulgarian singers or musicians can earn their living in a foreign country? You will say that a talent can be manifested in any country. Do you know what a talent depends on? Every talent depends upon the faith of man. What kind of faith is that, which wavers at the least trial? Someone wants to sing in public, but he wavers as soon as he goes to the platform - he does not believe in his ability to sing. Unless a talent is supported by faith, it cannot be manifested. After studying and working for a long time, you can appear on the platform believing that you can sing and play. If you do not believe that you can sing, and yet you sing, your talent can not be correctly manifested, for you have no faith.

When some people cannot sing as they should, they begin to excuse themselves on the grounds that they have not practiced or studied sufficiently. If that is true, then let them practice and study. Excuses cannot justify them. You will say that you have listened to angelic choirs and know what good singing means. In comparison with human singing, the angelic song is unsurpassed. The angels are excellent singers. It says in the Scriptures that when Christ was born, a choir of angels came from heaven praising God.

Therefore, you should also sing and go forward. Do not lose time with the life of your ancestors. He who wants to progress, must not live in the past. There is no greater danger for the disciple than to live in his mistakes of the past. Leave the mistakes aside and go forward. Stop on that which you are doing at the present moment. Ask yourself the question why you are doing this or that thing. If you are eating at this moment, ask yourself why you are eating. Man eats in order to support his organism. Why do you feel? Man feels in order to support the life of his heart. Why do you think? Man thinks in order to support the life of his mind. Everything which is not exercised degenerates. If love does not penetrate the heart as the air fills the lungs, man can not live. The fresh air refreshes and invigorates the lungs; in the same way love rejuvenates man. If love does not visit man, all the organs of his body atrophy. If thought does not activate the human brain, all its cells will atrophy. It is preferable at times for an evil thought to enter the human brain than to have no thought to stimulate it. This may seem contradictory to you, but the contradiction is only for you.

The contradictions of some people are a blessing for others. For instance, the child of one mother is crying, but it is alive, happy and plays all day. The crying of the child is a contradiction for that mother. Another mother's child is dead and does not cry. When that mother sees the crying child, she considers his crying natural. However, it is a contradiction to her why her own child is not crying. Therefore, it is preferable for a man to have contradictions and be alive than not to have contradictions and be dead. It is better for one to make mistakes and have temptations, but to be alive, than not to make mistakes or have temptations, but to be dead. Of what use is the perfection of the dead man?

The present day up-bringing imposes a number of rules on the child which petrify him. Parents say to children: You must not do this! You must not do that! On every side the child is surrounded by rules about what he must not do. When the question arises as to what he must do, he does not know anything. You must know one thing: if you act in a human way, you must be honest, but if you live in a Divine way, you must be just. Honesty is an expression of the human life, while justice is of the Divine life. If someone can not act humanly, or honestly, let him act Divinely, or justly. And inversely, if someone cannot act in a Divine way - justly, let him act in a human way - honestly. Whether or not man acts justly or honestly, he must pay his debts. He must know how to act. The power of man lies in his knowledge. If an archaeologist cannot read the past history of a nation on the ancient monuments, he has no knowledge whatever. If you can not penetrate into the annals of your past life, and by reading them study yourself, where is your power? People are interested in their past life and want to know something about it, but they themselves must come into a knowledge of it. Why? Because the good is very minute in the past of humanity. For eight thousand years, humanity has not made any significant progress. In the life of man up to his fall, there were good things; but after his fall there is nothing worth mentioning. Since you know this, it is better not to be interested in your past. You can judge your past by the sufferings and trials you are passing through today.

Today all people are paying for their past. Someone wants to know whether he has been a king in the past. He has been a king, but he has not been able to rule; that is why his head today has turned white. All men must work consciously upon themselves to correct the mistakes of their past. How will they correct their mistakes? By learning to rule their thoughts, feelings and acts. To be king is to rule yourself. Somebody walks and waves his hand around his ear. What does that movement mean? That man is confronting some temptation. Some evil thought has passed through his mind and by waving his hand he thinks that he can free himself from it. But that is not a mechanical act. Things can not be settled in a mechanical way. How can you recognize a temptation? It is known by its odor, just as the flower is known by its fragrance. You can tell a carnation by its aroma without seeing the flower. Every flower is known by its fragrance.

