All kinds of odd information here....lovely gal talk, and with men involved...we must be evolving or some such thing.
Heres the thing about the commercials....they are getting to be much like the ...walking through a field of flowers and feeling fresh anytime....roll your eyes type of marketing....but, after years and years of it...I basically ignore it....its just like...soap, one of the things you pick up cuz you have need to advertise, Im gonna be looking in the aisle when I get there. I really am bothered though by the new commercial with the young woman skipping along the sidewalk with the small child...because excersize helps with cramping..and this is some comercial for some product but...not for exercise..I dont know..seems wrong somehow.
There is velcro....on the wings of some...I dont know which ones..but, its something I found know, when you dont expect it...wheres the little removable sticky things? It wasnt there...takes your mind off other things though I guess...and I felt better knowing that it wasnt like...regular velcro but, more soft....thats a bit helpful when your well...suprised to begin with.
I think they should stop the madness on many of the items...all the same colors for absorbency we cant read or perhaps there are times when we are unable to read and can only color coordinate.
Soz...LOTS of updates and changes and different items available now in the US that were never even told to us as young'd be amazed. You should find these new options, they have some interesting points. LOTS of changes to the old ways as well, and product development that has been so really is a great and wonderful thing.
I also dont know about anyone else but, Kotex Serenity just sounds too much like Depends that I almost laughed out loud.
I might be interested in this whole battery a purely scientific way, of course.
Talk about women being happy...woofreakinhoo..thatd put a smile on a few faces...or at least a quirky tick