Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!
Welcome to parenthood, boomer! This is just the beginning. The older they get, the more expensive the gotta-haves.
All 13-year-old SonofEva wants for Christmas is an iPhone.
Yeah, right!
I DON'T EVEN HAVE AN iPHONE!!! And if it's too expensive for me, it's DEFINITELY too expensive for him!
Oh yes, I've told him to pick again. I've told him point blank that unless he gets over this, he's going to ruin his own Christmas, because he is absolutely not going to get an iPhone. No way, no how.
He just stares at me with puppydog eyes and says, "Bbbut, that's all I want. You don't have to get me anything else. I'd be happy with just one present."
Like I said, it gets tougher.
My advice is to tell him upfront they're expensive toys, then get him ONE $20-30 Transformer.
And start saving now for an iPhone.