All people must study in school as the little children do. Which school must they attend? Young, adult and old - all must enroll in the Divine School. There is one requirement in that school: all students who enroll there must be as children. When a child first starts school he is open, ready to listen and receive everything the teacher is saying. When a grown-up man goes to school, he has his own specific conceptions and opinions about things; as a result, he meets with contradictions. He is too late for school. Therefore, if you have entered the Great School and meet contradictions, you must know that you are too late and will not be accepted as a student in this School. You can attend it and listen to the lectures, but you can not be a regular student. You must return to that original, infant-state of your soul and listen and accept everything your Teacher is teaching you.

There is an anecdote about an 84 year old grandmother. During her youth, in spite of her great desire to study, she remained ignorant. In her 84th year, however, she was in better conditions and she decided to study. She went to school and entered the teacher's room, turning to one of the teachers with the words: My son, I want to study. - It is very late, grandmother. - Never mind, all my life I have wanted to learn, to read and write, but it is only this year that the chance has come to me. - All right, remain with the children. The old woman was happy that she was going to study at last. The children gathered around her, pushing her and laughing at her, but she did not heed them. She studied, read and wrote with them and even played with them, forgetting her old age. She was not offended by anything in her desire; to study.

Now I advise you also to forget your age and not be offended by anybody, but rather to listen to the Teacher who is teaching you both on the outside and on the inside. Take example from this grandmother. When people laugh at you or blame you, do not be offended. Remember that it does not concern you. However, when they praise you, do not lose your head. Remember that you must pay something for every bit of praise. When someone is praising you, he wants to take something from you.

Some years ago one of the Sofia newspaper editors asked me: "Do you know what the; newspapers write about you?" "I do not know." "They say bad things about you." "Then you may be sure they are not bribed. If they wrote something good, one might suppose that they were bribed." In general, if you speak evil about a person, your conscience is free, because you are not bribed by anyone. When you praise a person, it might be supposed that your conscience is bribed. However, as a man who serves love and the truth, both when you praise and when you rebuke someone, do not sell your conscience by any means. Only he who loves has a right to praise and rebuke. To love a person means to act in the way he would act. A visitor comes to your home who lives according to the Eastern customs. You invite him for dinner and on your table there are dishes, silver forks, spoons and knives. However, the guest acts as he is accustomed to; he breaks the bread with his hands instead of cutting it, and dips it into the dish of food without using any forks or spoons. You immediately give an order to the servants to take away the forks and spoons from the table and the whole family eats the may the guest does.

If you hold to the letter of things, you will make a remark to him that that is not the right way of eating, but love does not go by the letter of things.
Now you have entered the path of perpetual love - the path of the Divine love, and you must act according to its requirements. This love excludes all mistakes. In the love of interruptions, i.e., the human love, many mistakes and crimes are committed. The crimes and misfortunes are due to the fact that man does not submit himself to the Great Principle of life. There is one law in the world and he who diverts from it will inevitably expose himself to suffering and misfortune. Have you ever made the experiment for one day at least not to allow any evil thought in your mind, or any evil feeling in your heart? If one whole day is too long, make the experiment for one hour to see if during that hour you can keep evil from entering into you. How has evil come into the world? It is not allowed to speak about this question. What greater contradiction, indeed, than to meet men and angels sinning and committing crimes, in spite of the fact that they were created by God, the Only perfect Line among the perfect?

How has evil come into life? What is the cause of crimes? A young, handsome youth loves two young maidens. Before he decides upon one of the two, both of them are careful with him, converse well with him and seem to enjoy their mutual understanding. When the young man expresses his preference for one of them, the other one is immediately offended, draws herself away from him, and their relations are spoiled. Why? The evil has entered into their relations. If the mother loves one of her sons more than the others, or if the father loves one of his daughters more than the others, again the crime is born. In order that there may not be criminality in the feelings of people, this is how they must look at things. If you have two rings, the one iron and the other golden, you will prefer the gold one. Everyone would like the golden ring better. If you have two swords, the one iron and the other gold, you will prefer the iron one. If you must defend yourself with one of them, the iron one will do the work better than the golden one.

