Sorry to hear that, Edgar. I'm sure Noddy wouldn't mind if you were to pull up a chair and tell her about your friend. I'm listening, if you care to do it here.
He is a very special man, but you would have to spend time with him to know that. His personality and personal traits mark him as special. I met him after his legs had already failed him. He could walk, but it was a slow and painful process. Now, he has lost even that. I always looked forward to his turning in work orders, just for the privelege of visiting with him. Not so many months ago, he and his wife invited the entire staff to the apartment for lunch. He joked that he had to resort to inviting us, just to get the wife to prepare her chile, which he described as the most wonderful in the world. She made up a special salad for the manager, who is a vegetarian. I ate two large bowls of that tasty stuff, and had heartburn the rest of the afternoon - but it was worth it.
I sometimes thought he was Jewish, sometimes Christian. Perhaps they were a mixed couple. Whatever, they were the idealized sort you think of, when putting religion in the best light.
I have to mention, his wife managed him alone for far too long, at the expense to her own health and well being. She had artificial knee surgery and still helped him to move about. She is lucky herself to be walking at all. And, I must add, she is every bit as wonderful a person as is he.
I wish I could introduce them to you all. You would love them the way I do.
They both sound like warm-hearted people, Edgar. How is his wife adjusting to the change? It must be a mixture of emotions for her.
Are they long-time residents of the apartment complex? We've got quite a few like that around here, some have lived here more than 25 years now.
brendalee and I were walking along Bloor Street tonight. We were in the middle of a little mixed adventure of things that we'd enjoyed doing with Noddy in New York - a little bit of shopping (not clothes

), some exotic food, interesting music, and walking. We saw the full moon and gave out a little howl - good thing we were just passing the Brunny and no one would think anything of people howling on the street there.
The moon as I drove to meet brendalee earlier in the evening was spectacular - it looked like it was dropping just over the Bluffs. Because of the weather, it looked a bit like an erased space in the sky. Very cool.
We have had this couple here for perhaps four years.
The wife is holding up, in public, very well, so long as you don't say the wrong things to her. She can easily burst into tears, then. The best thing about this is, the physical part of it has been lifted off her shoulders, which is sure to add years to her life. The great downside is watching her partner of a lifetime slowly slip away. And, he is not ready to give up, although his poor body is.
A small aroo last night before getting into the car. Thinking of her on the phone, with Iffy barking in the background.
the moon thursday night from my back patio
(posted on another thread) Thought it would serve well here
Full Moon for January, 2009
January 11, 03:27
I hope we can see it tonight. I arooed the other night when I could see the sky, and aallmmosstt full moon.
When I think of Noddy, I think of snow falling in the woods and a deer among
the trees.
I think of snowdrops and crocuses just breaking through the snow, around a tree... a new spring dawning. x Thanks George. x
i think of a fairytale little house with a nice little garden in front with lots of spring flowers. and a piglet with wings statue in the middle.
And Iffy. Iffy's gotta be there.
a special howl for screech and the friend who loves him best
arooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo x