Tue 6 Nov, 2007 07:55 pm
Need quite a few answers please
Illegal Irish spirits - ??t?e?
Bayeaux tapestry bishop - O??
Chilean predisent - alle??e
Old fourpence - ??o?t
West India state - ?o?
Colossus Baffler 113
Hi sweda
old fourpence--groat
Bayeax bishop --Odo
Chilean president-- Allende
West India state --Goa
Illegal Irish spirits--poteen
Sorry these answers are in a different order to your post but they are difficult to answer with no numbers.
Regards Tuesday
I have the same answers as as Tuesday :wink:
GL to you both with your entries.
Baffler - Colossus 113
Found 2 more answers needed to finish this please.
W.A's ??on Descent
Decilitres - DL?
P.S. Thanks Tuesday & Mrs Green for the previous answers.
AVON Descent
DLS is the abbreviation of decilitres
Hi Sweda
I have the following:
Illegal Irish spirits - POTEEN
Chilean president - ALLENDE
Bayeaux tapestry bishop - ODO
West India state - GOA
Old fourpence - GROAT
AVON Descent is right - I used to live in WA.
I am looking for a couple myself.
Film makers Joel & Ethan ...
Decilitres - Is it DLS ? I would have expected just DL regardless of plural.
Just found the COEN brothers Joel and Ethan; so that's that one. And DLS looks like being the other one.
Where's Dutchy when you need him to confirm answers!
Yes, it is the COEN brothers. And yes it is DLS... I did my research before submitting my form, lol.
Dutchy won't be on A2K for about another week.
Gl with your entries.
Thanks Mrs Green.
My method is to do what I can; find the rest in the references I have to hand and then go to the Net. No matter where I looked I couldn't find an abbreviated plural for decilitres. Have now completed Baffler and Stinker and can mail them off. Good luck with your entries too.
Baffler - Colossus 113
Thanks, Mrs Green, GrannyLynne, Tuesday and others for the replies
I use the Internet at work (come in early) as I don"t have access any other way. However they have taken the 2 listings I use off as they are woried about viruses. This means you may not hear from me until I can find another computer with Internet access to use.
Thought I would let you all know and thank you for your past help.
Especially Dutchy who has been very helpful.
Thanks again to all,
Cleave Books
Conversion Calculator for Units of
Type in size . . .
select units . . .
cubic metrescubic inchescubic feetcubic yardsfluid ounces (UK)gills (UK)pints (UK)gallons (UK)barrels (oil)millilitres (cc)centilitresdecilitreslitrescubic metresfluid ounces (US)pints (liquid US)gallons (liq. US)pints (dry US)gallons (dry US)bushels (dry US) then press
Values are shown to . . . 3456789significant figures.
*millilitres (mL)
cubic inches
centilitres (cL)
cubic feet
decilitres (dL) -------
cubic yards
litres (L)
cubic metres
fluid ounces (UK)
fluid ounces (US)
gills (UK)
pints (liquid US)
pints (UK)
gallons (liq. US)
gallons (UK)
pints (dry US)