A man marries a woman who tortures him all his life - she does not give him any freedom to look at anybody. Whatever he does she is dissatisfied with him. He walks from one room into another, sighs and trembles, trying not to say anything which might displease her. She represents iron for him, which constantly presses him. At a certain time a woman-friend of his wife comes to their home, who is of a happy disposition and cheers up the whole house. The man feels contented at last and breathes freely. But soon a new torture begins - why is he happy in the presence of that woman, while in the presence of his wife he is down-hearted and in a bad mood. Who is to blame for that? Which man would not prefer the golden ring to the iron one? Where is the crime in this case? Give freedom to a man, if you want him to love you.
These are facts which exist everywhere in life, both among religious and among worldly people. Until you understand the laws which govern life, you will always meet contradictions. That is the reason why people imagine life in heaven to be like that on earth. They think that there also people are divided into men and women, that they are born, marry and die as they do here. They imagine a kind of human paradise. In heaven there are no men and women. If a man goes to heaven and seeks a woman, he will immediately be sent to earth. If a woman goes to heaven and seeks a man, she will immediately be sent to earth. While you are on earth you can marry, but when you go to heaven, there are no marriages allowed.

What is the difference between the people on earth and those in heaven? People on earth have two horns: one horn re-presents the man and the other represents the woman. People in heaven have no horns. There man is neither man nor woman. Therefore, men and women are necessary on the earth, but not in heaven. The sword is necessary for war, not for peaceful times. Swords, guns and poisonous gases are necessary for wars, but in times of peace they have no application whatever. The peaceful life requires entirely different weapons. In this sense the man and the woman are; weapons with which people make war. The man is one sort of weapon, the woman another. They are dangerous weapons. The woman asks: What shall I be when I go to heaven? You will be neither a man nor a woman. The man asks: What shall I be when I go to heaven? Neither man nor woman. When you see yourselves in heaven then you will know what you represent. There you will be souls come forth from their Creator.

People imagine the spiritual world, or the life of heaven as a peculiar, perverted life. They do not know that the earthly life is perverted and that they must leave it to enter reality. You meet a person and you smile at him. Why? You yourself do not know why. You meet another man and regard him seriously. Why? You do not know that either. At times you smile, in order to make him well disposed and to show him that you care for him. No matter how you act with people, whether you smile or look seriously at them, they will form their opinion of you. What is a smile? A smile is a condition for getting introduced to a person. You smile: that is opening the door of your house. You become serious: that is closing the door of your house. When does a man open his door? In the winter. It is better for a man to open than to close his door. It is better to smile than to look serious. Why is a woman smiling? It is winter and it is cold outside, so she has opened her door. For whom has she opened her door? For the frozen people. When a frozen person goes in, he will warm himself at her hearth, wash his hands and feet with warm water, eat some warm food and go away. What evil is there in that? That woman has no right to smile at any other man than her own husband. This is the old moral which has existed for sight thousand years. This moral is the cause of all the misfortunes among people. The crime does not lie in the smile, but rather in the wrong feelings and thoughts of man.

All people want to be healthy, good and prudent. They are right in wishing that. Health, goodness and prudence are paths for achievement. They are powers by means of which one can attain everything he desires. Only by means of them can he enter heaven. Health in one kind of wealth; the mind is another kind of wealth, and the good is still another. Therefore, there are three ways by which a man can be rich: health, goodness and prudence are three kinds of wealth. In order to be rich in the full sense of the word, or in order for a man may be called "man" in the full sense of the word, he must be at the same time healthy, good and prudent. Make an experiment and you will be convinced of the power of these qualities. Let everyone ask himself whether he has increased the capital of health, his goodness and his mind. These three capitals must increase every day. If they do not increase, man constantly loses something.

Man is sent to earth to work. Therefore he must work whether he is healthy or sick, good or evil, wise or foolish. He must work whether he is young, adult or old. He must work as a man and as a woman, as a father and as a mother, as a master and as a servant. These are states which a man must pass through. In all states man must work, develop and increase his potential. We are not interested in your original state or in how you were originally created.
"All things work together for good." Both evil and good - everything works for good, but everything is not of God. This shows that we live in a perverted and disorderly world. How will order be introduced into this world? Through love. Love puts everything in its place and gives meaning to life. A young man loves a maiden, but her father does not allow her to love him. Who must withdraw in this case, the father or the young man? You will say that it says in the Sacred Book: "One must leave his father and mother and attach himself or herself to the beloved." Therefore, the beloved is the measure of things.

