dlowan wrote:dadpad wrote:dlowan wrote:dadpad wrote:Nope sorry you are all not real.
I refuse to believe that you are.
'cept for the wabbit. she's real for sure. I can hear her from here when she gets mad at someone.
I get grumpy a lot, and really angry seldom.
You, koala?
About once or twice a year when people are really really stupid. Like the parents of that baby in Perth
The dryer one?
Today, Left the kid in the car. Went off with friends in another car for 2 hours.
Congrats, Craven - and 'yes', that is obe of the best Christmas cards I've ever read.
[Craven was - ages ago - the first person who wished that I left this site :wink: ]
Craven if you need a dj for your reception let me know. No charge.
Lord God don't we all... :wink:
I've been kind of staying away from posting on this topic, Craven's topic that inspired it and the more recent topic about the changeover in A2K because, really, it's not my show, it's his.
Plus, I lost a long-winded thing I was thinking of posting. To me, that's a pretty sure sign of bombast, that I need to step back and not blather on quite so much.
Here goes.
Running a site of this size and magnitude is never easy. I recall in the first few weeks of A2K and Craven told me, oh, we'll only need one Mod. Heh, not exactly. This thing is bigger than the both of us, bigger than all of us. And so I've had the honor and the privilege of working with a lot of very talented and dedicated people who have reported the spam, pulled the spam, suspended the miscreants, researched the spyware, suggested the featuring, defeaturing and moving, accomplished the featuring, defeaturing and moving, reported the flames, sought to prevent the flames from happening in the first place, asked the questions, provided the answers, made me laugh and cry and overall made this place, in my not so humble opinion, the premier destination online. It's the perfect town that many have never heard of, the gem on the Colorado River. Or the Danube. Or the Thames. Or the Ganges. Or the Charles. Or Lake Michigan. Or or or ....
One thing that may have been lost a bit in the talk of the changes being made in the site is that one of the missions is to make moderation easier for us hamster types. Instead of breaking into the middle of flame wars, a lot of that should go away or at least be diminished as users will be able to filter out the communications they get and will be able to make choices about whether they really want to read postings from a particular person or about a certain topic. A2K will become a more personally tailored experience which should free the Mods to do more that's behind the scenes (pull and prevent spam even faster) and more that's front and center, such as welcoming newbies, answering questions and asking our own questions (hey, we're members, too!). I, for one, look forward to this. Spam, unfortunately, will never really go away and so there will always be a place for moderation. Mods will be as necessary as ever. But this will help us a lot and so we're very excited in Mod Land.
The best is yet to come, my friends.
It's really going to happen? The ability to ignore certain members. I can just imagine the resounding echo someone is going to hear.
roger wrote:It's really going to happen? The ability to ignore certain members. I can just imagine the resounding echo someone is going to hear.
roger you wouldn't put me on ignore would ya buddy?
roger wrote:It's really going to happen? The ability to ignore certain members. I can just imagine the resounding echo someone is going to hear.
Jeez, Roger. I'm sure at least one person will not put me on "ignore." A goil can hope, can't she?
Thank you Craven, Jes and all the many people who work so very hard to keep A2K alive :-D
It truly is a special place, where I've learned so very much, met countless of amazing people and I'm grateful to you all.
I've done a lot of growing up in this place. Hell, I think Craven was around 19 when I grew to know him back on abuzz and now he's headed towards 30

<you can cut the **** any time now craven! You're starting to make me look old>
Now he's getting married and I can't help but wonder where the time went.
Merry/Happy Everything to all :-D
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:roger wrote:It's really going to happen? The ability to ignore certain members. I can just imagine the resounding echo someone is going to hear.
roger you wouldn't put me on ignore would ya buddy?
Not a bit of it. I promise
Will people who are on ignore know it? Or will they just think nobody's answering them?
Can you be a self-satisfied troll if no one notices you?
Craven de Kere wrote:...People like ehBeth, Jespah, dlowan and especially sozobe have taught me so much about EQ that it made me feel downright retarded at times. I'm sure Eva has no idea but she taught me to respect religion in ways I didn't before without ever saying a word to me about it. I'm about to marry a Christian and that might never have been possible given my previous notions...
I wonder how I did that!
Well. Whaddya know. Some girl's getting a kinder and gentler Craven, and apparently I had something to do with it. <shakes head, rubs eyes> If that isn't enough to make someone believe in miracles, I don't know what is.
Congratulations, Craven. I hope she appreciates what she's getting. Do I dare give you a smooch? (I know, I'm testing my luck.)
I just wanted to pop in here and say that I know I'm someone who gets way more than I give here at A2K. I disappear for months, go even more months treating it as read-only, and often post while cranky. That last bit makes me empathize with Craven's cringing -- nothing like having some of your worst moments enshrined on the internet for all to see. Lucky for all it gets buried pretty quickly.
Anyway, just wanted to say thanks to everyone for the site. I know Craven built it and has grand plans for it, but it's just like everything else -- it's good (or not) because of the people. I'm not someone who normally spends a lot of time on forums. In fact, this is the only forum I participate on. And I'm excited about its future and look forward to banging on the first release of the Next Big Thing.
Happy New Year everybody!
Eoe, do you mean that FreeDuck is a homey pigeon?
So, Craven acknowledges that Letty was queen of The Raven's Realm and has inspired him. Thanks, my young friend, and I recall having told you that people were meant to go through life two by two. Glad that you have decided to do so, and may you and your lady have a wonderful life.
From Annabelle Lee AKA Letty.
Happy New Year to all.
Happy New Year to you as well Letty :-D
And everybody else, of course :-D
Not a bit of it, FreeDuck. You, Acquink, farmerman, and precious few others of what I consider the liberal persuasion have the wonderful ability to make me question my own positions. Sometimes.