cj wrote :
Quote:Male dogs are more gourmand anyways, while female dogs are the true gourmet.
ha , i say !
bailey is the haughty one . example : in the morning both bailey and cleo get a charcoal biscuit . so this morning cleo snarfed the charcoal and was ready for anything else that might come her way . bailey "just didn't feel like it " this morning ; no coaxing , no : "it's mine" or : "can cleo have it ? " made any impression upon him :wink: .
cleo was ready to take his charcoal biscuit too - he just put his nose up in the air , indicating : "i don't care what you do ; i won't eat it !!!" .
i even held out one of his favourite biscuits right behind the charcoal biscuit - he just gave me the cold shoulder and an "icy stare" !
i sometimes suspect that he must have "royal ancestors"

"we are not amused" seems to be what his demeanor displays to us ordinary humans .
even when it comes to doing their "business" , the two are distinctly different . cleo runs out , does her business and runs back into the house . bailey first wants some "privacy" , next he performs a sort of ritual dance to find the perfect spot . we still have a few inches of snow on the ground , so first he goes behind some small cedars for some privacy , next comes the rirual of finding the right spot . so he finds a spot , gets ready and sinks into the snow and the cold snow hits his bum ! indignant look over his shoulder and another dance routine for the right spot !
meantime cleo is already back in the house and stretches out on the easy chair with mrs h - and i'm getting cold standing on the porch !