He solves the problems. The beloved represents the great law which directs the whole life. One is the beloved in the world, but he appears in many forms: as a bird, a fish, a tiger, a flower or a fruit. When you see a man clothed in nice clothes and a top hat, you like him. When you see a spider, you do not like it. The One you like in the man is the same One in the spider also. The beloved is everywhere one and the same, but you can not see him. People are strange, indeed! They speak with a person and find him good. They go to the same man as a surgeon who must operate on them, but immediately they say about him that he is bad. How is it possible for one and the same man to be both good and bad? The surgeon wishes them well, he wants to free them of their sufferings. You have broken your leg which the surgeon wants to cure. Who is to blame - you or the surgeon? The one who has broken his leg is to blame, not the surgeon who wants to help him.
I sit in my room and read. All of a sudden, I hear a fly buzzing somewhere.

Turning around, I see it caught in a spider's web, trying hard to get out of it. I turn to the spider with the words: Listen, in my presence I do not allow crimes to take place. Either you will set the fly free, or I shall take my cane and throw you both out of here. You can do anything you want outside, but in my room this is not allowed. The spider looks at me and does not know what to do, to eat the fly or to let it go. There are stubborn spiders which are not easily persuaded. The spider walks around its web and thinks about what to do. Finally, it decides to set the fly free; it starts to cut the cords of the web one after another and sets the fly free. In this way both the fly and the spider are free. After that I ask the spider: Why did you catch the fly? - It is my debtor. It owes me something and I do not let it go until I sequester all its property. - Yes, but if you do not let it go, I shall come with my rod and deal with you as you deserve. You must forgive it its debts and let it go.

The same thing takes place among people. The creditor catches his debtor in his web and does not let him go. The debtor buzzes, struggles, wants to become free, but the creditor does not let him. Then I go between them. I take my rod, i.e., the Divine Lain, and say to the creditor: You will let go of the debtor and forgive his debt, or both of you will go out. I do not allow these crimes before the face of God.

How should we understand this? It is very simple. When you are before the face of God, you must forgive the sins of your brothers. When you are before the face of God, you must forgive all the debts of your brothers - absolutely liquidate them. You can not appear before the face of God, or enter the Kingdom of God until you forgive your brother. What do you do? You say: when I make much money, I shall settle all my affairs and help the poor. Why should you wait for that time? See, all your debtors are poor people. Forgive them their debts and the question is settled. "With what measure ye mete, it shall be meted unto you." Someone goes to God carrying his debtor's bills with him. I say: If you do not tear up these bills this very day, and appear with a clean face before God, both you and your debtors will go out. Today there is an appeal to all Christians to tear up their bills, if they want both they and their debtors to be free. Otherwise, all will be chased out. The rod - the Law of God - will be laid on the backs of all people - both creditors and debtors. It is forbidden to commit crimes in the presence of God! Where is your love, if you commit crimes in His presence?

Now I am pointing out a principle. When you want to appear before the face of God, be ready to do all for Him. Therein lies the fulfillment of His will. If you are not ready to tear up your bills for the sake of God, your love is weak. If you are ready to tear up your bills, I am ready to tear up mine against you. If you are not ready, I am not either. Since you are not ready to tear up the bills of your old ideas and to become rid of the fear of the morrow, I am also not going to tear up my bills. What will become of our life? As soon as you discard your old bills, your life will be set in order. If today when you are before the face of God, you are not ready for heroic deeds, how will you be ready tomorrow? When Christ was on the cross, He tore up all the bills of His debtors and said: "Father, forgive them! They know not what they do." If Christ had not forgiven His debtors, He would not have been able to appear before God or enter the Kingdom of God. Christ was before the face of God and forgave His debtors. If you want to be free and appear pure before God, you must forgive your debtors and say: Lord, forgive them! The greatness of Christ lies in His noble act on the cross. Nailed to the cross hand and foot, He said: "Father, forgive them!"

You will say that you like my talk today, but that is not the important question. It is important that you apply what you hear. Where is the power and love of the Christians who stand before the face of God, but can not tear up their old bills and say: Father, forgive them! After all that, they will go to some righteous man and ask him to pray for them. It is not allowed to pray for a man who is not ready to discard his old bills. The name of God must be sacred for you. When you pronounce this name, you must be ready for all sacrifices. If an illness comes to you, make it come after you and put it to work. As soon as you put it to work, it will leave you. According to me, the illness is nothing but an uninvited guest which has visited you and imposes himself on you - he wants you to bathe and feed him, or amuse him. Five or six persons gather around the sick person and serve him. In reality, it is not the sick man, but rather the sickness they are serving. No medicine must be given to an illness. As soon as it comes to you, say to it: I am going to dig in the vineyard of God. If you want to come with me, you are welcome. If not, goodbye! He who believes in God as a dynamic force will always be healthy.
People today want to be loved. Their desire is right, but it is not sufficient to be loved by a single person. Man represents a microscopic tube through which only a single sunbeam can pass. The sunbeam will contribute something to his life, but the powerful thing in the world is the whole sun.

The light of the whole sun must enter into man and illuminate even the most remote corners of his house. One sunbeam is the love of one man. This love is not sufficient. Love which can not transform man and make him healthy, good and wise, does not deserve its name. Love is that power which transforms man and makes him ready for all sacrifices for the Creator of the universe, for the Sacred One, not a sacrifice for people. Where will you find the Sacred One? He is hidden somewhere deep in the soul of all living beings. A great sacrifice is required of all people, as that of Christ. Of what does this sacrifice consist? When they are nailed on the cross, for the name of God, to say: "Father, forgive them!"

People ask someone: What are you? - I am a Christian. Have you fulfilled all that Christ has preached? Christ has preached self-denial. Have you denied yourself? Christ has said that only he who has given all his possessions to the poor and followed Him, could be His disciple. Have you done that? When Christ was on the cross, He said: "Father, forgive them!" Have you forgiven your debtors? You will say that your time has not yet come. According to me, many of the present-day Christians are too late. If they do not apply the Teaching of Christ today, they will be entirely too late. We do not hold to the letter of the law. Christ's teaching is one of inner sacrifice. Sacrifice yourselves every moment for the One Whose love is perpetual. Christ teaches an inner, true moral, which rests on absolute purity. People speak about love and kisses with embarrassment. Why? Because in their love and kiss there is something covetous. They take, but they do not give. It says in the Scripture: "Greet ye one another with a kiss of charity." The Divine love implies absolute inner purity which gives man hope and a feeling of security, making him bold and resolute. If a kiss can raise the fallen, heal the sick and raise the dead, it is in its place. This is what a "kiss of charity" means.

Christ said: "I did not come to do my own will, but the will of Him Who has sent me." Therefore, every man must realize that he has come to earth to fulfill the will of Him Who has sent him. When you find yourself in a state of great contradictions, and can not solve some problem, say: "The will of God be done!" When you say this, not much time will pass before the problem will be solved. But for that, a complete reliance on God is required. If you all decide in yourselves to do the will of God without doubt or hesitation, your work and problems will all be settled naturally. As soon as your affairs get tangled, you must know that you are fulfilling your own and not the will of God. If you do not voluntarily fulfill the will of God, death will come and, taking you by the neck, will make you give up by force what you can not sacrifice today. Is it not better to fulfill what God wants of you before death has come? By the word "death," I mean Law. It is preferable for man to do the will of God voluntarily than to do it by Law. What will become of us then?

Perform an experiment and you will see. But if we suffer? Do you think you will not suffer, if you do not fulfill the will of God? Does not a rich man stay hungry? Man suffers in spite of his wealth, knowledge and power. The whole of humanity will pass through such sufferings as they have not even thought of. When man does the will of God, he will suffer also, but his sufferings will be meaningful. Sufferings will come to all people without exception. Death will come to all. It is an inevitable act. Many people think that as soon as they leave their bodies, they will immediately be free. They will be as free as a passenger who comes out of a ship and walks straight into the sea. Will he be free in the sea? The sharks are expecting him in the waters which will immediately devour him. If he leaves his body and enters the sea, his condition is dangerous; if he leaves his body and enters the sea port, his condition is good. I wish all of you to come off in the sea port for which a ticket is given you. While you are in the ship, rejoice, think, work and do not hurry to come off until you hear the name of the port for which you have a ticket. When you hear the name of that port, do not lose a minute, but come off the ship and wait in the harbor until another ship comes to take you. The new ship will be nicer and more perfect than the first one.

"As the Father hath taught me, so I speak." Now I shall ask you: Are you ready to set free the flies in your webs? I regard this question as a matter of principle, net personally. The personal questions represent comedies and tragedies in life. I have no inclination either for the comedy, the drama or the tragedy. According to me, the comedy is the simplest thing in the world. The tragedy is full of pretences and artificialities. The drama is a combination of the tragic and the comic. In life the comedy represents the life of man, the drama the good, and the tragedy the mind. Arid in reality, only the wise man meets contradictions. Until he solves these contradictions, his head turns white. The white head is the tragedy in the human life. The woman complains of the man, the man of the woman; they want to commit suicide. This is tragedy. The young maiden threatens the young man that if he does not love her, she will commit suicide. He becomes frightened and hurries to respond to her feelings. There is no reason for fear. But he is afraid of a tragedy. Let him try to cut her finger and make it bleed a little and he will see that she will give up the idea of suicide. When the maiden loves the man, but he does not love her, that is tragedy. And inversely, when a man loves a maiden, but she does not love him, that is also tragedy. When both of them love each other, that is tragi-comedy. When a 120 year old man falls in love with a young maiden, that is tragi-comedy. What better thing can there be for the old man than love? When he loves, he grows young. If a young maiden falls in love with an old man, she becomes wiser. Therefore, the young maiden sacrifices her love, while the old man sacrifices his wisdom or knowledge; in this way there is an interchange between them. In the Divine world this love is the real, harmonious love. There is no better love than this. The love between an old man and a young maiden is pure and free of covetousness.

"All things work together for good." When? When things are done out of love. Sacrifice always out of love and in the name of God. When you act this way, say: "Hallowed be the name of God! The will of God be done! The Kingdom of God come!" Be ready to sacrifice yourselves in the name of God, for the will of God, and for the Kingdom of God! This will elevate your souls and will make you citizens of the Kingdom of God.

Now I threw the flies and spiders out and cleaned your rooms. Do not admit any more flies and spiders in your rooms so that they may not commit crimes before your face!

"The Divine Spirit bears all the blessings of life."

Lecture held by Peter Deunov (Beinsa Douno) on September 3, 1935, 5 A.m. Sofia - Izgrev.

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Reply Tue 8 Jan, 2008 04:38 pm
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Reply Thu 10 Jan, 2008 10:19 am
I see alot of daggers directed at Solve's and Busma's posts.

I wonder why?
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Reply Thu 10 Jan, 2008 07:00 pm
Because they aren't forum posts. They're propaganda. If you were on an automotive forum, you expect to see DISCUSSION topics; questions, answers, debate. If you saw a copy of a speach given by the CEO of Mercedes, it would mean nothing. Its bullshit propoganda that has no place on a forum.

They put these BS sermons on here, then leave and don't discuss anything. They offer NOTHING to the forum community, and if I were a moderator I would have banned them months ago.

Their posts are the purest example of the definition of SPAM and its pathetic. They are no different than people who leave pamphlets and flyers under your windshield wiper at WalMart. Empty, worthless, junk that has no place here.

And yes, I would say the same thing if they were posting agnostic, deist, atheist, or libertarian sermons. Don't try to make this out to be a "persecution of the christians" thing. Its not. Its the most chicken-**** way to try to fulfill the mission, and they're doing it to make themselves feel good.
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Reply Fri 11 Jan, 2008 09:59 pm
I get what your saying curtis. Those pamphlets under the wiper can be quite bothersome, especially if it's a parking ticket! (lol)

Very few of those pamphlets did I ever have much interest in or were beneficial in any way. That's not to say I may have been a bit hasty in crumbling a few up without giving a bit more consideration towards it.

I was'nt implying persecution of any kind. I do wonder why they don't stick around for discussion. Maybe the immediate response has something to do with it? Who knows except .....well you know.

There are far better examples of persecution going on in the world than someone saying "shutup"! lol
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Reply Sat 12 Jan, 2008 05:43 am
Agreed.... and THANK YOU, speaking of parking tickets.... I just remembered I have to move my car... they're doing street cleaning in the morning Smile
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